Skin creams, with hormone precursors

Skin creams, with hormone precursors
How many of you are finding it difficult to keep your skin moisturized as you age??

Your skin is going to love this! This cream is specifically designed for dry skin.
Creates a cooling sensation on contact with Wintergreen and Peppermint premium essential oils to help comfort dry skin. You seriously only need a dime sized amount…it goes a long way! I take a dime sized amount of Regenolone, then a squirt of coconut oil, so I can apply it to both of my lower legs!

It contains vitamins A, C, and E.  Your skin needs vitamins too!

Speaking of oil, it contains wolfberry seed oil and flaxseed oil, which have skin enhancing properties.

Let’s talk about some of the essential oils it contains:

~Peppermint- Now we all know and love the cooling sensation we get from Peppermint plus the muscle support to overworked muscles! It’s also very calming for the body!

~Douglas Fir- Oh, now…this oil is used to relieve tired muscles and is supportive of breathing. Many people use Douglas Fir oil for skin, because it holds cleaning and purifying properties when applied topically.


Regenolone contains pregnenelone, which is the precursor to hormones like estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.  This hormone supports the nervous system, as well as the endocrine, immune, muscular and reproductive systems.

It also has Wild Yam, Black and Blue Cohosh

This cream can be used with other Young Living products that support happy hormones.  Speaking of "happy", it also contains St. John's Wort extract. 

Another ingredient that I really like is the fact that it contains MSM (methylsulfonylmethane)- this is an organic sulfur. Our bodies need MSM to properly produce collagen and cartilage.

If you also desire the supportive benefits of DHEA, consider Prenelone Plus.  It contains the ingredients highlighted above, plus DHEA, which is another hormone that is beneficial for the skin.  

Brain Health

Brain Health

The most effective way to use essential oils for brain health is through olfactory stimulation, or smelling. This can be accomplished by using diffusers, wearing necklaces that you can drop oils on to or by applying oils to the back of the neck or your pulse points behind the ears and neck area. When inhaling them, the oils break down into tiny particulates and reach the brain within 22 seconds. At the close of 20 minutes, every cell in the entire body will have been affected.

Beyond Brain Health

Even though you may be using an essential oil for brain health, they have other health benefits for you. Brain health oils that have been researched and tested include Bergamot, Black Pepper, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon, Melissa, Peppermint, Pine, Rosemary, and Sage.                                  


. Also, clinical trials suggest that turmeric may slow or reverse neurodegenerative disorders increasing production of neural stem cells, which are brain stem cells that are essential for the repair and recovery of brain function.

Brain Power
Brain Power is one of Young Living’s specially crafted blends that is designed to promote clarity of the mind. The blend contains sandalwood, cedarwood, melissa, frankincense, Blue cypress, lavender, and helichrysum. The blend of oils contain a high concentration of sesquiterpenes, which help promote healthy brain function..
It smells good, and one could diffuse it, or dab on the wrists and wear as a fragrance. 

Clarity™ essential oil blend features 12 essential oils for an aroma that promotes feelings of stability, focus, and a sense of productivity for the spirit and mind.

Golden Turmeric
Golden Turmeric uses a unique water-dispersible formula that makes it 24 times more bioavailable than standard turmeric products, so you can enjoy the full benefits of turmeric and relax, restore, and recover. It combines the benefits of high-quality turmeric and prebiotics into a delicious mango rose drink. These powerful ingredients support your body’s natural response to inflammation, immune response, joint health, mobility, and recovery after exercise. Your body absorbs the same amount of curcuminoids from just 300 mg of Golden Turmeric as it does from 1,926 mg of standard turmeric
* Contains prebiotics to support healthy digestion as well as the gut-brain axis*

Do you have Leaky Gut?

Do you have Leaky Gut?

Sometimes leaky gut is caused by an overgrowth of bacteria or candida in the gut, so using products that are gut friendly is key

Symptoms of SIBo

  1. Gas and Bloating
  2. Abdominal pain or cramping
  3. Diarrhea or constipation (less common than diarrhea)
  4. Diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  5. Food intolerances, particularly histamine intolerance
  6. Chronic illnesses such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, neuromuscular disorders, and autoimmune diseases
  7. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies, including vitamins A, B12, D, and E
  8. Fat malabsorption (signified by pale, bulky, and malodorous stools)
  9. Rosacea and other skin rashes
Diet is an important way to control the SIBO. By robbing the bacteria of food that they can use for fermentation, they can’t make that painful gas, and we can keep the symptoms down.

Bear in mind that each person and their gut microbiome are unique, as is each case of SIBO. Which herbs are most effective for you will depend on your particular bacterial populations. Different herbs are more effective against either methane-dominant (SIBO-C) or hydrogen-dominant (SIBO-D) bacteria but some are effective against both.

Even if a person takes a course of antibiotics or herbs, SIBO is a chronic condition that often relapses within 3 weeks of finishing treatment.  There are supplements that are supportive while you are on a low FODMAP diet and trying to stabilize your gut.  It is a good idea to incorporate certain supplements into your routine.

1. Juvatone- contains Barberry, a source of Berberine, and garlic.  Berberine and garlic are often recommended in SIBO protocols

2. Inner Defense- contains Oregano and Thyme.  Oregano is often mentioned in SIBO protocols.

3. Life 9 contains Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus plantarum. Two strains studied for IBS.  Some people take probiotics after they improve their symptoms to replenish the gut.

4. Essentialzyme-4- using enzymes to further break down your food is a good idea. Any of the enzyme formulas, (like Detoxzyme or Allerzyme) can be used.

5. Olive Leaf extract- olive leaf extract is a natural infectious-microbe fighter. It’s known to have completely natural antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties due to the compound makeup of oleuropein, hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol.

