God's Grace

God's Grace
I've been working through some hard stuff in my head lately. God's been nudging me, in that gentle way that He does, to follow His lead. I'm stubborn. I have been told I have a great amount of faith, but sometimes I feel like I'm failing in the faith department when He calls me to do big things and I hesitate. Growth is hard, y'all! 

Whenever I'm in the car alone, I pray. I'm a busy mom with a VERY active almost-4-year-old, so the car rides alone are pretty much the only place I can get quiet and listen to what God is telling me. This morning, I was getting real with Him about my hesitations and He showed up in a big way. His beautiful artwork in the sky appeared at just the right moment as if to tell me, "I've got you, child. I know this is hard." 

I often feel incredible guilt and shame for the moments I fail Him, but He reminded me again this morning of how much grace He gives me, and that He is there every time I fall or feel inadequate. Guilt and shame are emotions created by humans that we use to judge ourselves. He reminds me that my measurements of self worth are not the same as His. We look at ourselves through jaded lenses, but He sees so much more than we can fathom. Each day as I walk through my growth with Him, I see a little bit more of what He has for me up ahead. I'm so grateful for His grace.

If you're feeling uncertain, lost, or alone, there is peace in our Creator. He is patiently waiting to lift you up and free you from the chains that bind. 

What is weighing on you today?

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