Where Are You Headed?

Where Are You Headed?
Imagine you are on an airplane, and the pilot makes a slight deviation to the flight plan . . . maybe just a one percent deviation.

Will you feel the shift?

No. But you can bet that after thousands of miles, you will end up in a very different place than where you were originally headed. Maybe even a different continent.

Twelve years ago today, I made that slight deviation. I was watching an episode of Oprah while folding laundry when her guests, Sophie Uliano and Julia Roberts, caught my attention.  I discovered that day that the detergent and fabric softener on the towels I was folding were actually harming my family.  That day I learned about the huge number of toxins in our household, personal care, and cleaning products and the silent and not-so-silent damage they are doing to our health.

And that day, I made a decision to ditch them. I immediately began making my own household cleaning products with essential oils and other basic pantry items. And that first decision led to another good decision and another and another. My family is now at a very different place than where we were headed.

Our generation has a problem.  I see the rise in disease . . . allergies, infertility, depression, cancer, and more. We have more than 6,200 hospitals in the United States—not because people are well, but because they are chronically ill.  And much of it can be attributed to our exposure to toxic chemicals in our foods, our cleaning products, our personal care products, and even our makeup. The average adult is exposed to thousands of synthetic, harmful chemicals each and every day. Where our generation is headed is nowhere we should want to go.

But it doesn’t have to be this way . . . there’s a better way to live this life.  It starts with making a deviation to your route, slight or dramatic—you choose. We are the gatekeeper of our home, and WE get to decide which products cross the threshold of our doorway. 

Will we choose products that oppress our cells or products that help us live a life of vitality?

I help women discover a lifestyle of wellness with fewer harsh chemicals. I want to be your Oprah.  Let’s connect below!
And if you’re interested in making a quick impact on your home, get my free guide for Three Easy Steps to Detox Your Home.

The Power of Intention

The Power of Intention

My favorite book is The Noticer by New York Times best-selling author Andy Andrews. I read this book during the first quarter of every year because it's packed full of life lessons that help me keep my own life in perspective. 

One of my most valuable takeaways from the book is a story told by one of the key characters, Jones, about the power of intention. Jones tells the story of five seagulls sitting on a dock and one deciding to fly away, and he then asks his friend, Henry, how many seagulls remain.

Henry replies with the seemingly obvious answer of four seagulls, but Jones corrects him by saying, "No. There are still five. Deciding to fly away and actually flying away are two very different things." 

He then explains that there is absolutely no power in intention. The seagull may really want to fly away. He may intend to fly away. He may decide to fly away. But until he spreads his wings and takes flight, he is still on the dock. There is no difference between that gull who decided to fly away and the others who never even thought about it. They are all still on the dock.

Many times we are like that seagull—full of great intention with little action. We make resolutions each January, and by March, they are long forgotten.  What were your intentions for 2020? Did you intend to have a healthier lifestyle, a leaner body, fewer toxins in your home? If so, you can still take action to make 2020 great!

I have found simple solutions for a healthier lifestyle with fewer harsh chemicals, and I would love to help you get started too. Wellness, Purpose, and Abundance are within reach if you will just leave the dock. Let’s chat!

If fewer harsh chemicals sounds good to you, you can get my free guide for Three Easy Ways to Detox Your Home here.
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