How To Create A Dream Board in 2023

Creating a dream board can be a life-changing event in and of itself. Putting your dreams into words, finding images that represent your heart’s desires, and creatively putting your dreams on display is the first step. 

When you think of your life 5 years from now, what does it look like? Where will you be living? What will you be doing? Who will you be with? The beautiful thing about creating a dream board is that it can look like whatever you want it to. In this blog I will share some tips on how to get started and ways to get creative. However, at the end of the day, your dreams are the ones being illustrated. 

Your dream board should go in a place where you will see it often. Mine is currently hung on the wall facing my bed. I get to see it first thing in the morning. It’s a great way to wake up and remember what my goals and dreams are. It inspires me to get out of bed and get the day started with anticipation that great things are happening. 

“Dream BIG, and Live your Dreams!” - Elizabeth Rose
This is what I always say when it comes to dreaming. A dream is nothing without action. Dreams are like fluffy clouds floating around in the air making you feel good when you think about them. It’s not until you actually start to take action and put one step in front of the other that your dreams will come to life. 

Imagine dreaming of traveling to Italy. You can dream and cut out photos and tell all your friends about it. but if you get to be 99 years old and you’ve never actually bought a plane ticket to Italy, then chances are you will never get there. All your dreaming was just wishful thinking.

So, a great place to start is by pondering what you really want. What things really tug at your heartstrings? They don’t even have to be things that are realistic as of now. As we know, life progresses, economic status changes, friends and family change over time, and these things play a big part in the grander scheme of things. Also, keep in mind that one lifestyle is not necessarily more noble than another. In the 21st century there are countless occupations, countless opportunities, and countless ways you can invest your life into meaningful and rewarding pursuits.

I recommend asking yourself the question, “what do I want for myself, and what can I give to others.” You will never be satisfied if you build the perfect empire for yourself, but fail to give to others, or bring others along on the journey with you. 

If you get to the top of a mountain, having passed everyone else along the trail, you will be lonely at the top. A beautiful aspect of life is community and companionship. Doing life together with others you love is way more rewarding than doing it all alone. 

“You can go faster alone. You can go farther together.”
Think of the people you desire to do life with. This may be a spouse, family members, good friends, a business team, adventure buddies, ministry or missionary group. What shared interests and dreams do you have in common? 

I promise that as you begin to hone in on your own dreams, you will begin to meet others with similar dreams. Never underestimate the power of dreaming bringing like-minded people together. It may just be that once you have clarity on a dream, then the people and things needed to accomplish it will manifest. This is the power of attraction. 

Don’t be surprised once you have completed your dream board, that things start happening at a more rapid rate. Things you thought impossible, connections with people you need to know, finances that needed to flow. These things will suddenly be attracted to you. DREAM BIG!!!

And I always like to put in a reminder of the importance of faith. The God who created the universe cares deeply for you. God knows your heart, He knows your dreams and desires. He even placed many things in your heart so that you would search them out during your lifetime. So I encourage you to pray along your journey of creating your Dream Board. Ask God to show you His heart for your life. He loves you dearly and desires the very best for you. 

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” 
As you’re dreaming, I also want you to imagine succeeding. This can be a struggle for some people. 

“If you aim at nothing you will surely hit it.”
Our personal paradigm, how we see the world, is a big determining factor of how we achieve goals and dreams. If your glass is half empty and you cannot see yourself succeeding in life, then chances are you won’t. You will never own that “dream car” or be able to pay for that “dream vacation” or “marry the man or woman of your dream”. 

On the other hand, if your glass is half full and you can see yourself achieving your dreams, then they are ultimately possible. It will take work and a process of growing into the new and upgraded you. This takes time. However, you will like the result if your heart is set in the right direction. 

Time to Create . . . 

Now that you’ve thought a bit about your life, dreams and goals, it’s time to get started. There are a few simple things you will need. Keep in mind that you can get as elaborate as you’d like, or keep it simple. A simple dream board may look like a piece of poster board with photos taped to it. A more elaborate one may look like a pinboard with carefully placed photos cut from your favorite magazines or photos printed from online. 

