Three Ways To Make A Shift and Start Using Essential Oils


Hello Friend, 
Teri Secrest here and I'm so glad you are choosing to make a positive shift in your health today. Helping you achieve your best health ever is my deep passion. What else have you tried for your health before arriving on this page?  If you're like so many others you just haven't found the right combination to really made a difference in your life.  This was me before finding this missing link. As a certified wellness coach for 27 years, my clients have experienced so much success that I believe essential oils will prove to be the most powerful natural health modality in our lifetime!   

If you missed this video, now is a great time to take 4 minutes and learn what essential oils are: 

Here are my suggestions to get started: 

1) Give me a call and let's talk! You can reach me at 830-355-3578.
2) Send a text to 830-355-3578 and let's schedule a wellness assessment. 
3) Quick Start: Choose one of the economical collections below that best suits your needs and get started without delay! We will follow up with you once your order is placed.  

Make a Shift™ Essential Solutions™ Bundle
Start with essential oils! Embark on a life-changing journey alongside your loved ones with the new Make a Shift™ Essential Solutions™ bundle! This comes packed with the most popular Young Living® products, featuring fresh new labels and an exclusive diffuser never offered before.  Created with care under our Seed to Seal® quality commitment, these essential solutions make it easy to say goodbye to harsh chemicals and hello to peace of mind in every room.
Item No. 44357 / Wholesale price: $112  ($100 with using the discount code SHAREYL at check out)
The Make a Shift™ Essential Solutions™ bundle includes:
  • Thieves® essential oil blend, 5 ml
  • Purification® essential oil blend, 5 ml
  • Lavender essential oil, 5 ml
  • Peppermint essential oil, 5 ml
  • Young Living Deep Relief® Roll-On, 10 ml
  • Young Living Stress Away® Roll-On, 10 ml
  • FreshStart™ Diffuser (exclusive to this bundle!)
  • Product insert with simple tips for using everything in the bundle
  • You will receive 24% all future orders for the next 12 months
  • You will ALSO receive an ADDITIONAL 10% discount for using the button below to order.
*Remember to use the code SHAREYL at checkout for your 10% discount!

Make a Shift™ Happy, Healthy Home™ Bundle
Start by kicking toxins out of your home! Transform your home into a chemical-free haven where you and your family can thrive with the Make a Shift Happy, Healthy Home™bundle.  
Inside this Young Living® bundle, you'll find a selection of our most popular Thieves cleaning products, an amber glass spray bottle, and two versatile essential oils.

Item No. 44656 / Wholesale price: $112 
Retail price: $112 ($214.14 value!) / PV: 112 
($100 with using the discount code SHAREYL at check out)
The Make a Shift™ Happy, Healthy Home™ bundle includes:
  • Thieves® essential oil blend, 15 ml
  • Lemon essential oil, 15 ml
  • Thieves® Household Cleaner, 14.4 oz.
  • Amber Spray Bottle
  • Thieves® Laundry Soap
  • Thieves® Kitchen & Bath Scrub
  • Thieves® Dish Soap, 12 oz.
  • You will receive 24% all future orders for the next 12 months
  • You will ALSO receive an ADDITIONAL 10% discount for using the button below to order.
*Remember to use the code SHAREYL at checkout for your 10% discount!

Make a Shift™ Daily Wellness™ Bundle
Start with nutrition! The Make a Shift Daiy Wellness bundle is designed to power your day-to-day with nutritious, naturally derived ingredients.  Inside this Young Living® bundle, you'll find our world-famous NingXia Red® superfruit drink, energizing wolfberry NingXia Nitro® beverage, and Orange and Lime Vitality™ essential oils.  Now you can start infusing your life with flavor and vitality, making every day a little more vibrant.  Nourish your body with our NingXia Red drink that contains antioxidants, support normal energy levels and alertness with our NingXia Nitro® beverage, and unleash the bright citrus flavors of Orange and Lime Vitality™ in your culinary creations.*

Item No. 44655 / Wholesale price: $112
Retail price: $112 ($204.60 value!) / PV: 112
($100 with using the discount code SHAREYL at check out)

The Make a Shift™ Daily Wellness™ bundle includes:
  • NingXia Red® Singles, 30 ct.
  • NingXia Nitro® tubes, 14 ct.
  • Orange Vitality essential oil, 5 ml
  • Lime Vitality® essential oil, 5 m.
  • You will receive 24% all future orders for the next 12 months
  • You will ALSO receive an ADDITIONAL 10% discount for using the button below to order.
*Remember to use the code SHAREYL at checkout for your 10% discount!

Let’s Connect!
Welcome to the wonderful world of essential oils and Young Living! It is a great honor to support you in achieving your best health ever. I will be in contact the momentreceive your order. And feel free to give me a call or text at 830-355-3578 and we can chat about any of your questions. I'm here to be a source of encouragement and education along your health journey. My office hours are Mon - Fri 9am-6pm central time. If I’m away from the phone or on a call just leave a voicemail and I’ll call back as soon as possible. My hope is to make this shift as easy and joyful as possible. 

Welcome to the Young Living family!
Teri Secrest

Getting Back On A Schedule After Vacation Mode


Sometimes when we are away from home we feel like there are no cares in the world. Until . . .  we get home!

Then it seems as if all of life comes swarming back in. Friends call to invite you to dinner, events start pooping up, and before long, your days are filled with endless going and doing. 

