The Thin Line Between Fertility and Menopause

The Thin Line Between Fertility and Menopause

There is information available to help you think through your fertility plan and help you understand what might work for you to get your body up to speed. 

Further information can be found in the book Menopause Essentials

Issues with fertility can be caused by one or many factors, and you can design your protocol by focusing on your set of vulnerabilities. 

In the book Menopause Essentials there are sections covering: 

PCOS p 125 
Fibroids p 75 
Autoimmunity p 43 
Decreased Libido p 56 
Thyroid, Sluggish p 141 
Birth Control Detox p 259 
Reducing Toxin Exposure p 27 
Irregular Menstrual Cycle p 26 

The video series will do a deep dive into various issues one could focus on when trying to prepare the body for greatness, and give some suggestions regarding specific items to try. 

Bonus Lecture from 2 docs Talk:

Links to some of the products mentioned: 

Master Formula-  a comprehensive formula for optimal nutrition

Omegagize- contains Omega 3, Vitamin D, and Coenzyme Q10

NingXia Red- NingXia Red® is a delicious drink packed with powerful antioxidants to help against oxidative stress, support normal cellular function, and promote healthy energy levels

Super C -Super C plays a role in normal immune and circulatory functions, help to strengthen connective tissues, and promote overall health, vitality, and longevity.* Because your body cannot manufacture vitamin C, you can benefit by consuming this powerful antioxidant daily.

Thyromin -maximizes nutritional support for healthy thyroid function 

Basic Starter Kit (contains Stress Away) - used for exactly what the name says: Stress Away. Can be applied topically and used as a personal fragrance

Because Young Living’s products are not labeled to be used as drugs, they are not intended for use in the treatment or cure of disease or any abnormal function of the body, including ailments or injuries. Therefore, Young Living cannot provide advice or recommendation for products to address any type of disease, ailment, or injury.  We advise that you consult with a medical professional that has experience with Essential Oils on your specific issue. 

Disclaimer: This information is applicable ONLY for quality essential oils. This information DOES NOT apply to essential oils that have not been tested for purity and standardized constituents. There is no quality control in the United States, and oils labeled as “100% pure” need only to contain 5% of the actual oil. The rest of the bottle can be filled with fillers and sometimes toxic ingredients that can irritate the skin. The studies are not based solely on a specific brand of an essential oil, unless stated. Please read the full study for more information.
This material is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prescribe for any illness. You should check with your doctor regarding implementing any new strategies into your wellness regime. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.

Improving cardiovascular status

Improving cardiovascular status
Following is a general heart healing protocol for adults using supplements that are safe and can be very effective in cardiovascular rebuilding. The suggested supplements will generally give positive results, but they will be enhanced and usually hastened by also following steps 1-5.
The supplements listed below are somewhat in the order of importance, but always focus on your own needs.

(1) Put aside stressful situations in your life and past traumas behind you, as stress alone can accelerate health decline. Focus on a positive outlook with healing your body, mind, and spirit as a priority. Research has shown that prayer, which puts the mind, body, and spirit into agreement with God and with the healthy actions you are taking is very helpful for optimum healing. God created a Universe of logic and order and has built into it “cause and effect”. We cannot expect regeneration of our physical mind and body if we continue to abuse them with unhealthy thoughts and unnecessary worries.  If you need help with a plan. 

(2) Re-think your alcohol and tobacco use as well as food abuse (overeating of foods, especially processed foods) as they will lower your immunity even further and may well be a part of the root cause of your health problems. It is impractical to expect regeneration of the physical mind and body if we continue to abuse them with unhealthy practices.  Reduce your alcohol to moderate levels.

(3) Drink non-chlorinated and non-fluorinated water (around 8 glasses per day). Generally people do not get enough water.

(4) Follow a Mediterranean style diet.  Increase fish, fruits and vegetables. Decrease red meat. 


Take with meals to enhance digestion of meals. 

digestive enzymes with your supplements to enhance nutrient absorption. 
Taking on an empty stomach will enhance circulation by acting as a potent chelating agent to reduce plaque buildup and inflammation in the arteries. 
Young Living has many enzymes you can choose from.