You can grab a few different kinds and colors of pens to add some extra character or even cut out words from magazines. Never underestimate the power of words. A simple word may be just what you need to keep you focused on a specific dream. 

“A couple of years ago, I invited a few of my business partners to my home in Florida for a 5 day business training. We spend an entire morning cutting out photos and words from magazines, gluing and pasting and laughing! It was so much fun! After we finished we decided to treat ourselves to an afternoon of shopping! It was one of the most rewarding days of our entire 5 day retreat!” - Teri Secrest

Lastly, what kind of atmosphere helps you get creative? Do you enjoy a certain genre of music, or candle light, maybe even a bowl of popcorn? Whatever helps you get into a creative mood, do it! You can even invite your friends over and all work on your dream boards together. 

You may wish to pull out a piece of paper to write on. Write down all your ideas, think it over, pray about it, and then go to work finding the photos and words that represent your dreams. Be as simple or as detailed as you desire. For instance, if you want to own a specific kind of vehicle, find a photo of that exact one. If there’s a destination you want to visit, find photos of that exact place. 

Here’s a list that can help you with collecting supplies:
  • cork board, pinboard, poster board
  • push pins, tape, glue, scissors 
  • paper (optional) - white paper, colored paper, cool scrapbooking paper
  • magazines 
  • photos that represent your dreams

Happy Creating!

Okay, you are well on your way to creating your dream board. 

Now . . .  I would LOVE to see your creation. 

If you’d like to share, take a photo of it and email it to and if this blog has been helpful for you, please share it. 

To Dreaming! 

Royal Crown Diamond, Teri Secrest
Gold Leader, Elizabeth Rose

phone: 719-502-1017

Strength and Vitality Challenge Companion Products

It's getting real, friend! The kind of real when your excitement rises and you can feel a pep in your step!

I am so excited to do the Strength and Vitality Challenge with you starting January 16th!! (If you're still deciding, I encourage you to jump in with both feet first and JUST DO IT!) Plus, the anticipation is rising and every day there are more and more members of the Royal Dream team signing up! For all the challenge details, visit the original blog HERE

The encouragement and live workouts are free and if you's like to kick your progress up a notch, Will and Lauren Roberts have chosen as companion products as well. You may have tired these products or use them on a regular basis already. You can also add them to your January Loyalty Rewards order. 

Not sure what Loyalty Rewards is all about, click HERE for more info. 

Let's get started . . . 

Recommended daily supplement intake:
  • 2-4 ounces of NingXia Red
  • 1/2 - 1 full scoop of AminoWise in water following a workout
  • Take 2 capsules daily of PowerGize
NingXia Tips: I love taking 2 ounces of NingXia Red added to my first glass of water in the morning. Then come 3pm-ish I take two more ounce of NingXia Red. Another option is to take half your NingXia Red intake before a workout and half after. It's delicious when added in water along with AminoWise. 

AminoWise Tips: I will sometimes add 1/4 scoop of AminoWise to my water bottle while working out. This works extremely well if you're out on a long hike or it's a hot day and you need electrolytes. I never go camping or hiking long distance without taking a small ziplock of AminoWise to add to water. 

And now, if you're curious what these products actually do in the body and the ingredients in each, here's the nitty gritty details. 

NingXia Red Benefits
The benefits of NingXia Red include support for energy levels, normal cellular function, whole-body health, and normal eye health. A daily shot of 2–4 ounces helps support overall wellness with powerful antioxidants.* 

It contains every essential amino acid. It contains 13 percent protein, the highest protein content of any fruit. It has trace minerals. It has naturally occurring Vitamins B1, B6, and B2—the energy vitamin.  It has more Vitamin C than all the fruits and veggies on the earth: 148 milligrams. Parsley and Spinach have 133 milligrams. Oranges have 53. It has more calcium than cherries (16mg) and cruciferous veggies (50) at 110 milligrams, and more beta carotene (12,600) than carrots (11,000). It is loaded with fiber because the skin of the berry was preserved. 

There are 7 main ways that NingXia Red can scientifically support the body’s overall health. 