So how do you make time for the things you HAVE to get done and then the things you NEED to get done and then things you WANT to do? Well, here are my best tips. 

NUMBER ONE . . . Prioritize 

It’s easy to cram the schedules so full that at the end of the week you feel like you’ve been on a hamster wheel. You those weeks, right? As a home-based business owner, I know the feeling all too well. An event comes up, a friend wants to meet up for lunch, a social group meetup on Monday and ANOTHER one on Thursday. Add in the random birthday party and a dentist appointment all in one week. That’s on top of normal work hours. By the end of the week it's easy to dream of being back on a sunny beach sipping coconut water.

So before you say "yes" to every meet-up group, workout class, church small group and business mastermind, my best suggestion is to PRIORITIZE.


Take a few minutes to sit down and quiet your mind from distractions and sip on something delicious. Then imagine stepping into your perfect fall schedule. What does the perfect week look like on the calendar and feel like emotionally?

Write down a few notes. Imagine feeling fulfilled, yet not drained. Successful but not overworked. Create a scenario where you are valued by those around you - for your time and wisdom and expertise. Picture a scenario where you are loving those around you well and you are receiving love well. All these things are basic needs that we have as human beings. You also need time for self care and reflection. 

I like to take 15 minutes at the end of the day to pray, journal and process the day. Sometimes it takes longer or I devote more time. Why? Because we learn the most from our past experiences, successes and failures by assessing them and then choosing our future course of action. I also enjoy turning on my diffuser with Frankincense essential oil or a blend like Peace & Calming or Stress Away. These help me relax at the end of the day and get in the right mood to process from a place of thoughtfulness rather than responding emotionally to everything that the day might have thrown my way. 

Some basic things to prioritize (aside from your work schedule) may include: 
  • Adequate sleep
  • Healthy meals and meal prepping
  • Hydration - lots and lots of water 
  • Daily exercise
  • Dressing for the day and feeling good about your appearance
  • Quality time with you significant other
  • Social time with family, friends, co-workers
  • Making new friends and expanding your inner circle
  • Reading, writing, researching
  • Playing music, singing, going to see a show
  • A bubble bath - yes, I think weekly bubble baths should be mandatory
You can do the same thing with your work or business. Write a list of priorities that you need to do on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

Now that you have prioritized the work and non-work related things you desire to do, let’s move on to the next step. 


First fill in all the things you HAVE to do. These include:
  • Sleep Hours
  • Work hours
  • Meal time
  • Children's/grandchildren's school hours
  • Prayer and meditation
  • Exercise
  • Date night with a spouse or significant other
  • Other must-do events
Second, fill in the events, meet-ups, dinners, birthday parties, weddings and more that you know you’re planning to attend. 

Third, make a running list of things you need to get done in your spare time. Things like laundry, cleaning the house, mailing a gift or a thank you note to a friend, getting a haircut.

Fourth, make a running list of the things you’d like to fit in as time allows. Things like going to see a movie, catching up with a friend over coffee, cooking an exotic meal, go swimming, take a picnic to the par, visit and art gallery. This fourth list is where you get to dream a bit. 

These are extra lists that you can pull from and add to the calendar as time and anergy allows. Be sure to not get such a running start that you exhaust yourself the first few weeks back in the groove. It’s okay to say NO! Family and friends and work associates need healthy boundaries. This is not an excuse to be lazy, but it is the ability to say “not now, not today, not this week, let’s find another day,” or simply, “that’s not on my priority list right now.”

When I get to this part I like to pull out my Inner Child essential oil blend, take a big whiff while closing my eye and imagining the fun things I look forward to doing. It’s just so uplifting! At the core of who we are as human beings, we are dreamers. Here's a quote from my daughter that gets me excited. 

“Dream BIG and Live Your Dreams!” ~ Elizabeth Rose


At the end of the day, remember that you are a Human BE-ing, not a Human DO-ing.

You were created for family and healthy relationships and being part of a thriving community. It's easy to get isolated and feel alone, however, simply reaching out to a friend to check in on them can be one of the most rewarding things you do that day. You just never know how you can make someone else's day by showing up and being a caring friend. 

Be sure to take time and "smell the roses" as the old saying goes. Life is short and every day is a gift from above. 

I encourage you throughout the day to take time to quiet your mind and simply BE. Be in the moment, be present, soak in the sights and sounds and smells of your environment. You will bet thankful for the experience and learn from it every time.

Let's Connect
I hope this blog is helpful! If you would like to chat more about supporting your healthy lifestyle with essential oils, I would love to chat with you. Feel free to give me a call at 830-355-3578

Teri Secrest

Back To School Support With Young Living KidScents


Calling all parents, teachers and daycare workers! 

Hello, Dear Friends! 🌟🌼

 As we dive into the excitement of the next school semester, I'm thrilled to share some invaluable insights and strategies to bolster our children's educational journey. Just envision bedtime transformed into a serene oasis, study time brimming with unwavering focus 📚💡, and mealtime delivering a cascade of nourishing sustenance for those young, inquisitive minds 🍎🧠.

