Changing Season, New Beginnings
On Labour Day weekend, the weather was so hot here, that we actually went swimming in Lake Superior!  Almost unheard of around here!  It was pretty awesome!

Of course, a few days later, the temperature plummeted and we are officially into sweater weather.  Honestly, I don’t mind.  I love the fall.  It’s probably my favourite season - cooler temperatures, no bugs, and the colours are absolutely beautiful.  

I’m lucky enough to live in Northern Ontario, on their Northeastern shores of Lake Superior along Hwy 17, so for anyone who’s ever driven that highway, you know how incredibly beautiful it is.  And in the fall, with all the leaves changing, it is just breathtaking!  

Walking at this time of year is just amazing, and hiking into some of the great trails in Lake Superior Provincial Park is probably one of my favourite things to do. 

For me, fall is sort of like the start of a new year, a new beginning.  I think it’s like that for many people.  It’s the start of a new school year, and the beginning of a new year for sports teams, and piano lessons, and lots of other extracurricular programs. There’s so much going on and it’s exciting. 

But it can also be a bit overwhelming!  I feel for those parents who just know that fall brings the beginning of routines, making school lunches, and the constant driving of kids around to all their activities.  As much as they may be happy to have the kids back in school, it can also bring its own kind of stress.

Little ones feel stress too, so whatever way we can help them to make the transition easier is a good thing.  Making sure they get to bed early and get a good night’s sleep is the first step, so try diffusing some KidScents DreamEase before bedtime to create a relaxing atmosphere in the bedroom and help make bedtime easier.

Kids might feel nervous about starting a new school year, with a new teacher, meeting new kids in their class.  So to help them feel calmer and more confident about the situation, try rubbing a little drop of KidScents KidPower onto the bottoms of their feet before school, or put some into a roller bottle so your child can put it on themselves whenever they need a little boost of courage. 

Teaching kids early how to support themselves by using their essential oils will help them throughout their lives as they navigate all of life’s challenges and changes. 

Parents can model these simple self-care tips themselves!  Taking good care of yourselves by using your essential oils will show your kids that Moms and Dads feel overwhelmed sometimes too, but they can use these natural tools in their toolkit to help them feel better. 

I hope you all have a wonderful fall season, enjoy all the beauty that this changing season brings and don’t forget to take good care of yourselves by using your oils! 


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