  1. Antioxidants: One ounce of Ningxia red = 2 pounds of wolfberries. There are 17 or 18 species of wolfberry, but only the NingXia wolfberry has the ability to deliver all the micro and macro nutrients that are bioavailable to the cells of your body. Antioxidants play a huge role in aging, memory, arthritis, inflammation—and so much more. Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) is a method of measuring antioxidant capacities.  Presently, the highest antioxidant on the ORAC scale is vitamin E which comes in between 800 and 1200, followed by blueberries, raspberries, pomegranates etc... A combination of fruits, together, reach around 3000 on the ORAC. The ORAC score of NingXia is 27,300.
  2. Acid to Alkaline: In your body, you have alkaline acid. What creates disease? Acid. It breeds virus, bacteria, and fungus. When you can keep your pH neutral, you inhibit growth of things you don’t want in your body. Everything we eat converts in the stomach, which has a pH of 2.5. Wolfberry goes into the stomach and starts to break down as acid, but the minute it hits the small intestine, it immediately converts back to alkaline. It’s acid binding and alkaline forming. Only one other food does that: the lemon. Wolfberry is chemically structured to convert because of the amino acid Tripsin—which is responsible for the conversion of amino acids in protein. And guess what NingXia is? It’s alkaline protein. It’s the most perfect food that exists. 
  3. Free Radicals: Where do free radicals come from? The air, electromagnetic fields, stuff we’re eating—chocolate, sugar. They are the army guys on the wrong side of the team. They wreak havoc. You outnumber the army with NingXia. Your body does a good job at taking care of oxidative stress, but one of the reasons we age—the reasons we get wrinkly, the reasons we feel tired-- it’s because of an excess of free radicals. Everything that is high in ORAC will flush your system really well.  Your body gets quadrillions of free radical attacks each day: 10,000 attacks **per cell** per day. The body needs a leg up. Most other “nutritional” drinks do little against superoxide—the worst free radical—because the drinks are so heavily processed. Gary worked for years to protect the berry all the way to the bottle, so you get the full benefits. The NingXia wolfberry was saved during processing. That means it is a powerhouse designed to fight free radicals in the body. 
  4. Vitamin/Mineral Pairs: Minerals have to be properly balanced. Too much calcium will result in a zinc deficiency. Too much zinc can suppress immunity and lead to anemia. Both the mineral profile and the mineral balance of the NingXia wolfberry is without equal in the plant kingdom. With magnesium to calcium ratios 1:1, zinc to copper 2:1, and potassium to magnesium 8:1: it is exactly what the body needs in proportion. 
  5. It’s A Macronutrient: You’re getting whole food nutrition. It’s coming from the plant—not a synthetic source. It’s coming from a food-based source. That means it’s easier for your body to process and you’ll absorb more of what you’re eating. It is also a liquid. If you did a digestive function test, 95-98 percent of us would come back with a weak or deficient digestive system—because of medications, stress, and processed food. To get NingXia in a liquid form means you absorb it faster, and your body doesn’t have to break it down.
  6. It’s Infused with Essential Oils: Essential Oils in NingXia act as a delivery system to the body. Because it’s infused with YL therapeutic-grade essential oils, it increases the absorption rate of NingXia. The tiny oils act as a delivery system for the larger molecules. 
  7. It Has the Right Sugar and the Right Enzymes: But sugar is bad, right? Not all sugar. NingXia has the right sugar to open the door to your cell. When our cell membranes are 1) inflamed 2) oxidized 3) toxic 4) lacking in mitochondrial function to energize the receptors to open and close—we have no energy. NingXia’s sugars open the door to our cells so good information can get passed to them. It crosses the lipid layer of the cell and passes inside. Only 8 sugars on the earth can open the door. NingXia has 4 of the 8, naturally occurring inside the wolfberry. Let’s also talk enzymes. By age 40, you start losing digestive enzymes in the gut. NingXia is loaded with the right enzymes to help you break food down and get the nutrients out of what you eat. Feed your body exactly what it needs.
~ The above benefits information was taken from Sarah Harnisch’ Script Book class text “Intro to NingXia Class”