With each new day, fresh challenges arise, but fret not! You and your children can find strength and vitality by  incorporating trusted Young Living products into your daily routine. 🌿💧

Here's the icing on the cake. Every Young Living product you embrace for your little ones comes with an ironclad assurance - they are void of harmful chemicals 🚫🧪, synthetic additives 🚫🧴, treacherous food colorings 🚫🌈, and any other toxins that might make you stop in your tracks. For those of you who pore over labels with an eagle eye, I urge you to inspect them closely and see for yourself why these products are simply the BEST for you and your family. 🕵️‍♂️🔍

I wholeheartedly believe that by weaving these remarkable products into your daily regimen, you and your family will reap boundless rewards. By instilling in our children the wisdom of natural health solutions from a young age, we are bestowing upon them the precious gift of life long health 🎁💪 and leaving behind a legacy of vitality and wellness that will grace their lives for countless years to come. 🌈🌟

This is the product line specifically formulated by Young Living for children. The essential oil blends of Owie, SniffleEase, GeneYus, SleepyEyes, TummyGize, and KidPower are fabulous for at home use, on the go, and at school.

🌟 Owie - Back-to-school adventures can sometimes lead to bumps and scrapes. Owie is your trusty companion, featuring Idaho Grand Fir, Tea Tree, Helichrysum, Elemi, Cistus, Hinoki, and Clove essential oils. It's your go-to soothing buddy for those playground mishaps and unexpected surprises.

🌬️ SniffleEase - As the school year starts, sniffles may try to sneak in. Don't fret! SniffleEase, with its gentle blend of Eucalyptus, Palo Santo, R.C.™, and other premium essential oils, helps ease feelings of discomfort and supports clear breathing. Keep it close to support a sniffle-free journey.

🧠 GeneYus - Back in the classroom, it's time to focus and stay sharp. GeneYus is here to help. Formulated to promote mental clarity and concentration, this blend is perfect for those study sessions and schoolwork challenges. Apply it, inhale, and let the learning adventures begin.

😴 SleepyIze - After a day filled with learning and exploration, it's essential to wind down for a good night's sleep. SleepyIze, with its exclusive blend of Lavender, Geranium, Roman Chamomile, Bergamot, and other premium essential oils, sets the stage for a calm and peaceful nighttime routine. Ensure your little ones drift off to dreamland with ease, ready for another day of school adventures.

🤢 TummyGize - New school experiences can sometimes bring butterflies to tiny tummies. TummyGize, with its comforting blend of Ginger, Tangerine, Fennel, and other premium essential oils, is the ideal companion to soothe those occasional tummy discomforts. It's like a reassuring hug for their insides, so they can tackle school with confidence.

💪 KidPower - Empower your children with a dose of confidence as they head back to school. KidPower's positive scent can be inhaled by rubbing it on the back of the neck and wrists. Encourage your little ones to stand tall, smile big, and remember they are 'one of a kind'. It's the confidence booster they need for a successful school year ahead


From Morning Till Night: Regimens For the Whole Family! 


🌞 Rise and Shine with Einkorn Breakfast - Kickstart the day with a nutritious breakfast! Young Living offers fantastic options like Einkorn Flakes Cereal, Einkorn Granola, and Einkorn Pancakes or waffles. And yes, there's even a gluten-free Pancake mix for our friends with special dietary needs. Einkorn is a superstar ancient grain, boasting higher protein, trace minerals, and lower gluten levels than modern wheat. It's the breakfast of champions!

🌟 Vitamins and Essentials - Don't forget to give your kids their vitamins, pre/probiotics, and enzymes. KidScents MightyPro provides delicious prebiotic and probiotic support for a healthy gut. After all, gut health is essential for both emotions and nutrient absorption. And for those picky eaters, rest easy knowing that Young Living vitamins are free of dyes and synthetic ingredients. MightyVites chewables offer full nutritional support, and MightyZyme chewables contain enzymes to support digestion.

🥤 NingXia Red for Energy - Fuel your family's energy levels with NingXia Red, packed with superfoods that support overall wellness. It's like an energetic high-five to start the day right. Whether it's 2–4 ounces for adults or 1-2 ounces for the little ones, it's an essential part of your morning routine.

BEFORE SCHOOL PREP: Setting the Stage for a Successful Day

it's time to kickstart your day with positivity and preparation. As you embark on your educational journey, here's your guide to a successful morning routine that sets the stage for a day filled with learning and growth.

🌅 Morning Confidence with KidPower - Boost your confidence for the day ahead with a few drops of KidPower essential oil blend. Rub it on the back of your neck and wrists, and stand tall with a big smile. Remember, you are 'one of a kind,' and today is your day to shine. It's the secret to starting the day with a heart full of self-assuredness.

📚 Study Mode with GeneYus - As you dive into the world of knowledge, GeneYus is your study companion. Apply it to the back of your neck and inhale positive affirmations. "I am blessed," "I am smart," "I am a fast learner," "I enjoy learning new things," "I am creative, and I dream big." These words empower you for a productive day of learning.

🤧 SniffleEase for a Fresh Start - Don't let sniffles get in the way of your day. SniffleEase, with its gentle blend of Eucalyptus, Palo Santo, R.C.™, and other premium essential oils, is here to support clear breathing. Apply it to your neck and chest area, inhale deeply, and embrace the day with a fresh start.

🎒 Essential Oils on the Go - Depending on your school's policy, you may have access to essential oils during the day. Many schools and teachers are recognizing the positive effects of essential oils and their role in enhancing focus and well-being. If you're bringing oils to school, be sure to check with your school's guidelines. Some schools allow oils in lockers, while others may require them to be kept in the office. Essential oil roll-ons and diffuser jewelry make it easy to enjoy oils in small amounts, but always remember to use them respectfully and with permission.

