Kind of Carnivore Enchiladas (GF)

Kind of Carnivore Enchiladas (GF)
You have probably heard of a lot of diet plans like low carb and keto. One of the "newer" labeled plans (which is not new at all) is Carnivore. And yes, it's exactly what you think it is: only meat and animal-based foods. I'm not going to go into it deeply here, but yes. There is plenty of evidence that a human is built to live on animal foods alone. I've recently spoken to someone who has been eating Carnivore for 4 years. His labs are great, and he looks like he works out 8 hours a day at the gym. Clearly it works for him. If you want to look more into it you can follow Dr. Shaun Baker, Dr. Andew Chaffee and Dr. Ken Berry to name a few.

Now, let's get back to the enchiladas! I know what foods work best for my body: lower carbs, no starches or grains or sugars. So the last 2 months or so we have gotten back to eating better. But I still love Tex Mex and comfort foods. I knew there were recipes for egg "tortillas", so I made up my own low carb recipe using my very favorite enchilada gravy from The Homesick Texan.

Here is the recipe to the best of my ability, lol. You may want to experiment with the tortillas.

For the egg tortillas:
2 eggs
2 tbsp water
dash of salt

Blend all the ingredients really well. Heat a small non-stick pan on about medium heat with a pat of butter or small amount of avocado oil. Pour just enough egg mixture to coat the bottom of the pan in a thin layer, rolling it around so it's as even as possible. Cook 2-3 minutes then flip and cook another 2-3 minutes. Remove and place on a wire rack and repeat over and over again. You'll need multiple batches of the egg mixture, but it will depend on the size of your pan and how thick you make the tortillas.

Once you have enough tortillas, you can move on to the delicious gravy. As I mentioned above, I use the recipe from The Homesick Texan - with my gluten free modifications. Also, I double the recipe because it's THAT good!

1/2 cup lard or avocado oil
1/2 cup gluten free (or regular) flour
4 tbsp chili powder
2 tsp ground cumin
2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp kosher salt
1 tsp black pepper
4 cups beef broth (you may end up needing more)

Heat the lard or oil in a pot or high-rimmed skillet over medium high heat. Whisk in the flour and stir until it's lightly browned, about 1 minute. Whisk in the spices until well combined. Pour in the broth while still whisking, and continue until it's thickened, about 3-5 minutes. Sometimes I want a little thinner sauce and end up adding in more broth. Taste and adjust the seasonings to your liking. Turn it off and set to the side, or you can let it continue to simmer while you prep everything else.

Heat your oven to 350 degrees. The baking dish you use will totally be dependent on how many enchiladas you are making. I used a 7x11 2-quart Pyrex baking dish. Pour about 1/2 - 1 cup of the enchilada gravy into the bottom of the baking dish to coat.

For the enchiladas, use the filling of your choice: seasoned ground beef, shredded chicken, cheese or even a veggie filling. I generally do seasoned beef, and my daughter loves cheese and spinach.

Take one of your egg tortillas and place a few tablespoons of your filling and a small amount of shredded cheese. Roll and place seam side down in the baking dish. Continue with the remaining tortillas. Pour over the chili gravy until covered (you probably won't use all of it unless you are making a ton of enchiladas), then top with more grated cheese. Bake uncovered for about 20 minutes or until the sauce is bubbly and cheese has melted.

Serve with toppings of your choice like sour cream, jalapenos, salsa or diced onions. Enjoy!

Note: I always have "extra" gravy and serve it on the side. Nobody is ever mad about having some extra gravy on the side! LOL

Junk Food and Nutrient Depletion

Junk Food and Nutrient Depletion
Did you know that processed foods can deplete nutrients?

I know, convenience foods are, well, convenient!! And it is definitely so hard to avoid them at times. But I recently read an article on this so I wanted to share.

Whole foods are exactly that - designed specifically how God wants them to work optimally in our bodies to nourish us. The companion vitamins and minerals are together with fiber, fats or proteins in one complete source.

So what happens when we fill our bodies with processed foods instead? We replace the natural absorbable compounds with synthetic chemicals and "food-like" ingredients that actually impair the body's ability to digest and absorb nutrients.

Some of the culprits are:
  • excessive salt
  • sugar
  • artificial sweeteners
  • emulsifiers
  • food dyes
Overall, these processed food additives wreak havoc on your body in a variety of ways. Excessive salt can interfere with the absorption of minerals like calcium, magnesium and zinc while also putting a strain on your kidneys. Sugar can reduce the good bacteria diversity in your gut and can cause inflammation. Artificial sweeteners and emulsifiers also can deplete your good gut bacteria which decreases nutrient absorption.