Proprietary NingXia Red® blend 
Ningxia wolfberry puree (Lycium barbarum): 
There are at least 80 species of Lysium berries worldwide, but only the Barbarum shows the highest nutrient levels in scientific testing. The NingXia region holds the Gold Certificate; China’s equivalent of the USDA’s organic certification. They are grown with no fertilizers, no pesticides, no sulfur, no irradiation, no dyes, and no heavy metals of lead, arson, mercury, or cadmium in the soil. The NingXia region’s irrigation water comes from the Yellow River, which is upstream from all the pollutants of the major cities. The Yellow River floods the NingXia plants with a layer of minerals and silt every year. The farms in NingXia are in a semi-arid region with plenty of sunlight, and a high temperature difference between night and day (think of sap running in maple trees). Temperature differences are good for the liquids in plants, they keep them moving. The elevation is just right for the plant to be the most productive. Any other place in the world would not have the same ecological condition of the pH of the water, the nutrients in the soil, or silt from the Yellow River. The conditions have earned NingXia the distinction of being China’s recognized herbal medicine valley.

NingXia wolfberries grow in the NingXia River Valley in China. On top of that, the juice is blended with blueberry, aronia, cherry, pomegranate, and plum juices, natural stevia extract, grape seed extract, pure vanilla extract, and Orange, Yuzu, Lemon, and Tangerine essential oils. (Yuzu is an oil you cannot get by itself in Young Living, it’s used only for NingXia). NingXia is the only nutrient drink on the market that combines whole Chinese wolfberries and pure, therapeutic grade essential oils into a single beverage.
NingXia has a high nutritional content and naturally occurring organic sugar (the sugar that allows your cells to talk). NingXia is China’s only medicinal wolfberry production base. The Lycium Barbarum variety of the wolfberry is superior in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants: more than any other wolfberry in the world.
~ The above NingXia Blend information was taken from Sarah Harnisch’ Script Book class text “Intro to NingXia Class”

Blueberry juice concentrate, plum juice concentrate, cherry juice concentrate, aronia juice concentrate, pomegranate juice concentrate:
These juice concentrates are a unique collection of all extremely high antioxidant rich fruit juices that are known to boost immunity and protect against oxidative stress. (from Jen O’Sullivan’s “Supplement Desk Reference, first edition) 

Proprietary Essential Oil Blend 
Grape seed extract
This rich in antioxidants including flavonoids and phytonutrients; protects against oxidative stress and supports healthy whole-body wellness. (from Jen O’Sullivan’s “Supplement Desk Reference, first edition)
Orange†, Yuzu†, Lemon†, Tangerine†
This oil blend is high in limonene. These antioxidant rich citrus oils boost immunity, cleanse toxins from the body, support circulation and digestive health and stimulate lymphatic drainage,. Tangerine is particularly beneficial for respiratory health while Yuzu has beneficial properties that support nerve and brain health. (from Jen O’Sullivan’s “Supplement Desk Reference, first edition)
† 100% pure therapeutic-grade essential oil


"NingXia Red is the single most nutrient-rich elixir of life available today! I drink it every day and I feel fabulous! - Teri Secrest, author, Texas

AminoWise is a wolfberry lemonade-flavored drink mix that contains branched-chain amino acids, antioxidants, and minerals to provide the nutrients you need to optimize your workout recovery. This triple-targeted formula consists of the Muscle Performance blend, which includes branched-chain amino acids; the Recovery blend, which includes Ningxia wolfberry powder and Lemon and Lime premium essential oils; and the Hydration blend, which features electrolytes. These blends combine to support your muscles during and after exercise, help fight fatigue, and enhance your recovery.*

AminoWise Muscle Performance Blend: Branched-chain amino acids (2:1:1 Leucine, Iso-leucine, Valine), L-citrulline, L-glutamine, B-alanine, L-arginine, L-taurine AminoWise Recovery Blend: Ningxia wolfberry fruit powder, Lime fruit powder, Polyphenols extract, Zinc, Vitamin E, Lemon peel oil†, Lime peel oil† AminoWise Hydration Mineral Blend: Sodium (Sodium citrate), Potassium (Potassium citrate), Calcium (Calcium citrate), Magnesium (Magnesium citrate) †Premium essential oil

