Keeping a journal is a great idea for everyone, regardless of age.
There are so many benefits gained from taking a few minutes each day to record your thoughts in a journal.
The costs are minimal and the payback is huge.
A journal is a great idea for you and your children.
Many life coaches require that clients keep journals as part of their success program.
Discover 5 great reasons to keep a journal:
1. Keep a record of your life for yourself.
How many times have you tried to remember when some particular incident in your past actually happened? Was it 1994 or 1995? Do you remember the facts differently from others that were involved? Who’s actually right?
If you keep a journal, you’ll have all the dates and facts right there. More importantly, you’ll be given the opportunity to see how your life has progressed.
As we get older, every day seems to blend into the next. We get up, go to work, go home, eat dinner, watch TV, and repeat for 40 years.
By writing down the day-to-day aspects of your life, your life will become more interesting. Just the act of recording will encourage you to live a life you deem worthy of recording. You might add more fun and adventure to your life, just so you can write about it.
It’s possible you might want to pass your journals on to your children at some point. Wouldn’t you like to read about your parents or grandparents?
2. You can record the lives of your children.
Imagine how great it would be to keep a journal while your child is growing up and then give it to her later in life?
You’ll record everything that happened during the years when they are too young to keep a journal themselves. It will also be a great reminder for you.
3. Journals are great for processing feelings.
Things are always a little clearer when we get them out of our heads and down on paper.
Everything is a little more objective and realistic.
You might be surprised at what you figure out about yourself if you take the time to keep a journal.
4. Work towards your goals with a journal.
A significant part of reaching goals is recording progress and prioritization. By writing about your goals each day, you can continually reaffirm your goals are worth achieving.
How often have you set a goal and then forgotten all about it after a few days or a couple of weeks? If you write it down in a journal, there’s less chance that will happen.
Record the progress you are making towards your goals. Make notes about new ideas to move closer to your goals.
When you achieve a goal, you’ll be able to look back and remember how great it felt to accomplish it. The next goal will be even easier.
5. A journal will reduce the amount of stress in your life.
Journaling forces you to unplug and focus your mind. Sometimes the best thing for a stressed mind is to turn off the computer and sit quietly with your thoughts.
When you record your challenges, your brain starts looking for solutions. Having a solution to a challenge relieves stress!
Consider keeping a journal for yourself and your children. The benefits are considerable, and it doesn’t have to take more than a few minutes per day. When your children are old enough, encourage them to keep journals as well.
Journaling is a great tool that doesn’t cost much at all. A pen and notebook are the only items required.
Check out the journal I created that has skyrocketed my daily productivity!

Simple Wipes…Superior Results!
Thieves Homemade Cleaning Wipes
Clean all your surfaces, counters, sinks, tubs, tables, toilets, car interior, mirrors…you name it! If you don’t have Thieves cleaner, you’re missing out, but in a pinch, you can substitute white vinegar. Read up on Why I Use Thieves Cleaner. These pack a powerful punch without leaving streaks.
Clean all your surfaces, counters, sinks, tubs, tables, toilets, car interior, mirrors…you name it! If you don’t have Thieves cleaner, you’re missing out, but in a pinch, you can substitute white vinegar. Read up on Why I Use Thieves Cleaner. These pack a powerful punch without leaving streaks.
The criteria I use for my recipes is they must be SIMPLE with EASILY ATTAINABLE INGREDIENTS, INEXPENSIVE and must WORK! This recipes checks all the boxes, so here it is!
- Ingredients:
- Coffee Filters
- 1 Cup Water
- 1 tsp Thieves Cleaner
- 1 Tbls Liquid Castile Soap (unscented)
- 5 Drops *Essential Oils (I use Thieves)
You can find inexpensive containers to fit your coffee filters at any grocery store or Dollar store. You may already have a stack of them in your tupperware drawer at home
After placing filters into your container, mix all ingredients and pour over filters. You may need to put the lid on and turn upside down a time or two, making sure the filters are soaked all the way through.
To use, pull out a filter or two and wipe away, cleaning any surface you can think of! I like to make a few of these and place in different rooms, especially the kitchen and bathrooms.
Bonus Tip:
Cut up some rags, or get a pack of inexpensive wash cloths, pack into the container and pour the solution over the cloths for REUSABLE WIPES. Used wipes can be tossed into the washer and used over and over again!

