Happy Oily-versary to me!!
December 28th, 2022 marked my 10 year anniversary as a Young Living Member.  So I was 51 when I  experienced my first essential oil.  Wow, how had I gone that long without every knowing anything about them?  Well, I guess I’m like most folks.  You don’t know what you don’t know, right? 

I feel kind of bummed out that I didn’t have these oils in my life when my kids were little.  I know they would have made such a huge difference in creating a healthier home.  I think of all I’ve learned about some of the harmful chemicals in the products I used while my kids were small, and wish I would have known about Young Living’s Thieves line back then.

But I guess you can’t do much about what has gone before.  You just have to do better, once you know better, right? 

And as much as my adult children like to kid me about my “hippie juice”, they do like the oils, and will use them as they need them;  if they’re feeling under the weather (Thieves), or just need a calming influence (Lavender). 

I think back to 10 years ago, and back then, most people didn’t know about essential oils or their benefits to our health & wellness.  If they had heard of them, they mostly thought of them as “pretty aromas”, but not so much as tools to support their body, mind and spirit.

So I guess I shouldn’t feel too bad that I was one of those people.  I was in the majority.  But I am so incredibly grateful for that first whiff of Thieves that I smelled as I walked into my friend’s home back in 2012!  

It has led to so many moments of discovery, experiencing the power of these amazing little bottles of nature’s living energy.  And I am so grateful that I am able to share my experiences and my knowledge with people; my family, my friends, and new friends I’m meeting through events and gatherings that I host.

My hope is that I can help more people to live healthier, happier lives with Young Living essential oils.  And hopefully they can discover them earlier in their lives, so they can share them with their children and create healthy homes for their families.

And the one thing I’ve learned is, it’s never too late to start!


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