I have a saying I've used for forever which is, "The closer to God the better the food." It's a simple saying but I think holds true. So do your best: at least 80 percent of the time - do better. Eat a variety of good whole, fresh foods and skip the inner aisles of the grocery store where the box foods are located.

Blessings from our house to yours!
Sarah Claburn, ND

Dandelions - Guest Blog post by Tricia Baxter

Dandelions Welcome!

A yellow flower in the grass

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I saw some dandelions in my yard the other day, and I say that’s great!

My neighbors may not be so happy with me about that, but too bad.

While others call them weeds, I say not so fast, because they really have a lot of positive sides.

Be honest. Who, as a kid, used to love dandelions? I remember rubbing the flower on my chin or cheek. I know it sounds silly, and the “game” could have originated with buttercups, but if the pollen rubbed off and left a yellow spot, you liked butter. Even those who don’t know that one, however, probably remember blowing the seeds all over as they made a wish – the idea being you were blowing your wishes into the wind so they would come true.

It’s full of vitamins A, B, C, and D as well as iron, potassium and zinc. Although I didn’t find scientific studies, there are articles on organic and homeopathic websites, and even on the website for the University of Maryland Medical Center about some of the medicinal uses of the plant. They include as diuretic, liver problems, weight loss, stomach problems, appendicitis, diabetes, and a whole host of other things. Some sites even mention the cosmetic use, citing their benefits in skin and beauty care.

How about as a food source? You’ve probably heard of dandelion wine (in fact, I believe my grandfather used to make it). And I know some folks who pick the young leaves as one of the now popular “baby” greens for salads. They can also be served cooked, a lot like spinach. But every part of the plant can be used for one purpose or another. Even the root can be roasted like a root vegetable or to make a coffee substitute.

But far, far more important than as a game for kids, or a food source for the rest of us, is the role dandelions play in our ecosystem.

A picture containing grass, outdoor, plant, flower

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These bright flowers are one of the earliest flowers to bloom in spring and, as such, are an important source of food for several pollinators, including honeybees and several butterflies. Goldfinches and other birds eat the seeds, too. Each flower is 40-100 florets, each containing nectar, so pollinators don’t have to search for several flowers to feed on. Plus, dandelions bloom just about the time many of the species that feed on them emerge from overwintering sites.

Okay. So some still think of them as an annoying weed and wonder why they should give a care about all this.

Easy – our pollinators are important to us. Without them, we wouldn’t have the flowers we enjoy, nor many of the crops we use for food.

I can hear some folks now thinking I’m being a bit over dramatic. But consider this – at the time of writing this post, the US Fish and Wildlife Service and have 8 species of bees on the endangered species list. Yes, most of those bees are native to Hawaii, but common to many parts of the US is one species of bumblebee that is a key pollinator of blueberries, tomatoes and many wildflowers (which in turn feed other pollinators). Also common to many areas are the 25 species of butterflies already on the endangered species list. As of December 2020, the USFWS decided that adding monarchs, a butterfly dear to many folks, to the endangered species list is warranted because of its drastic decline in population size. It is currently officially listed as “considered” because of some higher priority listings, but their population is being closely monitored while higher priority listings are handled. Because the monarch is so easily identified and popular, there are even folks who believe that as the monarch population goes, so do the populations of ALL pollinators. 

Granted, the dandelion is only one small factor among many in the decline of some pollinator species, but it is a factor.

So in a society that prizes perfectly manicured, weed-free carpets of grass, I’m glad to see a few dandelions in my yard. I may not have enough of a crop for any of those medicinal purposes nor even a small glass of wine, but I am more than happy to let the few I have feed some bees, butterflies, and birds.

A yellow flower growing out of a tree trunk

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"Chillin' Out" just got a whole new meaning...

"Chillin' Out" just got a whole new meaning...

BLOG REPOST: This is a repost of my first Cryotherapy session. I wanted to share again to encourage a new group of readers to go try it! Since this post, Cryon7 is under new management and has a new name: Naturally Rooted, and my friend Cassie McDowell and her husband Grant are co-owners. They are located at 920 US 287 Frontage Rd in Mansfield, in the Tom Thumb Shopping Center.

How has your Thursday been? Mine, oh, you know, I got frozen in a vat of nitrogen down to -250ºF.

Seriously! Well, sort of.

