FAQ: Customer vs Brand Partner

Q: How does a new customer get the 24% discount?
A: Customers are eligible for the 24% discount at sign-up if they do one of 2 things:
1. Purchase 100 PV or more on their first order.
2. Put at least 1 item on Subscribe to Save.
Q: If customers spend less than 100 PV on their first order, can they place multiple orders (over time adding up to 100 PV) to qualify them for the 24% discount?
A: Currently only the first single order of 100+PV will unlock the 24% discount… Otherwise they’ll need to put something on Subscribe to Save to get the discount.
Q: How long does the 24% discount last?
A: A Customer's first order of 100 PV unlocks the 24% discount for 12 months. After that, adding 1 or more items to Subscribe to Save will continue the discounted pricing. If a new customer first unlocks the 24% discount by placing an item on Subscribe to Save, they will need to keep at least 1 item on Subscribe to Save or make a 100 PV purchase to continue the discounted pricing.
Q: What is Subscribe to Save?
A: YL’s new subscription program that unlocks the 24% discount. You can put items in your Subscribe to Save at a 1, 2, or 3 month frequency.
Q: Can I do several Subscribe to Save orders in a month?
A: Your S2S order will ship once a month. Once it goes through, if you add something new to your S2S cart, it won’t ship until the next month’s subscription is processed. If you need more products after your S2S ships that month, you can do a regular “shop” order.
You can subscribe to as many things as you want throughout the month but your S2S will process and ship as one order each month (just like your ER does now).
For example, here’s how it works now: Let’s say your Essential Rewards order is scheduled to process on the 12th of the month and you go in on the 18th to add something… You have to wait till next month if you want to get that item through ER. If you really need that item before month end, you’ll need to place a shop order.
Here’s how it will work with the new system: If your S2S order processed on the 12th and you want to order something else on the 18th, you can either place a SHOP order to get it shipped immediately… OR you can add it to your S2S order for next month.
Q: If I put an item on Subscribe to Save to unlock the 24% discount and then next month cancel what’s in my S2S order, will I drop back to “retail” pricing?
A: Yes you’ll drop back to retail pricing. You can skip up to 3 months on S2S. But if you take all items off S2S or don’t order for 3 months you lose your 24% discount. But you can hop back on easily to S2S to get the discount back.
Q: When will my S2S order process?
A: Once you’re on the new shopping platform, your S2S order will process at 12:01am on the morning of their selected date. For example, if your S2S order date is the 12th, your S2S order will process at 12:01am on the morning of the 12th. It’s best practice to check your S2S cart the day BEFORE your processing date and make sure you have everything you need.
The only exception are S2S orders that are scheduled for the 1st of the month. In order to give people time to see the monthly “Gifts with Purchase” orders scheduled for the 1st will process at 12:01am on the 2nd.
Q: Will I be able to use account credits towards my monthly subscription?
A: Yes! Account credits can now be used toward subscription orders!!

Q: How do I qualify for the Loyalty Rewards points (the new name for Essential Rewards points)?
A: Customers and brand partners can both earn Loyalty Rewards points. To earn LR points + loyalty gifts, you simply must place a S2S order of at least 50 PV.
You don’t have to "sign up" for Loyalty Rewards. You simply place a S2S order that’s 50 PV or more and you’ll receive Loyalty Rewards points.
Q: Will I get Loyalty Rewards points if I’m on S2S at 50+ PV… but I’m not ordering monthly??
A: You’ll get 10% on any S2S order that is 50 PV or more. However, if you don’t place S2S orders every month - consecutively - you won’t increase your Loyalty Rewards points percentage from 10% to 20% and then to 25%. To earn higher point levels you’ll need to place consecutive orders.
You’ll start out earning 10% back in Loyalty Rewards points for a 50+ PV S2S order.
After being on S2S at 50+ PV for 3 consecutive months, you’ll start earning 20% back in Loyalty Rewards points. After being on S2S at 50+ PV for 24 consecutive months, you’ll start earning 25% back in Loyalty Rewards points.
Q: Will I earn LR points if I place a 50+ PV S2S order every other month?
A: You’ll earn 10% LR points on every 50+ PV S2S order - even if they’re every other month - but you’ll only earn 10% back in points each time.

For more information on joining as a BRAND PARTNER, click here

If you are interested in purchasing a single product, enrolling as a brand partner, or just want more information, click here.  


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