Early to Bed, Early to Rise
I like getting up early, before anyone else is up and just easing my way into my day.  I enjoy the quiet, sacred time, when it’s just me and my thoughts.  I usually follow the same morning routine.  Drink some water, make the coffee, start my diffuser, do some stretches.  And then I’ll take my coffee over to my chair, get comfy with my blanket and my iPad, and do some writing,  

I keep an ongoing list of “Gratitudes” that I add to all the time.  And I sometimes write to my Dad.  After he passed away, I started writing letters to him, just to let him know how I was doing, and giving him all the news of the family.  It was therapeutic for me.  

I don’t write to him every day now, but I still do every now and then, especially when something momentous or important happens in my life.  I still wish he was here so I could tell him my news.  He was always so interested in what was going on in my life, and the lives of my kids, and he was so proud of all of us. 

Taking that time for myself every morning is something that I just started doing in my 50’s.  I can’t believe it took me so long to figure this out, but I guess, better late than never!  And to be fair, when the kids were younger, I used to think I needed to stay up late so I could have some “down time” or alone time with my hubby.  And then it would be a mad rush in the morning, dragging myself out of bed, getting everyone fed, dressed and ready to go to school and work.  It was often a stress-filled, miserable race to get out the door so we weren’t late.  

What I discovered, albeit later in life, was that I’m a morning person.  I love waking up early.  I love the quiet, watching the sun come up, sitting quietly sipping my coffee and breathing in the essential oils wafting up from my diffuser.   

Sitting there in the quiet is where I do my best thinking.  This practice has honestly make me a better person.  I feel more balanced, focused and nurtured.  I’m able to tackle the day’s challenges with confidence and an energy that I never used to have. 

Who knew that such a small change in my routine could have such a profound impact on my well-being?  Well, as it turns out, lots of people knew this!  There are actual books written on the benefits of getting up earlier and going to bed early!   I’ve read a couple of them, and it makes total sense!  

Making this change in my routine didn’t come easily to me, but once I embraced it, I was so pleasantly surprised at how much that one little change has made me a healthier, happier person.   

Give it a try yourself, and see how you feel!  If you’re like me, you’ll wish you had done it sooner! 


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