I'm Giving It All I've Got, Captain!
[This Week's Blog by Lisa Main - Total Wellness Defined]

My daughter loves those big concrete balls outside the Target stores. I'm not sure why, but she insists she try to move them every time we go there. Every. Single. Time. 

She's currently 4, so she's well aware she isn't going to move those balls, but she will still excitedly run up to one of them and give it all she's got, while we stand by cheering her on. She tries anyway, despite knowing the reality that the ball won't move. She doesn't hesitate or back down. Once she's pushed on it for a minute, she walks away and we go into the store for whatever it was we were there for. Why do I let her continue to try? Because I want her to never be afraid to give it her best shot, regardless if she (or anyone else) thinks she'll fail. I want her to know what it's like to not succeed, and learn to just go on about her day when that happens. 

What do you do when you are faced with something that seems too difficult? Do you shy away from it? If you do give it a try, do you feel like you're truly giving it 100 percent, or do you approach with caution "just in case"? What if instead of backing down you gave it a good push with everything you had? Worst case scenario, you might exert a little time and energy on something that led nowhere, but what's the BEST that could happen? 


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