If you’re like me, you may feel a little overwhelmed when you have to go into the doctor, knowing that you will likely only have a short time to explain your concern(s), and then he or she will only have a moment to access their wealth of knowledge and experience to make a suggestion that might help you: I/E - medication, surgery, psychotherapy, exercise, etc…
{“To Savor” = To derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in}
Have you ever taken a bite of your favorite food and experienced a whole body reaction? For example, when I taste some fresh chocolate ganache, or a spoonful of lemon curd, I close my eyes, smile, sigh, say “mmmmm”, and it seems that my whole body tingles. 😋
Have you ever instantly reacted with a strong negative emotion to what seems to just be a benign situation? Would you like to be able to calmly handle each situation as it arises?
Hi! My name is Mischa and am so excited to share this life-altering journey called Aroma Freedom with you! Please read my story…
Read more...“Rest when a little rest will suffice.”
I heard this quote recently and I really like it. I find that it takes a great deal of patience and self-control to be able to stop what I’m doing, and rest a little, so that I can keep going AND avoid burnout, crash and burn, flare, etc.
So, how do we start? Well, it seems like it should go without saying, but… it’s worth saying: We need to pace our pacing. What do I mean by that? Well, if you’re anything like me, you may want to start pacing by doing ALL the pacing things. But, that will only wear us out before we’ve even gotten started, right? I think we’ve all done that at least once before, and it doesn’t work, does it?
Read more...Have you ever woken up in the morning with a list of things that you want, or need, to do, only to find yourself half-way through the day with no more energy? I think the increase in sales of energy drinks, coffee, tea, etc., is proof enough that you are not alone.
Is there a way to conserve and s-t-r-e-t-c-h our energy so that it lasts longer and we can feel less exhaustion at the end of the day?
Read more...Here is an excerpt from the book that Dr. Benjamin Perkus is writing, shared with permission, who is the clinical psychologist who developed the Aroma Freedom Technique.
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Please keep reading for the full exercise:
Take care!
Mischa 😊
Mischa's Mise en Place.
(Meeshas Meez an plas)
What a funny phrase! What in the world does it mean? And why am I using it in my business name?