"I can tell a definite difference in my recovery time when I add AminoWise to water and sip on it during my post-workout cooldown. Plus, I never go camping or hiking without this added boost of electrolytes." 
- Elizabeth Rose, music artist & health coach, Texas


PowerGize is a daily supplement for men and women of all ages who want to improve their physical performance, increase muscle size and strength, and enhance their muscle tone and rate of muscle recovery. It uses KSM-66, which is touted for its properties that support immunity, mental clarity, concentration, and alertness; premium essential oils such as Blue Spruce, Goldenrod, and Cassia; and botanicals sourced from around the world to boost stamina and sustain energy levels, strength, and vitality when paired with physical activity.* 

PowerGize Energy Blend: Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) root extract, Longjack (Eurycoma longifolia) root powder, Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) (50% saponin) seed extract, Epimedium (Epimedium brevicornum) leaf powder, Desert hyacinth (Cistanche tubulosa) root powder, Tribulus (Tribulus terrestris) (45% saponin) fruit/leaf extract, Muira puama (Ptychopetalum olacoides) bark powder, Idaho Blue spruce (Picea pungens)† aerial parts oil, Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis)† flowering top oil, Cassia (Cinnamomum aromaticum)† branch/leaf oil
Other Ingredients: Hypromellose, Rice flour, Silicon dioxide
†Premium essential oil

"I started taking the PowerGize supplement in conjunction with riding my bicycle an average of 7-12 miles a day. Within the first week my recovery time dropped from a day to an hour and a half and I attribute that to the support of PowerGize." 
- Nate Bocker, Texas

I hope this blog is helpful for you. Please feel free to share it with friends and family who are joining you for the Strength and Vitality Challenge! And I look forward to hearing your product testimonials as we get going. 

To your health, 

Royal Crown Diamond, Teri Secrest
Gold Leader, Elizabeth Rose
& Silver Leader Beverly Banks (Assistant to all)  
Phone: 904.822.1788

Join Our Strength and Vitality Challenge in 2023

Join Our Strength and Vitality Challenge in 2023

Are you looking to TRULY change your life in 2023? 

How many years have slipped by where you have promised yourself that THIS is the year you were going to make your strength a priority?  Why would this year be different? It’s because we are going to do this together.

Would it shock you to know that I’m the same? I’ve made the same promises only to allow other things to pull me off and make me a lier to myself. I’m going into this challenge because I know I need to make some changes too and I’m excited for us to do this together.

What makes it different this time is that we are going to have some coaches! Let me introduce you to two of the BEST out there and they are willing to help us for free because they are so dedicated to health.

True Fit Training and Young Living Brand Partners

Will and Lauren Roberts are amazing leaders on the Royal Dream Team. They are parents, health enthusiasts and quite a wonderful couple to be friends with. Will has a background in acting, modeling and is a fitness trainer with hundreds of success stories from his clients. Lauren is a devoted mother, social media influencer, talented musician, and Brand Partner with Young Living. 

Together, Will and Lauren are hosting a Strength and Vitality Challenge. This challenge incorporates daily workouts created by Will, a vitality regiment of Young Living products, plus encouraging messages. I'm so excited to do this challenge personally and join many of our YL team members as we get the New Year started on a good note. I'd love for you to join me, and even share with your family and friends! 
I hope you’re ready to have some fun while we get fit together!!!

Details for the Strength & Vitality Challenge:

  1. We will be starting on January 16th, 2023
  2. We’ll be using Ningxia Red, Aminowise, and Powergize for 30 days. During the challenge there will be educational posts on these amazing YL products, as well as general health and fitness. 
  3. There will also be free workouts provided by Will Roberts. Will is a trainer of professional athlete, who is also skilled in rehab. He will share workouts, both in his app and doing a live workout each week. The workouts are safe, insanely effective and scalable - so everyone at every age and level can join.
The objective of these 30 days is not to be a typical New Years weight loss focus, but a strength and vitality focus. Our goal is to set a foundation for everyone to have their strongest and healthiest year yet!