Consider Super Cal Plus
Magnesium may be the important mineral in the body. Deficiencies of Magnesium and Calcium are often the root cause of heart angina and arrhythmias. Calcium is required for muscles (including the heart) to contract and Magnesium is essential for muscles to relax. An imbalance or deficiency of any three of these can severely interfere with normal heart function. For example, it is well known that muscle cramps elsewhere in the body are often caused by such deficiencies …and after all the heart is a muscle too. If you are having muscle cramps in the legs, this is a signal that you may be depleted in these minerals and under stress conditions your heart could be the next muscle to cramp causing angina or heart attack. 


(1)  is another of the most basic minerals which can affect heart rhythm and acute iodine deficiency is very prevalent in modern cultures. 2-10 drops per day may be used for ‘loading’ purposes in the case of iodine depletion.  Iodine is not only essential for proper heart rhythm, but is also critical for normal thyroid function.

(2) Thyroid powder

Super C
(Vitamin C taken with Lysine and Vitamin D can be extremely important vitamins in the regulation of blood pressure (along with Magnesium) and reducing arterial plaque (along with Enzymes). Dr. Linus Pauling was a vocal proponent of these supplements in improving cardiovascular health. He recommended using about 3000 mg per day of Vitamin C and 1500 mg of L-lysine.

Other supplement suggestions well worth consideration:
Cardiogize contains:
(1) Hawthorn is approved by German Commission E. The German Commission E approved hawthorn use for mild heart failure in the 1980s.
(2)  is one of the most vital and potent antioxidants for protecting and healing the heart. Its deficiency has been specifically linked to heart disease.

Omegagize contains:
(1) Omega Oils and essential fatty acids
The following health claims for EPA and DHA have been approved by The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Commission Regulation (EU):
  • DHA and EPA contribute to the normal function of the heart (0.25 g per day)
  • DHA and EPA contribute to the maintenance of normal blood pressure (3 g per day)
  • DHA and EPA contribute to the maintenance of normal blood triglyceride levels (2 g per day)
  • DHA contributes to maintenance of normal blood triglyceride levels (2 g per day in combination with EPA)
(2) Coenzyme Q10: Tissue deficiencies or subnormal serum levels of CoQ10 have been reported in a wide range of medical conditions, including cardiovascular disease and neuromuscular disease and hypertension. CoQ10 levels decline with advancing age, and this decline might contribute in part to some of the manifestations of aging. 

(3)   is an essential co-factor in Magnesium and Calcium utilization. Check levels and restore to optimal range.  Many people need 2000 IU- 5000 IU daily.  Some need more.

Essential Oils for support
(1)  Bergamot
The world-leading researcher of bergamot juice science is professor Vincenzo Mollace MD PhD, professor at the Faculty of Pharmacology & Toxicology, University of Catanzaro, Italy. One of his many investigations showed Bergamot monotherapy (on its own) to:
  • Be a powerful cardiometabolic regulator that routinely improves vascular health
  • Lowers cholesterol- total cholesterol, triglycerides and LDLc
  • Naturally treat metabolic syndrome
  • Significantly normalize liver function in patients with fatty liver disorders

(2) Research in recent years has show that the origins of some heart health issues is infectious bacteria. Consider essential oils to reduce the bacterial burden of your body. 

Master Formula contains:
(1) Chromium: supplementation may help to improve biomarkers of inflammation as markers of myocardial infarction.  conditions in which chromium might have beneficial effects: impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes, metabolic syndrome, polycystic ovary syndrome, dyslipidemia, and weight and lean body mass. 

Juvatone contains berberis
(1) Berberine has been researched for heart conditions, such as arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, dyslipidemia, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, myocarditis and cardiomyopathy, heart failure, etc., revealed the cardiovascular protective mechanisms of BBR.