📖 Discover Your Focus Oils - Explore which oils work best for your focus and energy. Popular choices include KidScents GeneYus, Lemon, Peppermint, Cedarwood, Brain Power, Believe, and Highest Potential. Experiment and find the scents that resonate with you, helping you stay alert and focused throughout your school day.

And there you have it, young scholars and parents! Your before-school routine is your ticket to a successful and inspiring day of learning. Embrace the back-to-school spirit, and let each morning be a fresh opportunity to shine in the world of education. 🌅📚🎓



🎒 Essential Oils at School - Depending on the school's policy, some children have access to essential oils during the school day. Many schools and teachers are recognizing the positive effects of essential oils. If you'd like to send oils to school with your child, check with the school ahead of time. Some schools allow oils to be kept in the child’s locker and accessed during breaks. Others have the school nurse keep all “medicines” in the office. In some cases, teachers are allowed to diffuse oils before, during, or after class hours, resulting in increased focus and fewer absences due to illness.

🌿 Safe and Respectful Oiling - Encourage children to use oils respectfully and not apply them to other students without permission. Popular oils for focus include KidScents GeneYus, Lemon, Peppermint, Cedarwood, Brain Power, Believe, and Highest Potential. It's all about finding what works best for your child's unique needs.

And that's just the beginning, my dear friends! Stay tuned for the next part of our back-to-school wellness journey. We'll delve into the teacher's corner, playtime, and bedtime routines to ensure a wholesome and successful school year ahead. 📚✨

👩‍🏫 THE TEACHER'S CORNER: Enhancing the Classroom Experience with Essential Oils

Teachers, whether you're homeschooling or in a private or public school setting, it's time to bring the joy of essential oils into your classroom. By diffusing these natural wonders, you can create an environment that fosters learning, positivity, and wellness. Here's how:

🌿 Peace & Calming for a Harmonious Classroom - Start your day by diffusing Peace & Calming, a fantastic blend that helps promote peace and a calm atmosphere among your students and staff. As the calming aroma fills the room, watch the stress levels melt away, leaving room for focus and productivity.

😄 Joy for Uplifted Spirits - We all have those days when spirits need a little lift. Joy is your go-to blend for such moments. Diffuse it when the mood is down, and everyone could use a bit of positivity. It's like bottled happiness that brightens up the classroom.

🍃 Peppermint for Mental Alertness - Peppermint is a superstar for promoting mental alertness and focus. Studies have even shown that classrooms diffusing peppermint experience improved test scores. So, whether it's math, science, or literature, let peppermint be your ally in the quest for knowledge.

🍂 Thieves for Overall Wellness - Thieves essential oil is a legendary blend of purifying essential oils, including Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus radiata, and Rosemary. It's known for refreshing breathing experiences aromatically and topically. It's an ideal choice to kickstart the school year, supporting overall wellness and a healthy immune system.

🌟 Creating a Welcoming Atmosphere - Diffusing essential oils isn't just about when students are present. Even when the classroom is empty, diffusing essential oils can create a welcoming atmosphere that prepare the way for students. It sets the tone for a positive and productive learning environment.

So, teachers, as you embark on this new school year, remember that essential oils can be your allies in creating an enriching and uplifting classroom experience. Let the power of nature enhance the education journey for both you and your students! 🍎📚✨

🏃‍♂️ PLAYTIME, SPORTS, ADVENTURES R US: Embracing Active Learning and Fun

Alright, parents and little explorers, it's time to dive into a world of active learning and fun! 🌟 Whether it's playtime at home, sports on the field, or adventures in the great outdoors, let's ensure your kids stay safe, energized, and full of laughter.

🤕 When Roughhousing Goes Wrong, Reach for KidScents® Owie™ 
We want our children to be adventurous, right? Well, sometimes adventures come with a few bumps, scrapes, and yes, even a twisted ankle or two. That's where KidScents Owie comes to the rescue. This soothing blend, featuring Idaho Grand Fir, Tea Tree, Helichrysum, Elemi, Cistus, Hinoki, and Clove essential oils, is your portable comfort kit. Carry it in your purse or backpack for those unexpected accidents. Simply apply it on the affected area, and reapply as needed. Adventure awaits, and Owie has your back!

🏀 Cool Azul® Sports Gel for Post-Game Relief
For the athletes in the family, Cool Azul Sports Gel is a must-have. This non-sticky, aloe-based formula helps cool and soothe tired muscles when combined with massage after a physical activity. Whether it's soccer practice or a day at the park, Cool Azul is your go-to for relief.

🌬️ Thieves Spray to the Rescue 
Need to eliminate unwanted odors after playtime? Thieves Spray is your secret weapon in the battle against odors. A few spritzes inside those stinky shoes, sports equipment, or even a football helmet does the trick. It's also fantastic for other items like cleaning your steering wheel or giving toilet seats and door handles a quick refresh.

☀️ Lavender After Sun Spray for Outdoor Enthusiasts - Spending time outdoors is fantastic, but too much sun exposure can lead to skin discomfort. Enter Lavender After Sun Spray, your go-to for soothing the skin after a day in the sun. And don't forget, pure Lavender essential oil is fantastic when applied topically or added to water and spritzed on. (2 ounces water, 10-20 drops Lavender) It's nature's cool-down after a sunny adventure.

