Animals & Oils Class Next Week!
Can't believe that in just a little over a week, I will be hosting an animals & oils class.  It will be on the basics on how to begin using oils on your pets so they can take advantage of the Young Living products just like you are.

Essential oils have become quite common in the American household. For a lot of people oils are replacing toxic chemical products. Oils can be used for cleaning your home or added to your food or drink and can be defused in your home for overall wellness. Essential oils are derived from nature. Why not use them on our furry friends too?

This is all happening Thursday, April 27, at 6:30 p.m. 
(Hwy 15) & Washington - next to the Quilt Shop Main Street in Hutchinson, MN

In this class you will learn quick and easy ways to incorporate Young Living into your animal’s life! We can't wait to see you there! There will be freebies during the event, and if you invite a friend to come with you that doesn't already know about essential oils, you'll get a prize from me too!

Feel free to share this amazing opportunity to join in on the event!   And invite, invite, invite!


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