Your day begins the night before. It's like shutting down a computer properly. If done wrong, it tends to have bugs and crash unexpectedly. Developing a good sleep routine is important for feeling more productive and motivated the next day without unexpected crashes.
Here are a few quick tips to help you sleep better tonight for a happier tomorrow:
Our happy hormones run on solar power. Just like the solar panels on your house, our skin soaks up the rays and creates the chemicals in our body that are responsible for boosting our mood.
The simple act of standing in the sunlight for 15 minutes each day can do SO MUCH including:
- Increasing vitamin D production
- Helping you sleep better
- Improving your mood
- Strengthening bones
- Lower blood pressure
What do you do when the sun isn't shining?
In the winter months when we have decreased sunlight, many people suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD. Since we are not exposed to sunlight, our vitamin D and serotonin tend to decrease. There are a few options to turn your frown upside down.