Yup, that's me there in that cryo chamber. So, what craziness is this you ask? It's called Cryotherapy, and my friend has been encouraging me to try it for awhile now. I admit I was nervous which is why I kept putting it off. However, the nerves were for nothing and I'm glad I tried it. And yes, I will go back.

I took this directly off of their website:

What is Whole Body Cryotherapy?

Whole Body Cryotherapy is the use of extremely cold temperatures that triggers the body’s natural healing process. This was originally developed in Japan in the 1970’s to treat inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis.
There are a wide range of benefits from better sleep, faster recovery to sore muscles, improved skin and many more. These results are very quick and long lasting. Many people have experienced chronic issues resolved with regular use.
So, when you go in there are the necessary forms to fill out. They need to make sure you are okay to take the treatment, you know the risks, and then you sign the waiver. From what I remember you want to make sure you don't go in with wet skin or clothes, and they explain why you should avoid inhaling a big breath of the nitrogen to prevent fainting. No big deal. They will check your blood pressure and you are off to the room!

So once we were in the room, I got a pair of knit gloves, was asked if I wanted tall or short socks, and was told I would also need to put on a pair of slippers. She made sure I knew exactly what to do - then told me my goal was to undress as quickly as possible, get in the chamber, shut the door and ring the bell for her to come back. So I went fast - put on the tall socks, undressed quickly, put on the gloves and fluffy slippers and got in and shut the door. WHEW! Done.

At this point I was already cold because I am usually cold and I was thinking I had made an error in judgement with this crazy idea. But, as she said, it was too late to turn back so I was kind of at her mercy, HA! I was standing on a platform and she raised me up where my head was above the chamber wall. I asked her about the nitrogen thing, and she explained all of that to me and assured me my head would be at the correct level and to just blow away any that I felt was too close. No big deal. So then it's time to go!! FREEZE TIME! And let me explain something about this - they are not really "freezing" you. It's hypercooled air that is circulated around you. It's dry, and no tissue ever actually freezes. You just feel cold. Really cold. Let's continue.

I'd like to say how awesome my friend was at her job! She explained every single thing as we went along. She told me what to expect, how long I had left, what all good things were happening to my body in response to the cold. She gave me clear instructions and lots and lots of encouragement, 'cuz it is a little concerning when you can feel your skin getting that cold. She asked if I wanted a picture and got my phone and took a few for me. (They do have some props so you can take funny picts, but I had neglected to grab any for this time.) She answered all of my questions and kept me assured that things were going great, and told me to just keep turning.

And then all of a sudden I was done! And yes, I was cold, and I was shivering a little, but I did it! Once I got dressed, I realized that the sharp pain in my neck was gone, which was awesome!

So - how do you get this awesomeness? Go see my friends at Naturally Rooted Wellness Club. Besides Cryotherapy, they offer other services, most will help minimize the pain in your life:
•  NovoThor Red Light Pod
•  Normatec Compression Massage
•  HU=GO
•  BEMER Therapy (PEMF)
•  Cryoskin Slimming or Toning
•  Hocatt Ozone Sauna
•  Oxygen Bar with Aromatherapy

They have a new, wonderful program where you get to set your prices in exchange for becoming a member and coming in on a regular schedule. Call them right now - or go see them! 817-225-2929
Again, the address is 920 US 287 Frontage Rd in Mansfield, TX.

Let me know when you go - I want to hear what therapies you try!
Health and blessings!
Sarah C., ND

DIY Essential Oil Infused Dry Shampoo

DIY Essential Oil Infused Dry Shampoo

Did you know that washing your hair too often can leave hair prone to dryness and breakage? It’s easy to keep your locks looking lustrous and lifted and extend time between washes by applying a dry shampoo! Using ingredients you already have in your cupboards such as corn starch and baking soda, this DIY Dry Shampoo is free of harsh parabens, dyes, and perfumes that can damage hair and cause breakage. Cornstarch absorbs excess oil, while baking soda and Cedarwood, Rosemary, and Tea Tree essential oils make hair smell fresh and support the qualities of a healthy scalp.

You can experiment with your own blend of essential oils to find a scent that works best for you! We love Lavender, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, and Peppermint for their wonderful aromas and various skin-care benefits. If you decide to add cocoa for dark hair, try using oils that complement the scent of chocolate like Orange, Peppermint, or Cinnamon.

DIY Essential Oil-Infused Dry Shampoo



  • Combine all ingredients.
  • Put in a container of your choice, such as an empty salt shaker or baby powder bottle.
  • Sprinkle on roots of hair and massage into scalp.
  • Leave for 2–3 minutes to absorb hair’s natural oils.
  • Brush through hair.
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