Learning to Get Along

Learning to Get Along

I am loving reconnecting with long time friends. Today's conversation reminded me of when my boys were little. James has always had a quick mind and would argue a case and bargain with me over almost anything. Eventually I decided that though I encourage discussion and would listen to his reasoning, I needed him to obey first. As a three year old, if he was heading for the road after a ball and I called out "Stop," I needed him to obey and then we could talk about it. Obedience was a way of trusting me that I would ask him to do something because it was in his best interests. If it was up for debate, I would ask him questions to invite input. 

 Well, when James was around four, I saw him hitting his brother because Nathan (one at the time) had knocked down the figures he had carefully set up. When I told him that we don't hit people, he would obey but find other ways to bug. I could see the wheels turning: "I can't hit, but what about a little shove... or a kick. There was no way for me to think of all the ways young boys can wiggle out of obedience on a technicality. This was debating with actions. Then I switched gears. 

 I changed the rule to "Love each other." There wasn't much wiggle room in that instruction. Was is loving to stick out your tongue - or yell words of hate - or give the silent treatment - or steal another's things? Treating others as we want to be treated gave a clear movement toward respect and care. Jesus' commands are awesome that way. Learning to love starts early and continues to need perfecting all our lives. 

 Love one another. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Profound simplicity!