[This week's blog from Total Wellness Defined]

We live in a toxic world and our bodies are constantly attacked from all angles. We must be taught to approach health from ALL angles. Diet is one of those angles, but without approaching it from the whole body perspective, true health cannot be achieved. I've talked to many people (women especially) who try everything they can to get their weight under control to no avail. Thus starts the vicious cycle of yo-yo dieting through the latest weight-loss plans, depression and feelings of failure, "miracle" supplements, and prescriptions that don't address the underlying issues.

This is why it is so important to stand firm, advocate for yourself, do your research, and learn to listen to what your body is telling you. No one (besides God) will ever know your body better than YOU do. Your body has the power to heal; it just needs to be unlocked. It takes work, but YOU ARE WORTH IT!

I had a client recently share with me about a doctor who told her she needed to lose weight. She had visited due to some pain she was dealing with, in an effort to find the cause, and the response she received was a feeling of "this is YOUR fault because you're overweight", rather than one of compassion and an honest search for a reason behind the pain she was experiencing. She was then given medicine to "see if this works", without a true diagnosis.

Don't get me wrong, I don't completely reject modern medicine, but there's some major flaws in the system. It's become all about money instead of health. The approach to health is compartmentalized - instead of approaching health from the WHOLE BODY perspective, modern medicine looks at just one piece and attempts to cover up symptoms in that one area with pills and surgeries (which are sometimes completely unnecessary). Then more pills and surgeries to "fix" the new issues the original pills and surgeries caused. It's a never-ending cycle that keeps us all unwell.

Even if you're fortunate enough to have a doctor who supports a natural, whole body wellness approach (like mine does), they are often bound by insurance companies and medical groups that limit their ability to make certain suggestions for natural wellness. Insurance and pharmaceuticals don't make money off of healthy people! Plus, doctors are human and they make mistakes. They know THE body, but not necessarily YOUR body. You are your best advocate for your own health. 

Have you ever been misdiagnosed or been demeaned for your weight by a medical professional? 


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