6. ICP daily- contains Guar Gum. Studies show that using Rifaximin plus Partially Hydrolyzed Guar Gum (PHGG) is more effective at clearing SIBO than Rifaximin used alone. PHGG is a prebiotic, which means that it feeds bacteria. You would think that it would worsen SIBO by feeding the bacteria in the small intestine. But, the fact is that if you do not feed the bacteria or yeast while treating it, the organisms will go into “spore form” or dig deep into tissues where they cannot be treated properly. Feeding the bacteria causes them to reproduce. If you “feed the bacteria” while simultaneously using an agent that targets bacteria that are in their replicative phase, you’ll kill the bacteria off in much higher numbers.

7. Golden Turmeric- Turmeric (Curcuma longa) has been used historically to support normal muscular contraction/relaxation and digestion.

8. Pure Protein Complete- you can use this shake, to supplement your FODMAP diet..

9. Aminowise

10.  Kidscents Unwind- contains 5-htp and magnesium 


Here is how I break down the timeline:

1. The Kill Phase (2 – 4 weeks)
This phase lasts as long as the medication protocol prescribed, most commonly a generic antibiotic like Rifaximin or one of the herbal protocols. There’s a debate as to what type of diet is beneficial during the kill phase. For those with severe symptoms, beginning a low FODMAP or low carb diet protocol will help jump start the healing phase and provide some relief, but you don’t want to be so strict that the bacteria go into hibernation because they’ve fully lost their food source.

2. The Healing Phase (2 – 3 months)
Some people who are feeling better will continue onto the next phase regardless since the test is expensive.

3. The Recovery Phase (On-Going)
SIBO is a chronic condition. If it comes back, it’s not an indication that the treatment plan didn’t work, but rather, that the root cause hasn’t been dealt with properly on an on-going basis. This is where a lot of the lifestyle modifications come into play, and in some cases, where it’s necessary to continue certain supplements, specifically the ones that improve motility (i.e. those that make sure you’re pooping properly)

If you are noticing that your digestion is off and you are experiencing bloating, constipation, GERD or any of the above mentioned symptoms then begin to follow this protocol to eliminate potential gut harming issues.

1) Remove gluten, corn, soy, diary, wheat and artificial sweeteners, these are the most common offending foods

2) Begin by adding in Enzymes

3) Further lower your carbohydrates, which still come from none gluten or corn sources.

4) Now add your Inner defense

5) At some point you will need a prebiotic or probiotic to support healthy gut flora

Gentle Skin Inflammation Relief

Gentle Skin Inflammation Relief
Copaiba essential oil is a magnifier of other oils, which means it enhances the effects of other essential oils.

Essential oils that you can apply directly to inflammation, diffuse or take internally.  These oils are gentle enough for sensitive skin:

Citrusy Mood

  • 3 drops Copaiba
  • 4 drops Bergamot


  • 4 drops Copaiba
  • 8 drops Lavender

  • 4 drops Copaiba
  • 4 drops Frankincense

I am Calm (roller bottle blend)
Add suggested drops in the roller bottle, then fill remainder of bottle with Fractionated Coconut oil, close lid and shake well. Roll on wrists, back of neck, spine, behind ears, and can be rolled on feet at night. 

  • 5 drops Copaiba
  • 8 drops Lavender
  • 8 drops Frankincense
  • 8 drops Bergamot
You can always make your own capsules if you prefer to take the mixtures orally.
Add 2 drops of the desired vitality oil (s) and add an edible carrier oil (like olive oil).

Sleepessence contains Melatonin, Lavender, Vetiver, and Valerian to help promote restful sleep and support the body's natural sleep rhythm.*

Before you go to bed, make some golden milk with Golden Turmeric 

Hebert P, Barice EJ, Park J, Dyess SM, McCaffrey R, Hennekens CH. Treatments for Inflammatory Arthritis: Potential But Unproven Role of Topical Copaiba. Integr Med (Encinitas). 2017 Apr;16(2):40-42. 

Bona E, Cantamessa S, Pavan M, Novello G, Massa N, Rocchetti A, Berta G, Gamalero E. Sensitivity of Candida albicans to essential oils: are they an alternative to antifungal agents? J Appl Microbiol. 2016 Dec;121(6):1530-1545. 

Efferth T, Oesch F. Anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer activities of frankincense: Targets, treatments and toxicities. Semin Cancer Biol. 2020 Feb 4:S1044-579X(20)30034-1. 

Romano L, Battaglia F, Masucci L, Sanguinetti M, Posteraro B, Plotti G, Zanetti S, Fadda G. In vitro activity of bergamot natural essence and furocoumarin-free and distilled extracts, and their associations with boric acid, against clinical yeast isolates. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2005 Jan;55(1):110-4. 

Sleep ideas

Sleep ideas
With aging, sleep patterns tend to change. Most people find that aging causes them to have a harder time falling asleep. They awaken more often during the night and earlier in the morning.   There are things you can do to improve your rest and relaxation.

Relaxing Blends:
Apply a drop to your feet before you sleep, use them in a bath, or diffuse.

Roll On- apply topically

This simple supplement features calming superstars like L-theanine, 5-HTP, and magnesium that are must haves for bringing a sense of chill when energy is high.

Ways to get Melatonin:

ImmuPro provides zinc and selenium for proper immune function* along with other chelated minerals which emerging science suggests are more easily absorbed by the body. It also delivers melatonin which encourages restful sleep by promoting the body's natural sleep rhythm.*.

 combines Lavender, Vetiver, Ruta, and Valerian essential oils with melatonin for relief from occasional sleeplessness*.

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