(2) Choline and Inositol

Supports the body’s natural response to inflammation, immune response, joint health, mobility, and recovery after physical exertion
Delicious Mango Rose flavor
Unique, water-dispersible formula makes it 24 times more bioavailable than standard turmeric extracts. It absorbs quickly and easily, so you can enjoy the full benefits of turmeric 
Turmeric is an excellent source of curcuminoids, which help support the wellness properties in our bodies
Your body absorbs the same amount of curcuminoids from just 300 mg of Golden Turmeric as it does from 1,926 mg of standard turmeric.
Nighttime recovery drink to support our body's healthy inflammation response to relax, restore and recover

Master Formula- contains chromium, selenium, turmeric, choline,
Omegagize- contains Omega, Coenzyme Q10, and Vitamin D
Cardiogize- Contains Hawthorne, Coenzyme Q10, selenium, and Garlic
Juvatone- contains Berberis, choline, and inositol
Super Cal Plus- contains Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Lysine
Olive Essentials- Each capsule has as much hydroxytyrosol as a liter of extra virgin olive oil
NingXia Red- packed with powerful antioxidants to help against oxidative stress, support normal cellular function
Super C- The added essential oils may also increase bioflavonoid activity.
Thyromin - contains iodine
Golden Turmeric- contains turmeric and boswellia


Ashor AW, Brown R, Keenan PD, Willis ND, Siervo M, Mathers JC. Limited evidence for a beneficial effect of vitamin C supplementation on biomarkers of cardiovascular diseases: an umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Nutr Res. 2019 Jan;61:1-12. 

Cai Y, Xin Q, Lu J, et al. A New Therapeutic Candidate for Cardiovascular Diseases: Berberine. Front Pharmacol. 2021 Mar 17;12:631100.

De Leo M, Piragine E, Pirone A, Braca A, Pistelli L, Calderone V, Miragliotta V, Testai L. Protective Effects of Bergamot (Citrus bergamia Risso & Poiteau) Juice in Rats Fed with High-Fat Diet. Planta Med. 2020 Feb;86(3):180-189. 

Guo XF, Li ZH, Cai H, Li D. The effects of Lycium barbarum L. (L. barbarum) on cardiometabolic risk factors: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Food Funct. 2017 May 24;8(5):1741-1748. 

Hoption Cann SA. Hypothesis: dietary iodine intake in the etiology of cardiovascular disease. J Am Coll Nutr. 2006 Feb;25(1):1-11. 

Lamiquiz-Moneo I, Giné-González J, Alisente S, et al.  Effect of bergamot on lipid profile in humans: A systematic review. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2020;60(18):3133-3143.

Salas-Salvadó J, Becerra-Tomás N, García-Gavilán JF, Bulló M, Barrubés L. Mediterranean Diet and Cardiovascular Disease Prevention: What Do We Know? Prog Cardiovasc Dis. 2018 May-Jun;61(1):62-67. 

Tabrizi R, Ostadmohammadi V, Lankarani KB, Peymani P, Akbari M, Kolahdooz F, Asemi Z. The effects of inositol supplementation on lipid profiles among patients with metabolic diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Lipids Health Dis. 2018 May 24;17(1):123. 

Watanabe Y, Tatsuno I. Prevention of Cardiovascular Events with Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and the Mechanism Involved. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2020 Mar 1;27(3):183-198. 

Yang YK, Wang LP, Chen L, Yao XP, Yang KQ, Gao LG, Zhou XL. Coenzyme Q10 treatment of cardiovascular disorders of ageing including heart failure, hypertension and endothelial dysfunction. Clin Chim Acta. 2015 Oct 23;450:83-9. 

Zhang X, Cui L, Chen B, et. al. Effect of chromium supplementation on hs-CRP, TNF-α and IL-6 as risk factor for cardiovascular diseases: A meta-analysis of randomized-controlled trials. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2021 Feb;42:101291.

Oils for your heart

Oils for your heart
Endocarditis is an inflammation of the valves of the heart. Endocarditis is often caused by the growth of bacteria on one of the heart valves, leading to a mass known as a vegetation. Symptoms can be nonspecific and include fever, malaise, shortness of breath, and weakness.

Endocarditis occurs when infectious organisms, such as bacteria or fungi, enter the bloodstream and settle in the heart. In most cases, these organisms are streptococci ("strep"), staphylococci ("staph") or species of bacteria that normally live on body surfaces.

