We all have times when we just don’t feel good and wonder, “what the heck is wrong with me?” We come home from work and crash on the couch, or lie awake all night praying to get some sleep, constant headaches, or we sometimes feel like a butterfly net, catching every bug out there. All we want is answers to the big question, “what’s my deal?”
Being an obsessive researcher and skeptic, I’ve learned a very useful skill to figure out just about any problem. This secret skill has given me confidence and freedom.
I’ve had so many friends asking for advice to the point that I could call myself a therapist. I soon realized that this skill is not exactly common, but it should be!
I’m going to teach you my secret in 3 simple steps. You are going to be shocked how super-simple this is and start using this skill on a daily basis.
Step One: What’s your problem?
You may say that you can’t sleep, or you have headaches, you’re overwhelmed, your house is a mess, or something like that. That is NOT your problem. It’s a symptom of your problem. It’s like asking what’s wrong with your car and answering that the engine light is on. Well, a hammer can fix that, but that’s not the problem. The first step is realization that your symptom is an indicator that there IS a problem.
Step Two: Research
All of a sudden, anxiety sets in and flashbacks to school research papers come to mind. No worries, this kind of research is simple, broad and shouldn’t take much time. We are so blessed to have access to so much knowledge with a click of a button. Pull up your favorite browser and type in “reasons for…” then what your symptom is. For example, “reasons for lack of sleep, headaches, overwhelm, lack of organization, etc…” After you click through a handful of articles, you should have a list of root causes of your particular issue. At this point, don’t panic and use Occam’s Razor which states, “the simplest solution tends to be the correct one.” Headache doesn’t always mean you have a brain tumor.
Once you find a handful of causes, weigh these with common sense and find what fits your situation best. For instance, a couple of reasons for headaches could be muscle tension, hormones, or allergies. Do you have tight muscles in your back, do you have other hormonal symptoms, is it around the time of year when allergies are a possibility?
Step Three: Trigger Point
Now that you have a reasonable cause, what is the trigger point? If it’s health-related, drill down to the body system and support that particular body system. If you are dealing with organization or time management, find out what is keeping you from doing these things well. You may even find that you’re not motivated because you aren’t appreciated, or are bored and need a challenge. Once you find the trigger point, a world of possibilities and solutions will present themselves.
After dealing with chronic headaches, I found that one cause was hormones. I had my doctor do tests and voila! my progesterone was low. Since I’ve started taking steps to support my endocrine system and adding a natural progesterone, headaches GONE!
I am passionate about teaching people to be confident in their abilities and taking charge of their lives. You CAN do it, there ARE solutions, you WILL figure it out. Listen to opinions and accept advice, but ultimately, you are in charge of you!