Sound like something you'd like to do?

Here’s how to join in 2 easy steps . . .  

  1. WAIT TILL JANUARY 1st . . .  then hop into your Young Living living account. Add Ningxia Red, Aminowise, and Powergize to your Loyalty Rewards order. HERE is the wishlist to help you find the products easily. 
  2. Join the Royal Dream Team event page on Facebook HERE. We will be giving away prizes and offering encouragement to our team from this page. The FIRST team prize will be drawn on January 6th
  3. If you don't have facebook or prefer using telegram, you can join the telegram group HERE. *IMPORTANT: there will be members from across Young Living in the telegram & facebook groups. Team prizes will only be awarded on the RDT Event Page

The challenge officially kicks off January 16th!

This challenge is 30 days of goodness that you'll want to share and invite your friends and family! It’s always more fun to do workouts together. Besides, this is definitely something they aren’t going to want to miss!! 

Not to mention, you’ll make around $77 for each new person who signs up with these 3 products. HELLO Fast Start Bonus!! Simply use your Share YL link so they can get their Ningxia Red, Aminowise, and Powergize. 

Let’s set ourselves up for a great 2023! 

If you have any questions, or need help with anything please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Wishing you a joyful Christmas!

Royal Crown Diamond, Teri
Gold Leader, Elizabeth Rose
& Silver Leader Beverly Banks (Assistant to all)  

Phone: 904.822.1788

How to Join Our Weekly Wednesday Wisdom Training


As a customer with Young Living Essential Oils and member of the Royal Dream Team, you have access to our weekly educational zoom gatherings. We call these online gatherings Wednesday Wisdom and they happen each Wednesday at Noon Eastern. Each week we cover a different topic ranging from getting the toxins out of your home, to supporting a healthy immune system, using essential oils with children, pet care using essential oils, lifestyle tips for healthy sleep and so much more. You will have the opportunity to connect with like-minded health enthusiasts, receive education, ask questions and share your own tips. We really are a big happy family that loves getting together and sharing all our best tips and hacks and DIY recipes.

On a regular basis you will hear from Teri Secrest (leader of the Royal Dream Team, author, and 27 years of experience with Young Living), Elizabeth Rose (15 years experience as a lifestyle and health coach), and Beverly Banks (who brings her amazing knowledge of products and the Young Living business opportunity). We certainly do have a lot of fun tag teaming Wednesday Wisdom to bring you the very best education to help you along your health journey. 

We hope you join us online soon!

To receive a weekly text message on Tuesday or Wednesday with the week's topic, simply send a text message to 719-208-4508 with the word WISDOM. Go ahead and save this number in your phone so that you know that you're getting a text message from Teri Secrest's text system, and you're good to go. 

Included in your weekly text will be the zoom link to join us LIVE on zoom, and the link to the Royal Dream Team Facebook group where we share the livestream as well. The nice thing about joining zoom is that you can turn your video and audio on and interact, or keep it off and just watch and listen. 
Join us SO MANY ways:
1) On the team facebook page for the live
2) On zoom using your desk/laptop with this link:
3) You can also download the Zoom app and use meeting ID 812 4807 0564

We look forward to connecting with you again soon. If there is anything we can do to be a support you to, please call us at the contact information below..

To Your Health, 

Teri Secrest 719-502-1017
Elizabeth Rose 833-357-5777
Beverly Banks 719-645-3366

December 2022 Young Living Gift With Purchase Product Details

Make the season bright with the scents of Peace & Calming, Valor, and En-R-Gee essential oil blends while you keep your winter wellness game strong with Thieves Cleansing Soap to wash away grime and Super C tablets to support your immune function. Once the guests are gone, grab Thieves Wipes to give your home a fresh start on the new year.