365 days…TWELVE Habits…2,190 Tasks toward your Goals!
- Proven method to increase productivity
- Time Saver – Takes only MINUTES each day
- 365 Daily Entries – Track Your Entire YEAR!
- Spend Less Time Planning and More Time DOING!

Get ready for the most productive year of your life!
- Time Saver. Most journals these days are essentially scrapbooks and take up valuable time doodling, checking boxes and writing down every single detail of your time. This journal takes only MINUTES each day to fill out, focusing on what’s most important which leaves you more time to get things done!
- Efficiency. This 6×9 book can easily fit in your bag and has enough space for 365 days instead of the average 90 days. Shorter journal entries allows you to focus on the most important highlights of the day, setting you up for success by being consistent.
- Proven Strategies. Success begins with a solid daily routine. By writing down your goals daily, having gratitude, always improving yourself by developing good habits, completing six of the most important tasks each day (Ivy Lee Method) and reflecting on each of these, you are setting yourself up for success!
How to use your Mountain Mover Journal
This journal was created to be quick, simple, intentional and save time. It is designed to keep laser-focus on your goals and maximize your productivity.
Daily Tasks
Each night, list your top six tasks for the next day, prioritizing them by importance. Your goal is to complete all six tasks throughout the day by finishing the first before moving onto the next. This is called the Ivy Lee method, a 100-year-old strategy used by Charles Schwab to skyrocket productivity. If for any reason you don’t finish your list, move what you didn’t complete to the top of the text day and fill in the remaining lines.
30 Day Habits
You can completely change a habit in 30 days if you are consistent. Each day, write what habit you would like to change. It could be that you are working on quitting a bad habit, or working to develop a good habit. Writing it down daily consistently sets your intention. By the end of the year, you will have changed TWELVE Habits!! That’s phenomenal!!
Write out your next big goal until you achieve it. The process of writing it down will solidify it in your subconscious and you will stay focused on achieving that goal. Once you complete your goal, celebrate, draw some stars and fireworks and start writing your next goal.
Today I am Grateful for…
Gratitude is POWERFUL! Being grateful raises your frequency, starts out the day with positive thoughts and attracts more of the same.
On the blank lines, this is YOUR Zone. You may choose to write a quick blurb about your day, write out your daily affirmation, or journal how you feel. Think about what you will want to remember about your journey when you flip back through your pages and reflect on how to improve.
Above all…be consistent, keep focused and have fun!
You’re gonna Move Mountains!

50+ Home & Personal Care products in minutes, with 8 Ingredients you already have in your pantry!
Running late for work, I discovered that I had run out of deodorant. Instead of freaking out, I ran to the kitchen, grabbed a few items from my pantry, whipped up a new batch of deodorant and was out the door, ready to take on the world. FIVE MINUTES, crisis averted. I realized that EVERY WOMAN NEEDS THIS IN THEIR LIVES; the ability to make anything at the drop of a hat. I spent hours compiling my most-used recipes and sharing them in classes, girl’s nights, and finally…this book.
This is written for the overwhelmed, stressed-out mom who wants so bad to use safe products in her home but doesn’t have the time to research, take hours out of her day, and spend tons of money on obscure ingredients. I have done close to a hundred DIY events with my friends and community over the past years and the feedback I have received has been instrumental in putting this book together. My goal is to show you how to replace most o the expensive chemical-laden products with simple recipes using 8 products most of us already have in our pantries right now. This is about the basics. Simple, budget-friendly, and quick.
Not only do I share my top simple recipes, I am going to teach you WHY I chose these ingredients so you can learn to change and create your own recipes with confidence. If you find a great recipe online, but don’t have access to the entire list of ingredients – you can substitute and make your own!
So many of the products we use in our home are dangerous on many levels, from carcinogens to hormone disruptors. Many of these products are considered safe because the dangerous ingredients are in such small amounts, but what happens is we end up using multiple products with small amounts and it compounds? The average woman is exposed to over 300 chemicals each day, 80 before breakfast. That’s insane! By knowing what is in your products and making most of them with simple, clean ingredients, you will start to see a change in your health.
I am also an Essential Oil Enthusiast. When Essential Oils are added to recipes, it gives the recipe a boost! I’ve done many hours of research on how choosing the right oil is important.
When adding genuine essential oils to recipes (not the generic perfume grade that is sold at many popular stores), you also get added health benefits as well. Cleaning your home becomes aromatherapy. It’s beyond AMAZING!