I’m coming up on 3 years of sobriety here!  Wow!  How did that happen? 

About 2 weeks after my Dad passed away, I woke up with a wicked hangover, and decided, that’s it!  I’m done.  This is stupid. 

Drinking has always been part of my life, since I was about 16, when my friends and I would sneak bottles out of our parents’ homes and binge drink on weekends.  Not every weekend, but still, not good. 

Family gatherings at our place always meant lots of drinking.  And for the most part, it was lots of fun.  We were socializing. 

I never felt like my drinking was an issue.  I was just socializing like everyone else.  Were there were times when I over-indulged?  Sure, but what the hell?   We were just “socializing”.  

I enjoyed having a glass of wine to relax after a long day at work.  And I enjoyed having a glass of wine while I was making supper.  And having another one, or two, while I was watching tv at night.  Nothing wrong with that, right?

I mean, I deserve it.  I work hard.  I’m an adult and if I want to have a glass of wine, why not?  Right? Right?!

But after a while, waking up feeling crappy, groggy, and not well rested, was getting a little old.  And I was getting a little older.  Not to mention, I had decided to share my love of Young Living essential oils with people, and promote a healthier lifestyle.  So it all felt just a little bit disingenuous.  

It wasn’t the first time I’d woken up with a hangover and decided that was it!  I was “Never Drinking Again!”  I’d lost count of how many times I’d said that.  

So why was this time different?  You know what, I really don’t know.  Maybe it was the fact that I had just lost my father, and I was afraid that I could easily start using alcohol as a crutch instead of just feeling my feelings.  Maybe it was that the whole world had changed; it was the beginning of the “stay at home” orders and the pandemic had just been declared.  Staying healthy seemed like a very good idea.

I think the biggest reason this time was different was because I had built a foundation for healthy habits already, by using my essential oils daily, by exercising on a regular basis, by drinking lots of water and by using all the tools I had learned over the years to stay grounded and present.  

I just didn’t need alcohol in my life anymore, and I recognized that it definitely wasn’t serving me, so I decided to stop.  I’d try not drinking for a week, and see how I felt.  Then, when the week was over, I’d go for another week.  Before you knew it, a couple of months had passed.  I was walking every day.  I was using my oils to stay grounded, and calm.  Valor, Peace & Calming, and Release were my best friends..

I was feeling healthy.  I was feeling proud of myself.  I was living into my values, which felt really good. 

Today, I’m so grateful that I made that decision.  I’m a better Mom, Grandma, Partner, Leader because of it.   And I truly believe that without my essential oils, and the support and love of my partner, I probably wouldn’t have been able to stay the course. 

March 14th will be 3 years of sobriety for me.  I’m feeling pretty good about that, and so, so grateful! 


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