This month you can add these staple YL products to you home by placing an order of 190PV, 250PV and 300PV. Plus, you will receive the extra bonus gift if your purchase is placed as a Loyalty Rewards order. For more information on Loyalty Rewards, click HERE. If you've never been a Loyalty Rewards Customer, then now is the perfect time to join. The first three months you receive 10% of the PV of your order back as royalty points. These points are saved up and used to purchase free products on a one-time shop order. Come month four, you earn 20% back in reward points. And after month 25 you will always earn 25% on every Loyalty rewards order. 

Being a Loyal Reward member with a 50PV monthly order or more is truly is THE MOST COST EFFECTIVE way to earn the most discounts, receive gift with purchase AND the bonus gift, and earn monthly reward points! 

Loyalty order
300 PV tier:
Retail value: $289.81
  • Peace & Calming essential oil blend, 15 ml
  • En-R-Gee essential oil blend, 15 ml
  • Super C tablets
  • Thieves Cleansing Soap
  • Thieves Wipes
  • Loyalty order: Valor essential oil blend, 5 ml
  • Loyalty order: 10 loyalty points
250 PV tier:
Retail value: $188.49
  • En-R-Gee essential oil blend, 15 ml
  • Super C tablets
  • Thieves Cleansing Soap
  • Thieves Wipes
  • Loyalty order: Valor essential oil blend, 5 ml
  • Loyalty order: 10 loyalty points
190 PV tier:
Retail value: $107.24
  • Thieves Cleansing Soap
  • Thieves Wipes
  • Loyalty order: Valor essential oil blend, 5 ml
  • Loyalty order: 10 loyalty points
100 PV tier:
Retail value: $13.16
  • Loyalty order: 10 loyalty points

One-time order:
300 PV tier:
Retail value: $218.10
  • Peace & Calming essential oil blend, 15 ml
  • En-R-Gee essential oil blend, 15 ml
  • Super C tablets
  • Thieves Cleansing Soap
  • Thieves Wipes
250 PV tier:
Retail value: $116.78
  • En-R-Gee essential oil blend, 15 ml
  • Super C tablets
  • Thieves Cleansing Soap
  • Thieves Wipes
190 PV tier:
Retail value: $35.53
  • Thieves Cleansing Soap
  • Thieves Wipes
Hopefully you've used each of these products at one point or another in the past. I'm always curious to hear how others put their products to good use, especially for those "out of the box" uses. If you'd like to share a testimony, please email me at

Here are a few of my favorite uses . . . 

Valor is one of the original blends formulated by Young Living Founder D. Gary Young and is a long-standing member favorite. Each essential oil in the blend was carefully selected for its unique aromatic and topical benefits: Frankincense for its uplifting, earthy aroma and skin-smoothing properties; Black Spruce for its grounded, woodsy aroma; Blue Tansy for its inspiring aromatic profile; Geranium for its sweet, floral aroma; and Camphor Wood for its skin-benefiting properties and strong, herbaceous scent. This powerful, synergistic blend with a transformative aroma has contributed to its strong legacy as a key part of Young Living's proprietary Raindrop Technique®

  • May enhance the appearance of healthy-looking skin 
  • Enhances massage for a rejuvenating experience 
  • A foundational daily blend that features a positive aroma to inspire confidence and courage 
  • A key component of the Raindrop Technique 
  • Creates a grounded environment for prayer and meditation
Topical: Apply 2–4 drops directly to desired area. Dilution is not required, except for the most sensitive skin. Use as needed.
Aromatic: Diffuse up to 1 hour 3 times daily.

*My Favorite Uses*
  • Apply to the bottoms of each foot and down the spine before a chiropractic adjustment or full body massage.
  • Great for applying to the bottoms of the feet first thing in the morning or right before bed for a grounding effect.
  • Inhale when that extra bit of courage is needed to get through the day.

Thieves® Wipes offer a quick, convenient, natural way to clean hard surfaces while leaving nothing but the rich, spicy aroma of Young Living's signature Thieves blend.

