For the Love of Tree Oils
There’s just something about the tree oils that just draws me to them.  Maybe it’s because I live in the bush (in Northern Ontario we call it “the bush”).  I’m surrounded by trees and lakes and rivers and rocks. I can drive to Lake Superior in about a half hour, to places where the Group of Seven painted.  It’s beautiful.

As I’m writing this, I’m diffusing Northern Lights White Spruce, the 10 Year Anniversary essential oil put  out by Young Living  this year to celebrate their 10 years in Canada.  It’s a  beautiful oil.  I’ve also been putting it on the bottoms of my feet all this week.  I usually choose an oil or two to put on everyday, and lately I’ve just been drawn to Northern Lights White Spruce.  

It’s like being out in the bush, walking along a trail, breathing in the clean, fresh air and never having left your living room!  If any of you have gone for a walk in the bush, you know the feeling.  Your heart rate slows down, you breathe easier, you smile more, and the stress and worry of everyday life just kind of melts away as you take in the sounds, smells, and beauty that surrounds you.

I love the tree oils for the way they transport me to that place.  As I put a couple of drops onto the palm of my hand, rub my hands together and just breathe, I can actually feel myself slowing down, relaxing, centring, coming back into balance, grounding me.

We are so lucky in Canada to still have pristine forests, and several of our tree oils come from one such place, Young Living’s Northern Lights Farm in Northern B.C.  In fact, Young Living was unable to produce the much loved blend, Valor for a number of years because they couldn’t source Black Spruce in a quality that met Young Living’s high standards.  It wasn’t until they discovered the area up in Northern B.C., and started distilling Northern Lights Black Spruce that Young Living was able to offer Valor to us again.  Northern Lights Black Spruce is another one of those essential oils that is great for grounding you.

Cedarwood is another one of my “go to” essential oils.  I like to rub a few drops onto the bottoms of my feet and on my shoulders before bed.  It has a really calming aroma.  In the diffuser, I often put a couple of drops of Cedarwood with a drop or two of Tangerine and Lavender.  It makes a nice bedtime diffuser blend, or just a “sitting around relaxing” blend. 

Cypress is another tree oil that I just love!  It smells fresh and herbaceous, also great for grounding, and it can also help relieve joint or muscle pain.  Just rub it on, either straight, or add a bit of carrier oil. 

Another wonderful tree oil is Idaho Blue Spruce.  It is an exclusive oil that is distilled at Young Living’s St. Maries farm, and it contains high percentages of alpha-pinene and limonene.  And it smells amazing!  If you need to relax, put a couple of drops of Idaho Blue Spruce in your diffuser and just let the aroma transport you to your happy place! 

So for anyone that can’t easily go for a walk in the bush, using your tree oils is the next best thing, and can help create that peaceful, calming feeling that you get by being out in nature. 
Diffuse them, put them onto the bottoms of your feet, or just drop a couple of drops into the palm of your hand, rub your hands together and breathe!  

Ahhhh, that’s better! 


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