Citrus Burst Body Wash
I've been waiting on that perfect recipe for some good body wash that lathers really well (hard to do with castile soap), smells great, and makes you feel nice and soft afterward. Since I typically shower in the morning, I thought a good Citrus blend would be great at waking me up. I was right! This stuff smells awesome!  Summer is right around the corner and this Citrus blend is perfect.

What you'll need:

  • A glass bottle to keep your body wash in. Citrus oils are so potent that they will eat through plastic. They will also leach any toxins out of it. I opted for an olive oil bottle found at Walmart for under $3. It doesn't have a lid you need to worry about opening, and is small enough to sit on the corner shelf of my shower.
  • 8oz. Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap (I use Baby Mild)
  • 20 drops Vitamin E Oil
  • 4 tsp. Vegetable Glycerine
  • 40 drops Young Living Orange Essential Oil
  • 40 drops Young Living Grapefruit  Essential Oil
 I just started out with putting in the castile soap, then added all of the other ingredients, saving the essential oil for last. Once everything was added in, I shook it up really well. The vegetable glycerin is the secret to the suds. I really need things to lather for me to feel like they are getting me clean. This worked with my body poof, but I think a sponge would be even better. Just plan on shaking it up a little to get everything mixed well before each use. This is such a better, natural alternative to store bought body wash - no chemicals!


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