365 days…TWELVE Habits…2,190 Tasks toward your Goals!
- Proven method to increase productivity
- Time Saver – Takes only MINUTES each day
- 365 Daily Entries – Track Your Entire YEAR!
- Spend Less Time Planning and More Time DOING!

Get ready for the most productive year of your life!
- Time Saver. Most journals these days are essentially scrapbooks and take up valuable time doodling, checking boxes and writing down every single detail of your time. This journal takes only MINUTES each day to fill out, focusing on what’s most important which leaves you more time to get things done!
- Efficiency. This 6×9 book can easily fit in your bag and has enough space for 365 days instead of the average 90 days. Shorter journal entries allows you to focus on the most important highlights of the day, setting you up for success by being consistent.
- Proven Strategies. Success begins with a solid daily routine. By writing down your goals daily, having gratitude, always improving yourself by developing good habits, completing six of the most important tasks each day (Ivy Lee Method) and reflecting on each of these, you are setting yourself up for success!
How to use your Mountain Mover Journal
This journal was created to be quick, simple, intentional and save time. It is designed to keep laser-focus on your goals and maximize your productivity.
Daily Tasks
Each night, list your top six tasks for the next day, prioritizing them by importance. Your goal is to complete all six tasks throughout the day by finishing the first before moving onto the next. This is called the Ivy Lee method, a 100-year-old strategy used by Charles Schwab to skyrocket productivity. If for any reason you don’t finish your list, move what you didn’t complete to the top of the text day and fill in the remaining lines.
30 Day Habits
You can completely change a habit in 30 days if you are consistent. Each day, write what habit you would like to change. It could be that you are working on quitting a bad habit, or working to develop a good habit. Writing it down daily consistently sets your intention. By the end of the year, you will have changed TWELVE Habits!! That’s phenomenal!!
Write out your next big goal until you achieve it. The process of writing it down will solidify it in your subconscious and you will stay focused on achieving that goal. Once you complete your goal, celebrate, draw some stars and fireworks and start writing your next goal.
Today I am Grateful for…
Gratitude is POWERFUL! Being grateful raises your frequency, starts out the day with positive thoughts and attracts more of the same.
On the blank lines, this is YOUR Zone. You may choose to write a quick blurb about your day, write out your daily affirmation, or journal how you feel. Think about what you will want to remember about your journey when you flip back through your pages and reflect on how to improve.
Above all…be consistent, keep focused and have fun!
You’re gonna Move Mountains!