So, whether it's playtime, sports, or outdoor escapades, let's embrace the back-to-school spirit and ensure your children are safe, active, and ready for endless adventures! 🏃‍♀️🌞🌳


BED TIME ROUTINE: Embracing Peaceful Nights for Young Dreamers

As the sun sets on another adventurous day, it's time to unwind and prepare for a peaceful night's sleep. For parents and little dreamers alike, here's your guide to a bedtime routine that ensures sweet dreams and rejuvenating rest.

🛁 Bath Time Bliss with KidScents Shampoo and Bath Gel - Start the evening with a relaxing bath using KidScents Shampoo and Bath Gel. Let the soothing scents and gentle formulas cleanse away the day's adventures. It's a scrub-a-dub-dub experience that leaves your little ones clean and refreshed on the outside.

🦷 Teeth Brushing with KidScents® Toothpaste - Before jumping into bed, it's the last frontier of the bedtime routine – teeth brushing. KidScents Toothpaste is your trusty companion, with gentle cleaning ingredients that fight plaque and support healthy-looking gums. The best part? It's fluoride and SLS-free, so you can brush away with peace of mind.

🌌 SLEEPY TIME & SWEET DREAMS - After a full day of adventures and learning, it's time for a well-deserved nap. And parents, you may shout "Hallelujah!" Having a good bedtime routine is essential, as children need structure and relaxation to ease into slumber. Some children may require a "relax and unwind" session before sleep. Here's where essential oils come in:

🌸 SleepyIze™ for a Calm Nighttime Routine - The exclusive blend of Lavender, Geranium, Roman Chamomile, Bergamot, and other premium essential oils in SleepyIze helps set the stage for a calm nighttime routine. It's like a soothing lullaby in a bottle, ensuring your little ones drift off to dreamland with ease.

🧴 Lavender for Ultimate Relaxation - Lavender, a crowd favorite, is renowned for its ability to relax and calm. It's especially soothing to the skin. Use it topically or add it to water and spritz it on for a serene atmosphere. (2 ounces water, 10-20 drops Lavender) It's the perfect bedtime companion.

🌛 Creating Your Personalized Bedtime Oasis - So there you have it, a bedtime routine that ensures sweet dreams and restful nights. If you're ready to make your child's bedtime even more special, consider creating a personalized wellness package. We're here to help you every step of the way.

From bath time to bedtime, let's embrace the back-to-school season with a comforting and rejuvenating bedtime routine. Here's to peaceful nights and dreams that know no bounds! 🌙💤🌠

We hope this blog is helpful for you. If you're ready to take the next step and invest into your child's or student's future legacy of health, we are here for you. It is our pleasure to help you figure out which products can be most beneficial, while also staying in your budget. 

Give me a call at 830-355-3578. I would love to visit with you over the phone for a FREE 30 minute wellness assessment ($70 value).  We can come up with a 90 day wellness plan for you and your family so there is a clear path ahead.

To Your Health with Love, 
Teri Secrest 

Top Ten Young Living MUST HAVES for Solo Summer Traveler


Attention health loving summer adventure seekers!

Where are you dreaming of traveling to this summer? Have you started your packing list?

As a seasoned business traveler, for the last 30 years, I’ve learned that keeping up my nutrition is the best way of maintaining great energy levels and maximum enjoyment! And keeping down the toxins for summer travel is just plain smart! So, let’s have some fun! 

Here are my top ten MUST HAVES for summer travel. Each of these products is from Young Living Essential Oils and can be found on my website,

Beat the jet lag blues . . . NingxiaRed and Mind Wise travel packets!

NingXia Red: This sweet and tangy antioxidant drink’s formula includes wolfberry, which is touted for its health benefits. Also featuring plum, aronia, cherry, blueberry, and pomegranate juices and extracts, NingXia Red is packed with superfoods to support overall wellness. In addition to these antioxidant ingredients, NingXia Red’s formula includes pure vanilla extract and Lemon, Orange, Yuzu, and Tangerine essential oils for a great-tasting, healthy treat.* 

The clinically shown benefits of NingXia Red include:
- significantly increased physical energy levels and reduced daily stress
- normal cellular function
- improved sleep patterns, increased sleep time
- and whole-body and normal eye health. 

A daily shot of 2–4 ounces helps support overall wellness with powerful antioxidants.* 
750 ml bottles of NingXia Red are halal and kosher certified. 

MindWise™ supports normal cardiovascular and cognitive health using CoQ10, ALCR, and GPC ingredients, along with fruit juices and extracts, turmeric, and premium essential oils.*

Enjoy “Peaceful sleep” on the plane . . . Lavender Essential Oil. 

Put 1-2 drops in the palm of your hand, rub hands together, and cup hands over your nose to inhale deeply. 

You can also apply 1-2 drops to the back of your neck or 1-3 drops to the bottom of each foot for a relaxing experience. 

First aid on the way for hikers . . . Deep Relief Roll On

Deep Relief™ Roll-On is one of Young Living's most popular blends. It features penetrating essentials oils, including Peppermint, Wintergreen, and Copaiba, and is your perfect companion to soothe fatigued muscles after physical activity.

Hikers’ sore feet and knees? No problem! . . .  Copaiba essential oil to the rescue!

This is a favorite oil of mine to apply a few drops on location when I feel soreness creeping up after walking or hiking. 

Copaiba essential oil is steam distilled from the gum resin of the Brazilian Copaifera officinalis tree. Native to the Amazon River Basin, these trees can reach 25−40 feet and can live for up to 400 years. Copaiba resin has been used for various purposes throughout the Amazon region since at least the 16th century. It contains a high percentage of the naturally occurring constituent beta-caryophyllene, making it a great choice to add to skin care products or to use for massage.

