I've been reading Brene Brown's Dare to Lead book and she encouraged her readers to identify two core values that define them. It was tempting to pick more, but I think at my core are grace and peace.

These are the values that galvanize me to action. If people are at odds, or judging and dismissing one another, I jump up like someone has called my number. I am programmed to be a peace maker, to increase understanding of opposite points of view. I like to explore the complexity of issues and avoid polarizing viewpoints. I always believe that love can overcome differences.

I also stepped out of the achiever, perfectionist pace of hustle and found that peace and reflection suit me.

I see the world through a lens of grace, since that has been so transforming for me. My inner critic was so loud and shame from trauma defined me for a long time. Grace set me free and so I long to extend the same to others. I want everyone to have a place at the table. I want each person's significance and sense of belonging to be a norm. Grace is a shelter for all of us!

What are two core values that motivate and inspire you? 


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