Whole Body Nutrition With NingXia Red®

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we all had time to make 3 healthy meals a day -- including the grocery shopping and meal prepping and clean-up? For most individuals and families, that's just really challenging to do seven days a week.

In addition, it is practically impossible to get all the nutrients our body needs from just the foods we eat. This is why Ningxia Red, by Young Living, is such a blessing to my family and many of my wellness clients each year. It is a solution that gives our body the live nutritious fuel that our cells are craving.

Ningxia Red is a delicious way to power your day! 
Packed with powerful antioxidants and superfoods, Ningxia Red features Wolfberry, Plum, Aronia, Cherry, Blueberry, and Pomegranate juices and extracts to start your day off right. It also contains a blend of premium essential oils, including Orange, Lemon, Tangerine and Yuzu. These ingredients combine to help prevent oxidative stress, support normal cellular function, and promote healthy energy levels.*

The Benefits of NingXia Red

Ningxia Red is so full of life that the very cells of your body seem to come alive with each daily dose. This juice is clinically proven to support our physical energy levels, improve our sleep patterns and reduce our daily stress, to improve mental well-being. In addition, Ningxia Red supports our healthy vision!  So, if you are a family looking for ways to bridge the nutritional gap in your diet, Ningxia Red is the way to go.  

3 Ways To Enjoy Ningxia Red

ONE: Each of our family members has their own “signature” Ningxia Red morning smoothie! Some of us drink a 2-ounce shot straight, some of us put it in a blender with frozen fruit, and those of us on the go, pour it in a shaker bottle and combine it with other nutrients on our way out the door. 

TWO: For younger children, there is nothing like a Ningxia Red frozen popsicle! 

THREE: We love it in deserts! During “Eating for Life” you will learn how to make a Ningxia Red Parfait, (shown in this photo) curated by a beautiful restaurateur and good friend from Vashon Island, Melinda Powers!

Note: a daily dose of NingXia Red is 2-4 ounces a day. A NingXia Red 2-pack is enough for one person to enjoy 2-ounces per day for 1 month. 


Elizabeth Rose ~ Texas: "One of the first things on my travel packing list is NingXia Red. It has been my constant "adventure buddy" for over 10 years. Backpacking, camping, kayaking, biking, horse back riding -- you name it -- I take the single serving NingXia Red packets with me as a support to my daily health regimen. For me, it works better than coffee to help me wake up in the morning. I add 2 ounces to my first glass of water or protein shake, and often times I take another 2 ounces in the afternoon to give my body the fuel for sustained energy throughout a full day."

Daniel Williams ~ Arizona: "One of my very first activities each day is taking a shot of NingXia Red! It helps with my clarity as I start my day. On workout days I put it in my protein shake to give me that extra boost of energy I need to get me started."

Lisa Trenary ~ Texas: "As a photographer, I love to carry NingXia Red packets for that extra boost of clarity and clean energy it gives me when shooting for multiple days! I simply can't be without it!"

Susan McGinnis ~ Texas: "One of the most amazing things I notice when I consistently take Ningxia red in the morning is that I do not have sugar cravings in the afternoon like I used to get! It’s a win win for me! All the healthy benefits and not craving the unhealthy things!"

How To Order NingXia Red

If you're here because of a Young Living Brand Partner, we encourage you to reach out to them for personalized guidance and to place your order. Your amazing Young Living friend is a valuable resource and can help you get the most out of your essential oils experience. 

Are you new to Young Living? Here is how you can easily order. Simply click HERE and choose the Young Living products you desire to order.

Exclusive Discounts For New Customers
If you're a new customer, you will receive 10% off by visiting the link above and entering the promo code SHAREYL into the box at checkout. Additionally, you will receive an extra 24% off if you spend 100PV (approximately $100) or more.

To Your Health, With Love!

Teri Secrest


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