Mischa's Mise En Place - What Does It Mean?
Mischa's Mise en Place. 
(Meeshas Meez an plas)

What a funny phrase!  What in the world does it mean?  And why am I using it in my business name?  

Well, it’s a culinary term that refers to having everything in its place before beginning the creation of your meal.  I’m sure you’ve seen the chef in cooking shows just dump a cup of this and a dash of that, all pre-measured, to their recipe, right?  That’s “mise en place”.

It’s a term that I learned in my French class in high school, and I have looked for a way to use it for decades.  The principles behind it truly represent my desire to work towards balance in all areas of my life… a continual process, for sure.

Principles of Mise en Place:

  1. Know your “recipe” = your GOAL/INTENTION
  2. Prepare all the required/desired parts to complete your “meal” = your details of making it part of your daily life
  3. Use your innate creativity and zeal to meld the flavors to present a mouth-watering dish = This is where it gets fun!  The life that you create will be uniquely YOU!
After each meal, you get to reevaluate what you liked and what you will change the next time - I/E - chopping the veggies bigger or smaller, adding more or less herbs, pepper or salt, etc. 

How does this apply to life?

We are always learning new and better ways of doing and being, aren't we?  This is NOT failure, but just part of the process of being human.  So, stop, take a deep breath, and listen in to what you really, really want in life, but just haven't been able to accomplish yet?

Does that scare you a little bit?  I understand.  It does me too sometimes.  When I feel that clinch in my gut, or panic restricting my breathing, I know that it's time for an Aroma Reset (just did one while writing this, my first blog post!) or even better, an Aroma Boost, which really gets things moving in a happier, lighter, more creative direction.

However, to really set and reach pithy goals (ones that are concise and full of meaning), a full Aroma Freedom session is the best thing!  Please schedule with me right away for one of three options:

2.  Gather at least 3 other friends and family members for a Private group session, or
3.  For the most profound change, let's schedule an Individual session!

I'd love to hear what you would like to learn about in my upcoming blogs, so please either email or text me what topics interest you:  I/E - skincare, nutrition, gut health, nontoxic cleaning and household products, hormone support, etc.

Take care!


P.S. - You didn't know this was going to be a vocabulary lesson, did you? :-) Yep, I'm my grandmother's grandchild for sure... more on that another time.)


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