Replace dead food munchies with live Einkorn Granola!

  • Enjoy Einkorn Granola as a hot or cold breakfast cereal.
  • Eat it as a snack when you need a little energy on the go.
  • Use it as a topping for yogurts and other foods.
  • Take it with you for a quick, convenient, and healthy snack.
  • Contains no high-fructose corn syrup, GMOs, or additional colors, flavors, or preservatives.
  • Includes whole-grain einkorn flour, which contains only 14 chromosomes and is touted as one of the oldest grains.
Best traveling makeup remover . . .  Seedlings Baby Wipes

Young Living Seedlings® Baby Wipes provide the perfect, soothing, all-purpose wipe infused with premium essential oils that are gentle enough for use on hands, faces, and bottoms.

Yes, you read that correctly! They are good for everything. My favorite use for them is to remove makeup at the end of a long day. However, they work great for refreshing the armpits, wiping away sweat after a workout, and more. 

Hands down, highest quality travel pack daily vitamin/mineral formula . . .  Master Formula 

Master Formula is a full-spectrum supplement that provides vitamins and minerals that can help support bone density and health, brain function, cellular protection, digestive health, energy levels, eye health, heart health, immune support, and skin health. Master Formula’s food-based ingredients are delivered in three ways for a synergistic complex that supports digestive health, helps neutralize free radicals in the body, and provides gut flora-supporting prebiotics.*

Off the charts traveling Immune Support  . . .  THIEVES essential oil

Thieves® essential oil is a legendary blend of purifying essential oils, Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus radiata, and Rosemary, known for immune support and cleansing properties when taken internally and refreshing breathing experiences aromatically and topically.*

I enjoy apply this oil to the bottoms of my feet for three nights prior to traveling. Then while on the road I use it as needed on my feet or down my spine. Inhaling it before I get on the airplane is another great use. 

My Never Leave Home Without  . . .  Inner Defense Capsules

Inner Defense™ reinforces systemic defenses, promotes healthy respiratory function, and offers immune support through potent essential oils, including Oregano, Thyme, and Thieves®.*

Exquisite and effective after sun spray . . . Lavaderm After Sun Spray

LavaDerm™ After-Sun Spray offers temporary relief from the pain and itching of minor burns, minor cuts, sunburns, scrapes, insect bites, and minor skin irritations.

Once you try this product you're going to say, "Where have you been all my life!" Trust me. This has been a life saver for myself and my children who all enjoy the sun. It's cooling and soothing and really helps on those days we get a little too pink. 

So, this summer I am so excited to be headed to Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and Italy! If any of you are going exploring that way…let’s talk! Wherever you go, enjoy each moment with your loved ones. I cant wait to hear your stories upon return!

For the love of healthy traveling,

Teri Secrest


The Gut and Brain Connection ~ 4 Rs to Gut Health

Wow, did we have an amazing Wednesday Wisdom class with Ed Daily today - April 26, 2023! Ed is the Senior Global Trainer of Product Education for Young Living Essential Oils and we are so blessed to have him share all about the correlation between gut health and brain health. You will be fascinated to learn the connection between these two body systems and how to support each with a healthy diet and incorporating a few key Young Living products to make your life a little easier. 

Below is the full video, along with some simple bullet points. I promise that watching the video is well worth your time! Please share with friends who need this knowledge. Together we can empower our friends and family to live in greater health and vitality!

I'm going to do a shameless plug right now too  . . .  
If you're not a regular participant on Wednesday Wisdom and you're a member of the Royal Dream Team then I HIGHLY recommend that you join us for these weekly online educational zoom classes. Teri Secrest, Elizabeth Rose, and Beverly Banks frequently teach on a different topic of natural health, leadership and skills for growing a Young Living business. You will also hear from other team members and guest speakers. To get a text message reminder with the topic and link to join, simply text the word WISDOM to 719-208-4508. We look forward to seeing you online 🤠

To determine if you GI system needs a little bit of help, here are a few questions to answer:
  • Are you getting indigestion often? 
  • Do you get bloated often?
  • Are you sensitive to foods?
  • Have you needed many courses of antibiotics? 
How many of these can you relate to:
  • Were you breastfed for at least a month when you were a baby? If so, that’s a really good thing because breastfeeding sets the GI system up for success later on in life.
  • Do you suffer from depression and or anxiety? Researchers are realizing that the microbiome in a person with depression and anxiety is not in great health and may be a leading cause of these conditions. 
  • Do you suffer from constipation or diarrhea? These are mal-absorption issues in the gut. 
  • Have you had to use a lot of steroid medications? 
  • Do you have food allergies?
FUN FACT: Our GI system from your mouth to where you go to the bathroom is about 28 to 32 feet long. There’s a lot of room for things to go really well or also to go really poorly.

Your gut health is in direct relationship to your neurological health, cardiovascular and endocrine health. When looking at specific issues, modern medicine has its place, although it addresses issues as if looking through a microscope at one problem rather than addressing the body as a whole microbiome. 

This is where functional medicine really comes in. We are not a slave to our genetic makeup. It is in deep relationship to the lifestyle you live and the environment that you live in. The good news is that you can bio-hack your way to health and wellness every day by making conscious choices about what you eat and what products you use in your home. When we assimilate and eliminate foods it’s how we digest foods, absorb foods, the excretion and the uptake of nutrients. 

