Creating a dream board can be a life-changing event in and of itself. Putting your dreams into words, finding images that represent your heart’s desires, and creatively putting your dreams on display is the first step. 

When you think of your life 5 years from now, what does it look like? Where will you be living? What will you be doing? Who will you be with? The beautiful thing about creating a dream board is that it can look like whatever you want it to. In this blog I will share some tips on how to get started and ways to get creative. However, at the end of the day, your dreams are the ones being illustrated. 

Your dream board should go in a place where you will see it often. Mine is currently hung on the wall facing my bed. I get to see it first thing in the morning. It’s a great way to wake up and remember what my goals and dreams are. It inspires me to get out of bed and get the day started with anticipation that great things are happening. 

“Dream BIG, and Live your Dreams!” - Elizabeth Rose
This is what I always say when it comes to dreaming. A dream is nothing without action. Dreams are like fluffy clouds floating around in the air making you feel good when you think about them. It’s not until you actually start to take action and put one step in front of the other that your dreams will come to life. 

Imagine dreaming of traveling to Italy. You can dream and cut out photos and tell all your friends about it. but if you get to be 99 years old and you’ve never actually bought a plane ticket to Italy, then chances are you will never get there. All your dreaming was just wishful thinking.

So, a great place to start is by pondering what you really want. What things really tug at your heartstrings? They don’t even have to be things that are realistic as of now. As we know, life progresses, economic status changes, friends and family change over time, and these things play a big part in the grander scheme of things. Also, keep in mind that one lifestyle is not necessarily more noble than another. In the 21st century there are countless occupations, countless opportunities, and countless ways you can invest your life into meaningful and rewarding pursuits.

I recommend asking yourself the question, “what do I want for myself, and what can I give to others.” You will never be satisfied if you build the perfect empire for yourself, but fail to give to others, or bring others along on the journey with you. 

If you get to the top of a mountain, having passed everyone else along the trail, you will be lonely at the top. A beautiful aspect of life is community and companionship. Doing life together with others you love is way more rewarding than doing it all alone. 

“You can go faster alone. You can go farther together.”
Think of the people you desire to do life with. This may be a spouse, family members, good friends, a business team, adventure buddies, ministry or missionary group. What shared interests and dreams do you have in common? 

I promise that as you begin to hone in on your own dreams, you will begin to meet others with similar dreams. Never underestimate the power of dreaming bringing like-minded people together. It may just be that once you have clarity on a dream, then the people and things needed to accomplish it will manifest. This is the power of attraction. 

Don’t be surprised once you have completed your dream board, that things start happening at a more rapid rate. Things you thought impossible, connections with people you need to know, finances that needed to flow. These things will suddenly be attracted to you. DREAM BIG!!!

And I always like to put in a reminder of the importance of faith. The God who created the universe cares deeply for you. God knows your heart, He knows your dreams and desires. He even placed many things in your heart so that you would search them out during your lifetime. So I encourage you to pray along your journey of creating your Dream Board. Ask God to show you His heart for your life. He loves you dearly and desires the very best for you. 

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” 
As you’re dreaming, I also want you to imagine succeeding. This can be a struggle for some people. 

“If you aim at nothing you will surely hit it.”
Our personal paradigm, how we see the world, is a big determining factor of how we achieve goals and dreams. If your glass is half empty and you cannot see yourself succeeding in life, then chances are you won’t. You will never own that “dream car” or be able to pay for that “dream vacation” or “marry the man or woman of your dream”. 

On the other hand, if your glass is half full and you can see yourself achieving your dreams, then they are ultimately possible. It will take work and a process of growing into the new and upgraded you. This takes time. However, you will like the result if your heart is set in the right direction. 

Time to Create . . . 

Now that you’ve thought a bit about your life, dreams and goals, it’s time to get started. There are a few simple things you will need. Keep in mind that you can get as elaborate as you’d like, or keep it simple. A simple dream board may look like a piece of poster board with photos taped to it. A more elaborate one may look like a pinboard with carefully placed photos cut from your favorite magazines or photos printed from online. 

You can grab a few different kinds and colors of pens to add some extra character or even cut out words from magazines. Never underestimate the power of words. A simple word may be just what you need to keep you focused on a specific dream. 

“A couple of years ago, I invited a few of my business partners to my home in Florida for a 5 day business training. We spend an entire morning cutting out photos and words from magazines, gluing and pasting and laughing! It was so much fun! After we finished we decided to treat ourselves to an afternoon of shopping! It was one of the most rewarding days of our entire 5 day retreat!” - Teri Secrest

Lastly, what kind of atmosphere helps you get creative? Do you enjoy a certain genre of music, or candle light, maybe even a bowl of popcorn? Whatever helps you get into a creative mood, do it! You can even invite your friends over and all work on your dream boards together. 

You may wish to pull out a piece of paper to write on. Write down all your ideas, think it over, pray about it, and then go to work finding the photos and words that represent your dreams. Be as simple or as detailed as you desire. For instance, if you want to own a specific kind of vehicle, find a photo of that exact one. If there’s a destination you want to visit, find photos of that exact place. 

Here’s a list that can help you with collecting supplies:
  • cork board, pinboard, poster board
  • push pins, tape, glue, scissors 
  • paper (optional) - white paper, colored paper, cool scrapbooking paper
  • magazines 
  • photos that represent your dreams

Happy Creating!

Okay, you are well on your way to creating your dream board. 

Now . . .  I would LOVE to see your creation. 

If you’d like to share, take a photo of it and email it to and if this blog has been helpful for you, please share it. 

To Dreaming! 

Royal Crown Diamond, Teri Secrest
Gold Leader, Elizabeth Rose

phone: 719-502-1017


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