Staphylococcus aureus is the leading cause of infective endocarditis in most parts of the world and is responsible for about a third of all cases

Endocarditis can develop when bacteria enter your bloodstream. If your gums bleed while brushing your teeth, bacteria can get into your blood. That’s why people with gingivitis are at a higher risk of developing endocarditis.

As a preventive measure, would it be possible to use essential oils, as some have antimicrobial activity?
Here are some oils that are mentioned in a couple of articles that have activity against the bacteria that often threaten dental and heart health.

Whether inhaled, applied topically, or ingested internally, essential oils can circulate throughout the body.
Essential oils could also be applied to the carotid arteries, or over the heart, 

Consider using these in your recipes: Young Living vitality oils: Frankincense, Mountain Savory, Oregano, Orange, Lemon, Cinnamon bark, Lemongrass, Clove, Marjoram  

Consider these single oils: Geranium, Tea Tree, Ylang Ylang 

Consider these vitality blends: Citrus Fresh, Longevity, Thieves

Consider these topical blends:  Abundance, Aroma Life, Immupower, MelroseOne Heart

Consider Thieves Toothpaste and Thieves Mouthwash

Some ideas:
Add a drop of cinnamon bark vitality oil to your coffee 
Aroma Life and One Heart smell divine! Apply over carotids as a daily fragrance. 


Essential Oils with High Activity against Stationary Phase Bartonella henselae

Identification of essential oils with activity against stationary phase Staphylococcus aureus

Antimicrobial activity of commercially available essential oils against Streptococcus mutans

Minimizing Gluten

Minimizing Gluten
People with celiac disease, definitely need to be on a gluten free diet. Celiac disease is negatively affected by the consumption of gluten, because gluten attacks the villi within the small intestine, and you need that to function properly, in order to help your body absorb vital nutrients. Without the villi working properly, a person can become malnourished and very ill.

Other people who should consider a gluten free diet are those who have a documented sensitivity to it. Symptoms may include bloating, skin rashes, abdominal pain, headaches, and difficulty breathing. So, it’s wise to remove it from the diet, just as someone suffering from celiac disease. Other reasons might be for weight loss or living a healthier and natural lifestyle. Some of my patients do well on a low carb diet, not realizing that they may be responding favorably to a reduction in gluten consumption.

Another factor complicating the picture is that since the altered wheat and gluten are inflammatory, they may be affecting your gut whether you have an allergy, intolerance, sensitivity, or whatever you want to call it. A healthy gut is made up of tight junctions that prevent food from entering the body’s bloodstream. When these junctions are compromised, things (food, bacteria, parasites) can enter the body that should not typically, resulting in antibodies that trigger inflammation and causing anything from a mild allergic response to a full-blown autoimmune reaction. People who have leaky gut are going to react more negatively towards the gluten, and “leaky gut”, whether it is a recognized condition or not, affects the majority of people.

Gluten is found in grains such as wheat, rye, barley, and oats. It is also hidden in many other household items.

The wheat we eat today, is not the same wheat that was eaten by our ancestors. Our wheat has a different number of chromosomes altogether, it is hybridized wheat, which is easier to harvest, is more resilient to drought, and cut down harvest time and costs, which means more food and more profit for farmers.

This seemed like progress, however this modern wheat generated new strains of gluten. These strains are unrecognizable by the body, and these new proteins cause not only digestive distress but also damage to the gut lining and an antibody reaction (which leads to inflammation).

Unrecognized symptoms of gluten intolerance:
Bowel dysfunction like: diarrhea or constipation
Abdominal pain
Inflammatory skin conditions
Breathing problems
Autoimmune disorders
Brain fog
Fertility issues
Fun fact: it’s not just food that you need to watch out for, as it can also be an ingredient in body wash, lotion, lipstick, vitamins, medications, and even toothpaste.

However, there are alternative solutions for many of these products, and I encourage people to alter their shopping lists to include alternatives to their daily products.