The Digestive Process
The process of digesting food actually begins in your mouth. This is why your parents may have told you to “chew every bite 20 times.” Why? Because when you chew food, your body releases Amylase that breaks down carbohydrates. When the food gets to the stomach, pepsin takes over and breaks down proteins. In the Duodenum is where the Bile is added and the result of this is Chyme. Chyme then travels through the small and large intestine and that’s where the nutrients get absorbed. Next is the excretion process. 

It’s about time that physicians start looking at gut health as a major culprit of systemic disease in the body. Because, as you can see, gut health is vital for nutrient absorption and processing and utilization of the foods and beverages we consume. 

Your Gut Microbiome
The microbiome is a very, very important player in our overall health and wellness. It consists of 100 trillion bacteria. Most of the bacteria are really friendly, some of them are not friendly. Even the unhealthy ones actually have a purpose. Plus, there are 10,000 different species of bacteria. 

Your microbiome is a physical barrier to pathogens. It aids in the digestion and absorption of foods. It helps in detoxifying your body. It influences the immune system response. It handles stress, hormones, and lung response. It assist in sleep and it controls the inflammation pathways. WOW!!! Now can you see the importance of having a healthy biome. 

For some people, sleep problems and joint pain are indicators that the gut biome needs help. Another indicator is the “silent but deadly toots”. Yes, I’m talking about farts, but the ones that smell really bad! Really smelly farts indicate that the good and bad bacteria might be out of balance, or it could be something more serious like IBS. 

Did You Know: Every organ in your body has its own biome. For instance, your skin’s biome is known as strata. Even your heart has a biome. Look up the Human Microbiome Project that NIH developed back in 2008. 

Leaky Gut and Leaky Brain
Researchers used to think that the blood brain barrier was impenetrable, meaning that nothing could get through to effect the brain. Now research shows that changes in the biome actually decrease the brain's ability to protect itself from toxins. So when you take care of your gut health (and you win by using our products day in and day out) you're protecting your brain. You're actually protecting yourself and you are protecting one of the most important systems and your body - your brain.

When there is di-ease in the body, the number one culprit is inflammation, plus an acidic condition in the body versus alkaline. So let’s talk about controlling inflammation, free radical damage, and the relationship of inflammation to what happens in the neurological system. In the body we have biochemicals called cytokines. A cytokine is a small protein that affects the behavior of other cells, but not in a good way. The three main cytokines that cause inflammation in the body are known as c-reactive protein, interleukins and tumor necrosis factor (TNF).

NOTE: Inflammation is such an important thing to understand and treat that big Pharma spent 20 BILLION dollars in 2020 developing drugs to control inflammation. The sad fact is, drugs do not take care of the root cause, they just help you feel better for a short time so that you keep coming back for more. In the long run, they make a lot of money off of inflammation.


So what’s the first step in combatting inflammation in a holistic way? 
We need to look at what kills the good bacteria and a how to create a healthy microbiome.

1) Antibiotics
Antibiotics decrease the amount of friendly bacteria by up to 35%. To combat the effects of this, you can triple up on taking a probiotic such as Life 9, and eat fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi. Go for low carb foods, gluten-free, and healthy fats such as avocados, extra virgin olive oil and sesame oil. You can also triple up on a prebiotic such as MightyPro. Sulferzyme, ICP Daily and Master Formula also include prebiotics. 

A helpful essential oil blend for supporting the GI system is DiGize, plus the single oil of Peppermint. An easy application is 2 drops DiGize Vitality and 1 Drop Peppermint Vitality in a capsule and take internally, or doing this same formula and applying to the stomach topically. 

NingXia Greens is a unique blend of superfood ingredients, greens, and premium essential oils. Inside each serving, you’ll find 50 fermented whole foods, five varieties of immune-supporting mushrooms, and wolfberry fruit and sprouted leaves from Young Living’s Seed to Seal® farm in Ningxia, China.

2) Harsh Chemical Cleaners
Things like antibacterial soap, bleach, floor cleaner, glass cleaner, etc can be loaded with “acceptable amounts” of each toxin ingredient. However, what happens when you’d multiple harsh chemicals together? It affects your microbiome. 

Thieves to the rescue! Young Living came out with an entire line of products based on the Thieves essential oil blend of Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Radiata, Rosemary and Lemon. This blend supports the body’s natural functions but does not kill the good bacteria. I substitute store-bought products with Young Living’s Thieves Household Cleaner, Mouthwash, Toothpaste, Hand Soap, Dish Soap, Fruit and Veggie Wash, and Hand Sanitizer. I have confidence in knowing that the products are effective for their desired use but will not be harming my microbiome or the atmosphere in my home.

3) Acidic Drinks and Sugar
We talked about processed sugar as being something to lessen or completely take out of your diet. Now let’s touch on carbonated drinks like sparkling water and soda. The CO2 that creates the carbonation in fizzy soda drinks is actually a byproduct of our body exhaling. When you breath in, you breath in Oxygen and when you breathe out, you breath out CO2. When you then drink a beverage with CO2 it is so acidic (around 2.5-3.0 pH) and oxidizing to the cells that the body calls for help! The only defense the body has against that much acid being poured in is to neutralize it with an alkaline substance. So the body pulls minerals - magnesium, potassium, calcium and sodium - to neutralize the acid. 

Can you guess what this does? It LEACHES MINERALS from your body. This leads to an acidic condition in the body that is a host for dis-ease, inflammation, and an unhealthy microbiome. I don’t care how much you love soda or are addicted to it, it’s not worth it!!! 