  • Non-drying and non-greasy formula that requires no rinsing
  • Naturally derived, plant-based formula quickly cleans and freshens surfaces 
  • Formulated without synthetic or chemically derived ingredients
  • Portable for easy use on the go or at home
  • Safe to use on surfaces that store food
  • Bring on the go to freshen and cleanse surfaces at restaurants, work, and stores.
  • Keep at home to quickly clean kitchen surfaces with naturally derived power.

Thieves Cleansing Soap combines our exclusive Thieves premium essential oil blend with colloidal oatmeal and a luxurious, moisture-rich base for soft, smooth, and refreshed-feeling skin. A gentle natural exfoliator, colloidal oatmeal helps to remove dirt and excess oil without drying the skin, while a soap base made from olive, coconut, jojoba, and wolfberry seed oils and five premium essential oils helps replenish hydration to thirsty skin. Treat your hands to a spiced, creamy lather as our soap cleanses and exfoliates, leaving skin smooth, refreshed, and lightly scented.

  • Wet bar and smooth over skin.
  • Work into a lather.
  • Rinse with water.

Super C supports normal immune, respiratory, and circulatory function and is fortified with rutin, citrus bioflavonoids, and minerals to balance electrolytes and enhance the effectiveness and absorption of vitamin C. The added premium essential oils may also increase bioflavonoid activity.* The ingredients in Super C also help to strengthen connective tissues and promote overall health, vitality, and longevity. Because your body cannot manufacture vitamin C, you can benefit by consuming this powerful antioxidant daily.*

To reinforce immune strength, take 2 tablets daily. For maintenance, take 1 tablet daily. Best if taken before meals.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Young Living products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

En-R-Gee™ essential oil blend is a combination of Rosemary, Juniper, Lemongrass, Nutmeg, Idaho Grand Fir, Clove, and Black Pepper for an invigorating aromatic boost when preparing for any of life’s challenges or demanding performances when you need it most.

  • Diffuse En-R-Gee during your morning ritual to jump-start to your day. 
  • Apply it topically to feel inspired and ready to take on the world. 
  • Diffuse it while focusing on work or studies.
  • Diffuse it during long drives or late-night study sessions for an invigorating aroma that will help you push through.
  • Diffuse En-R-Gee at work or home.
  • Add a couple drops to V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex and massage it into temples, bottoms of feet, or the back of the neck before a challenging activity for an exhilarating scent.
Topical: Dilute 1 drop with 4 drops of V-6™ or olive oil. Test on a small area of skin on the underside of arm and apply to desired area as needed.
Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 minutes 3 times daily.

Alpha-pinene, Eucalyptol, Camphor, Myristicin, Geranial

*My Favorite Use*
Apply 1-2 drops to inside of forearms before or during a long run or bike ride. 

Peace & Calming® essential oil blend is a combination of Blue Tansy, Orange, Tangerine, Patchouli, and Ylang Ylang that creates a moment of tranquility in your everyday life.

  • Apply Peace & Calming to the bottoms of feet at night as part of a bedtime ritual for your whole family.
  • Apply 1–3 drops to your neck and temples for a moment of inner peace.
  • Diffuse 8–20 drops daily to create a positive, peaceful atmosphere.
  • Dilute it with V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex for a calming back massage before naps or bed.
  • Add 4–5 drops to 1 cup of Epsom salt for a centering bath at the start of the day or as part of a calming evening routine.
  • Add it to Young Living Bath and Shower Gel Base for a cleanser your entire family will love.
  • Combine it with Citrus Fresh™ essential oil blend for a bright, invigorating scent that’s perfect for mornings before school or practice.
Limonene, Germacrene D, Sabinene, Camphor, Patchoulol 

Let's Keep In Touch!
If you need help logging into your Young Living account, choosing what YL products can be most beneficial for you, learning how to use what products you already have on hands, please contact me. 


Remember, you can also share Young Living with your family and friends! When they create their own account with Young Living then you can earn $$ each time they order. Contact me to learn more about the Young Living Business Opportunity if this is of interest to you. It's very possible to get your monthly order paid for by sharing the YL products you love! 


Wishing you and your family a Joyful holiday season!

With Love,
Teri Secrest & Elizabeth Rose

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