Also look for food alternatives like:

Gluten free crackers (some are made of nut flour or rice flour)
Gluten Free pizza crust (some are made out of cauliflower or almond flour)
Gluten free flour (Bisquick has a gluten free mix)
Gluten free waffles (Natures Path… yummy)
Gluten free buns (I use Cauliflower sandwich flats)
Gluten free pasta (I use pasta made from quinoa or lentils)
In particular, gluten…or carb free noodles, such as Miracle Noodles are also free of calories. So, you can enjoy healthy and gluten free pasta dishes in the midst of your weight loss plan. Get the real “miracle noodles“, some companies make these noodles out of tofu, and they don’t taste the same.

What can you do to help your gut in addition to reducing the gluten in your diet:

Get an enzyme that helps you break down grains.
Find daily products that don’t contain gluten. Young Living has Savvy Minerals make-up, lipstick, body wash and lotions that are free of gluten and toxins.
If you tolerate gluten, but still want to reduce inflammation, find products made of ancient grains. Einkorn Flour products (pasta, flour, gluten free pancake and waffle mix, and granola), are available at Young Living.

Additional reading:

Koning F. Adverse Effects of Wheat Gluten. Ann Nutr Metab. 2015;67 Suppl 2:8-14.

Ehteshami M, Shakerhosseini R, Sedaghat F, Hedayati M, Eini-Zinab H, Hekmatdoost A. The Effect of Gluten Free Diet on Components of Metabolic Syndrome: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2018;19(10):2979-2984. Published 2018 Oct 26.

Young Living and your monthly cycle

Young Living and your monthly cycle
Sometimes women with irregular cycles need to use essential oils that support glandular health to help restore balance. 


1) The Female Oil blends: SclarEssenceLady Sclareol.  Apply like how you would apply topically. No right or wrong way to apply. Just apply and use.  If you get Sclaressence Vitality, which is  labeled for dietary use, you can add a drop to your NingXia Red daily

2) Endocrine support blend: Endoflex:  Apply on your thyroid or your back, near your adrenals. If you have the vitality version, put a drop under your tongue, or drink in a glass of water, or add a drop to NingXia Red.


Studies have linked excess inflammation to higher androgen levels and these supplements help with oxidative stress and overall wellness..

1) Ningxia Red: Contains Wolfberry, blueberries, and pomegranate, which have antioxidants. 

2) Sulfurzyme: Women often have increased levels of inflammation in their body. Being overweight can also contribute to inflammation.  NingXia wolfberries are in this supplement.

3) Super Hormonal Supplements: FemiGen combines Black Cohosh and licorice along with several important essential oils like Fennel and Sage. 

Black cohosh- has insulin-regulating properties and anti-inflammatory properties. Great for women in perimenopause who are dealing with hot flashes.

Licorice- helps in stimulating the endocrine glands of the body to function properly. It also has natural anti-androgen properties. It can bind to the receptor sites helping to maintain estrogen balance, promote ovulation and improve fertility.  Powergize contains ashwagandha and tribulus.

4) Consider Seedlings Baby Wash and Baby Wipes for perineal care.  Keep chemicals away from the delicate absorbent skin.  Your face also has delicate absorbent skin. Consider using Savvy Cosmetics.  Consider using natural deodorantRemove all possible toxins from your daily regimen. Clean with Thieves Products or DIY your own Products with YL EOs.

5) Progessence Plus: This oil is good for hormonal balance..Apply on Neck, forearms, ankles, groin area, womb, wrists.

If you are interested more information regarding the above products, check out this link

Further Reading:

Esmaeilinezhad Z, Babajafari S, Sohrabi Z, Eskandari MH, Amooee S, Barati-Boldaji R. Effect of synbiotic pomegranate juice on glycemic, sex hormone profile and anthropometric indices in PCOS: A randomized, triple blind, controlled trial. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2019;29(2):201-208.

Herbal medicine for the management of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and associated oligo/amenorrhoea and hyperandrogenism; a review of the laboratory evidence for effects with corroborative clinical findings. Arentz S, Abbott JA, Smith CA, Bensoussan A. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2014 Dec 18;14:511.

Effect of combination of Withania somnifera Dunal and Tribulus terrestris Linn on letrozole induced polycystic ovarian syndrome in rats. Saiyed A, Jahan N, Makbul SAA, Ansari M, Bano H, Habib SH. Integr Med Res. 2016 Dec;5(4):293-300. 
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