Whether you're already going through a mental checklist of your wardrobe for convention, or you're a last minute packer, there are a few key things you won't want to be without. A sweater, sunglasses and a water bottle are amongst my top items. You just never know when the AC will get cranked down to 60 degrees and you'll be praying for Marry Poppins to walk in with a carpet bag filled with parkas. HaHa!

We can laugh about it now, although after 15+ years of attending convention, there are a few must-haves. If you have anything to add to the list, please write a comment in the comments section of the blog. I'd love to know your tips or questions. You can always contact myself, Teri Secrest, or my daughter Elizabeth Rose, or the wonderful Beverly Banks for more suggestions. We certainly don't know it all, but we've been making the trek to Salt Lake City for almost more years than we can count now. 


Who . . .  Where . . . How

First you'll want to know who all is going, where you'll be staying, and how you'll be getting there. Packing for two parents and three kids for a 12 hour roadtrip to Convention is very different than packing for just yourself catching a non-stop flight.

It's important to keep the entire packing process fun and enjoyable for all - event the ones left behind. This is a time to create a joyful experience that builds anticipation! Even take some funny photos of your packing experience to share with your YL team and friends on social media. Include them in the process. You just never know who may catch the FOMO bug and beg to go to convention with you next year! 

So . . .  who all is attending? 
  • Just yourself
  • Yourself and a spouse - I highly recommend that spouses attend convention together so that they can "catch the vision" and be supportive of each other.
  • Children - Yes, children can attend convention. Nursing mothers can bring their young child for free, and tickets can be purchased for older children. Keep in mind that parents are 100% responsible for watching after children. (In years past YL has had Kids Camp as an option for children to attend but I haven't heard anything about this for the 2023 convention yet.) Sometimes a spouse will stay in the hotel or at an Air B&B with the children while the other spouse attends Convention, or they take turns. This is a great way to make it a family affair. 
  • Team Members - keep a running list of who on your team, your upline, even your Crossline, and greater YL family are going. You'll want to bet sure and make it a point to meet up.
  • Other Family Members

Extras & Gifts
First and foremost you're responsibility is to bring what you will personally need. However, I enjoy bringing team gifts and things that are "extras" that make the experience enjoyable for others. This is your opportunity to bring joy to those you know by being generous. I'm not talking about taking out a second loan on your house to make it to Convention! Of course, do what is in your budget and don't stress. Although I know you'll be pleasantly surprised what "extras" you can come up with. Planning ahead is always the key, as you can pick up little extras along the way and by the time Convention is upon us it won't feel like a big deal to make it happen all at once.

What Is Provided
Young Living loves to give YOU gifts. With the purchase of your convention ticket you will receive a custom bag. This has been a uni-sex shoulder bag or backpack in years past. In it is generally a pen and notepad, an essential oil, and a convention schedule booklet. You will receive a lanyard with your rank and name on it. These are fun to keep from year to year and challenge yourself to up-rank each year that you attend convention. 

On-Site Amenities
Generally there is a lunch hall where you can purchase a healthy lunch which includes several Young Living recipes and oil-infused recipes, einkorn bread, etc.

The NingXia Bar is a great place to go for a NignXia Red slushy, NingXia Shots with Vitality oils, NingXia Zing and NITRO for an energy boost. You can also purchase YL snack-like products while supplies last.

There are several concession stands to get water and snacks. 

You'll want to bring snacks or purchase them once you get to Salt Lake.

There is plenty of floor space in the lobby and hallways to find a little nook to sit and eat a snack or a meal you've brought. If you'll looking to save money and not eat out every meal, then meal prepping is a great way to go. 

At the Young Living Farm they provide a lunch that's included in your ticket cost. It's DELICIOUS and you can sit under one of the tents for shade, or out on the lawn. They have water stations and fun extras like Lavender Lemonade and NingXia Red snow cones. They really go all out on farm day!


Clothing & Attire
In the early years, convention was "dress up". We'd wear suits and show off our favorite pairs of dress shoes and get all decked out. Now it's quite a bit more casual. "Upscale casual" is a good description. 

It's important to be comfortable since the days will be long and nights can be late. At the same time, remember that YOU are a leader, no matter what rank you are. Others will choose if they want to emulate you buy how you "show up" - how you dress, how you carry yourself, if you make it to sessions on time or are chronically late. Your friends and team look up to you for leadership, as do you, when you look to other leaders to follow. 

Shoes: A fun trick is to walk from where you're staying to the Salt Place in comfortable walking shoes and then you can always stick them in your backpack and pull out a snazzier pair of shoes.

Layers: Dressing in layers is the best option for surviving the hot summer outdoors and air conditioned venue. Scarves, sweater, suite jackets, sport coats are all good options to have with you even if you don't end up needing to put it on. 


Warm and Toasty!
Salt Lake is a high altitude, dry dessert climate that tends to be in the 80's and 90's and sunny. Keep this in mind for Farm Day and bring an outfit that works for being out in the sun for several hours. 

Bring a hat and sunglasses! 

PLUS YL's Sunscreen and After Sun Spray in case you get a little too much sun. 

WATER!!! Always have a water bottle with you. I recommend bringing a stainless steel water bottle with a lid that closes so it won't spill in your bag. In higher elevation climates like Salt Lake City it's easy to get dehydrated. Adding Vitality Drops to water helps with the taste and adds electrolytes. Adding 1/4 scoop of AminoWise to a water bottle is also great for taste.

Women, you will want to keep an extra hair tie, bobbie pins or clip with you for when the hair needs to go up. 

YL Foundation 5K Run & Workout Attire

This is such a fun team time to get up early, get your sweat on for a good cause, and jump start the day with a 5K run or walk. You can go at your pace. So be sure to check the website for info on the 2023 Foundation 5K and bring the right cloths. 

Elizabeth and Beverly love taking a morning jog on the days that allow. The sidewalks are great for walking and jogging. You'll want to explore a little and take a walk up to the State Capitol Building.

Skincare - Bring what you use for your normal skincare regime and if you need to "downsize" for space purposes, use smaller bottles or bring the few products you absolutely need . . . face wash/makeup remover, moisturizer/body lotion, makeup

It's nice to have a travel sized hand lotion in your bag throughout the day, as well as YL's Thieves Hand Purifier.

Shampoo/Conditioner & Body Wash - Hotels provide these. However, if your skin is more sensitive or you know that you do better with specific products, then bring them. We certain'y don't want a bad hair day. HaHa!

Young Living's Bon Voyage Travel Kit has all the necessities in TSA approved travel size containers and a zipper case.

Razor, tweezers, nail clippers, nail file, etc

Extra Luggage
If you're planning on purchasing YL products at convention, books, merchandise, clothing from the YL Gear store, be sure to plan ahead space wise to that you have enough luggage to bring it home. Sometimes I take an extra suitcase or use the bag that I bring team gifts in for taking home things that I purchase. Fold up duffle bags work well, or bags that you can bring as an extra carry on, but be sure the contents are ones that security will allow you to carry on. For instance, no liquids over 2 ounces. 

Our Convention Travel Checklist
Click HERE for the PDF printable version and see below for the photo.

Let's Connect
We hope this blog is helpful. Please do write your own tips in the comments section. We'd love to know what has been helpful for you while traveling and at Convention. 

If there's anything we can help you with, please reach out to the contact info below. 

For other convention related blogs, click on the names below

With Gratitude, 
Teri Secrest 



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