Are You Suddenly Homeschooling?

Are You Suddenly Homeschooling?
We’re in stressful times, for sure. Moms are on edge about all the things. We would give our very life for our kids, but . . .

Anyone else need to slow-walk alone through Target?
We’re cooking three meals each day + snacks, and our house is M-E-S-S-Y!
Financial worries abound.
Are our immune systems okay?
Wait, we have to entertain these monkeys? And make them wash their hands a billion times each day?
Then to top it off, we have to *gasp* homeschool?  Without yelling?

I don’t know about you, but I was NOT ready for this myself.  If that's you, check out this free guide to discover a few ways we can make this season as painless as possible. It can be done . . . it just takes some intention. 

Want more info? Let's chat!

Be well,

If you liked this info, check out my free guide for Three Easy Ways to Detox Your Home here.

Cover photo credit: Kent Weatherwax

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Fear. Anxiety. Stress.

You misplaced your purse. 

The phone rings at 2 a.m. 

Your child is chasing a ball toward the street just as a car turns the corner toward your house.

In that moment of panic and fear, your heart begins to race, your breath quickens, and you probably develop some super-human strength.

You are, indeed, wonderfully made. Those immediate responses are from your hypothalamus, a tiny control tower in your brain, kicking into gear and telling your body to send in the stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline. These stress hormones trigger your body’s “fight or flight“ response that God designed to prepare you to react quickly in an emergency.  

But what happens when anxiety, fear, and stress linger? That’s when your health begins to suffer.  Prolonged stress can cause a host of health issues, including weight gain, depression, headaches, insomnia, and diabetes and can take a toll on your digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, and immune systems. It’s critical that we get anxiety under control before we see the negative impact.

So what are a few simple shifts we can make to manage our stress, especially when what is causing it is beyond our control?

First, B-R-E-A-T-H-E. Inhale for a count of ten, hold it for three seconds, and exhale slowly.
I’m a firm believer that whatever we focus on increases. We can’t always eliminate the bad things going on around us, but we can choose to change our focus. Is there a bright side to the situation? Focus on THAT!

Keep a gratitude journal. Studies show that people who practice gratitude experience less stress. Start your day with prayer, then write down three things you thankful for, but make it something new each day. 

Employ relaxation techniques. Whatever causes you to EXHALE, do that! Think hot bath with epsom salt, a hike, a massage, intimacy . . . you decide. 

Take control of SOMETHING! I’m a control freak, so when things are happening around me that I can’t change, I master something. Clean a closet, purge the pantry . . . anything that gives you the feeling of order.

The important thing is to get control of our anxiety and fear naturally before they cause health issues. I help women discover a lifestyle of natural wellness, and I’d love to help you!

Sister, there’s a better way to live this life!

Be well,

We all know that stress, sleep, and sadness are three words that don’t pair well together. Too much stress usually equals too little sleep, which in turn leaves us more tired, more cranky, and more stressed.  So how do we stop the vicious cycle? Get my free guide
 to learn how we can stay more calm and relaxed during the day and enjoy better sleep at night to live a happier life.

The Power of Intention

The Power of Intention

My favorite book is The Noticer by New York Times best-selling author Andy Andrews. I read this book during the first quarter of every year because it's packed full of life lessons that help me keep my own life in perspective. 

One of my most valuable takeaways from the book is a story told by one of the key characters, Jones, about the power of intention. Jones tells the story of five seagulls sitting on a dock and one deciding to fly away, and he then asks his friend, Henry, how many seagulls remain.

Henry replies with the seemingly obvious answer of four seagulls, but Jones corrects him by saying, "No. There are still five. Deciding to fly away and actually flying away are two very different things." 

He then explains that there is absolutely no power in intention. The seagull may really want to fly away. He may intend to fly away. He may decide to fly away. But until he spreads his wings and takes flight, he is still on the dock. There is no difference between that gull who decided to fly away and the others who never even thought about it. They are all still on the dock.

Many times we are like that seagull—full of great intention with little action. We make resolutions each January, and by March, they are long forgotten.  What were your intentions for 2020? Did you intend to have a healthier lifestyle, a leaner body, fewer toxins in your home? If so, you can still take action to make 2020 great!

I have found simple solutions for a healthier lifestyle with fewer harsh chemicals, and I would love to help you get started too. Wellness, Purpose, and Abundance are within reach if you will just leave the dock. Let’s chat!

If fewer harsh chemicals sounds good to you, you can get my free guide for Three Easy Ways to Detox Your Home here.

Sleep Tight, Little One

Sleep Tight, Little One

If you're a parent, you KNOW the importance of having a nightly routine with your children, and that routine (or lack thereof) will not only determine your child's mood, but also the peacefulness of your own sleep, your stress level, and the quality of your upcoming day. 

Usually the routine goes something like this: change into pajamas, brush teeth, snuggle during a bedtime story, sip a little water, sing a song or two, pray, get tucked in tight with a lovey, then lights out.  That little routine usually sets the stage for the sandman to do his thing. But . . .

My little one, even at the age of five, was still waking up once every. single. night. at about 3:00 a.m.  Which means my husband and I were also waking up every. single. night. at about 3:00 a.m.  It was quick . . . she just spoke a couple of words into her monitor.  But then one of us would have to trudge all the way upstairs to see what was wrong, and she was often sound asleep again or just wanted to have a sip of water.

We were at our wit’s end.  Begging didn’t work.  Bribery didn’t work. (Please don't judge me . . . I was tired!)

And then something magical happened . . . I added something extra to my daughter’s nightly routine.  I placed my brand-new essential oil diffuser beside her bed, filled it with water, and added a few drops of sweat from an angel’s wings (aka essential oil). 

And the very first night, she slept all night.  All night.  Her room smelled like a divine mixture of flowers and citrus, and our lives were transformed.

Maybe your little one isn’t sleeping or just needs calming down during the day. Everyone is tired. Everyone is stressed.  

Maybe your routine just needs an upgrade.  

There is HOPE. I’d love to chat!

Be well,

Could your home use a transformation too? Check out my free guide for Three Easy Ways to Detox Your Home here.

The Assistant's Survival Guide

The Assistant's Survival Guide
Administrative assistant. Executive assistant. Personal assistant. Master of making things happen.

Check out this guide to find out how to stay more calm, relaxed, and grounded during the daily grind, maintain your focus and energy, and in turn, support better sleep habits at night, preparing you to feel more rested so you can crush your personal and business goals and live your best life.

If you like this guide and want more tips for living healthier, check out my guide for Three Easy Ways to Detox Your Home.
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