Go for clean, filtered water. Try adding Lemon Vitality or Citrus Fresh Vitality or Vitality Drops for flavoring. Enjoy a cup of Vanilla Lemongrass Tea or Spiced Turmeric Herbal Tea. Add 1-2 ounces of NingXia Red to your water or AminoWise to replenish your electrolytes after a workout. And yes, skip the electrolyte drinks with added sugar and food coloring. Most are more oxidizing to the cells of the body than they are healthy and hydrating. 

Coffee is another beverage that is acidic (around 4.5 pH) in nature. As with everything in life, we need balance. If you just love coffee or think you need coffee for the caffeine effects, go for 1-2 cups a day. What’s can be even worse than plain black coffee is all the stuff we put in coffee. Sugar, sugar, sugar! Coffee creamers with sugar and milk and preservatives. This combination may taste good but it's very hard for your body to process and can cause an inflammatory response. I enjoy a little douse of organic heavy whipping cream or half and half, with a teaspoon of honey or agave. It's a wonderful flavor balancer and adds just enough natural sweetener to feel like "a hug in a mug". 

Alkaline Support
Eating raw vegetables, replenishing the body's supply of alkaline minerals (Mineral Essence and AminoWise are helpful supplements for this) and lessening the amount of acidic foods and beverage we consume is the first start. For added support, like after drinking a cup of coffee, Young Living's Alkaline powder is helpful. 

Alkalime helps maintain optimal pH in the stomach with an alkaline blend of biochemical mineral salts, lemon powder, and premium essential oils that also work together to soothe occasional upset stomach. This powder is easy to add to water and take after a cup of coffee to help balance out the pH of the stomach.

The Four Rs to Gut Health
1) Remove
2) Replace
3) Reinoculate
4) Replenish

Let's dive into each one of these and how several of the Young Living products can help you in each area. 

1) Remove
Remove the things you are consuming on a regular basis that are not healthy for you. Dairy, Gluten, GMO foods, and sugar are the main culprits. They cause inflammation in the gut and spreads throughout the body. 

2) Replace: Once you remove things that do not support your overall health, then you must replace things like enzymes. 
Essentialzyme-4 is a great Young Living product to take during meals.
Detoxzyme at night before bed to help the GI track detox and flush out unwanted toxins.
Allerzyme is helpful for a period of time as well for those who have food allergies. 
ICP Daily is a convenient supplement for getting enough Fiber daily. This helps to “keep things moving”. It tastes great when added to water, includes essential oils and is a pre-biotic!

3) Reinoculate
We have to give back to those friendly bacteria that are in our gut. 
Life 9 in Young Living’s solution for getting enough probiotics. It incudes 9 stains of probiotics that do a very good job of repopulating the friendly bacteria in your microbiome. It is recommended to take at bedtime. 
TIP: don’t trust most brands of yogurt to have enough probiotics in them.

4) Replenish
Intaking healthy doses of Zinc, avocados, wild-caught salmon for its B-5 content, Omega-3 (2-3 grams a day also supports cognitive health, heart health, and cardiovascular and neurological health), not only supports healthy gut mucosa and wards off conditions such as leaky gut, but they help maintain a microbiome that optimally metabolizes the good stuff you put in on a daily basis.
  • Master Formula is a full-spectrum supplement that provides vitamins and minerals that can help support bone density and health, brain function, cellular protection, digestive health, energy levels, eye health, heart health, immune support, and skin health. Master Formula’s food-based ingredients are delivered in three ways for a synergistic complex that supports digestive health, helps neutralize free radicals in the body, and provides gut flora-supporting prebiotics.*
  • OmegaGize³® combines the power of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D3, and CoQ10 along with essential oils to support normal brain function and normal heart, eye, and joint health.*
  • Magnesium: You need about 200 milligrams a day! Now this is found in Mineral Essence, plus you can get it from leafy greens and nuts such as almonds, pistachio, Brazilian nuts, pecans, walnuts, etc.
  • Super B: B Vitamins  support our mood, cognitive function, cardiovascular health and energy levels. TIP: I recommend taking it before noon since it has a rather energizing effect and may keep you awake at night. 
  • MindWise™ supports normal cardiovascular and cognitive brain health using CoQ10, ALCR, and GPC ingredients, along with fruit juices and extracts, turmeric, and premium essential oils.
  • Glutamine: In order for your mind and your heart to be strong and vibrant, you also need things like glutamine (not glutamate or glutathione - those are different). Glutamine comes from cruciferous vegetables such as spinach, kale, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, and papaya. We need about five grams a day!
  • Glutamate: When it comes to healthy brain function, glutamate helps with cognition, learning and memory, and it's abundant in the healthy brain. Do you think if there's poor GI health that a lot of glutamate is present, or not? In fact, one study I read recently said that they did postmortem on 100 patients with Alzheimer's, and glutamate was almost non-existent in the brain. Wow! To boost your glutamate levels, try NingXia Greens. 
Is This Helpful?
I hope this blog and the video training from Wednesday Wisdom with Ed Daily is helpful for you. If you would like to schedule a wellness phone call to create your own personalized wellness plan, our team is here to help! We love sharing valuable tips that are easy and cost-effective to incorporate into your daily health regiment. Please reach out if we can be of service to you, and we look forward to connecting again soon! 

To Your Health,
Teri Secrest and Elizabeth Rose
Phone: 719-502-1017

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