Hi everyone! I'm going to start out by confessing that I'm an over-thinker!" If there was a degree to be had, I would have a Master's degree! I'm a master over-thinker! I will even overthink for my family and friends! You're welcome! Just ask my best friend who gets all the crazy what ifs that I throw at her!
Makes me laugh at myself at times because the things I stress and over think about usually don't even come to pass or end up not being as big as I thought it would be. I'm really working on this part of me. Here's what I do...when a certain situation comes up that I feel will probably not go well, or end up in an argument or confrontation I try to do all I can to control the issue. I've always been a person that wants to keep the peace to not have negative vibes in my space...but guess what? Not gonna happen, life isn't always going to be peaceful. Sometimes things have to be said so that people can know your heart and mind as to what you feel about certain things! Some of you have that part mastered...me on the other hand, I'm still a work in progress! Life is a challenge for sure and we can learn from those challenges. I am grateful for the journey of learning how to control my thoughts and what it means to let go and literally let God! For us control freaks...we have our work cut out for us. But I'm letting go little by little. Our part is to communicate, love, listen and be compassionate with others, show grace and not be envious of what others have. Because we don't know what others are dealing with or what they "really" have. When I look at all of this...What's crazy is that I'm trying to control a situation when in fact my overthinking is what is out of control. I'm the one out of control! So I've got to stop myself and pray! Asking God to do what only He can do for us, which is fighting for us...he will fix the situation the way it needs fixing. "The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still" It's right there in Exodus 14:14. God's word teaches me so much allll the time!
I do however embrace the fact that I do over think for those things that matter and will continue to work on those things of which I have no control over. So my friends, together we can overthink of how we can impact the world to make it a better place rather than stressing ourselves out or those around us! We can so do this with God's help for sure! Be blessed and have the best day!

As I was thinking this morning and it was quiet, I took advantage of that time to ask God...what is it that I need to do today? How can I impact the world today? What is it that I need to share today with you all? And what can I do that will be pleasing and acceptable to you God first, but to others as well. I asked myself "where is my heart", like am I angry, annoyed or is there hatred in my heart for anyone? Is there disappointment or resentment with a family member or friend? Am I constantly focusing on people in my inner circle that won't change or behave the way I want them to? Am I not forgiving myself for stuff that I did or didn’t do? If you are going through or dealing with any of this…the first step is to STOP, put a brake on that thinking! I say all this to myself first and then to you because I know we all do this...so let's take a good look at ourselves and our feelings, emotions, responses and all that goes on in our heads and our hearts. Some days for me there is a lot to deal with. I so want to do the right thing always & I want to live out my God given purpose...I don't want to be judgmental, that's God's ultimate job. I don't want to resent anyone, but when you're treated unfairly and unjustly it's normal to be untrusting of those people. I get it, believe me I do! In this life there will be trials and tribulations as we all know...you may have gone through something recently or in the past or maybe something is coming....it's inevitable. But the words to myself and to those that want to hear me is to "take it to God"...he is the ultimate relationship healer, the ultimate judge, the ultimate healer of our hearts. And I will testify to that all day!
I want you to know that I am praying for each and everyone of you today. To find your purpose in your life, and to not let what others think of you or say or do hinder you from what God has for your future. There is so much good that you have to offer. We can program our lives to think positively or we can program it to be in an endless cycle of negativity. We have that choice...it's up to us as to what we will choose. So can we agree that letting go and letting God is a hard thing to do, but so much better than what we are holding on to? It can be a heavy weight.
Here is a scripture that says exactly how I feel from Romans 7:19....I don't do the good I want to do; instead, I do the evil that I do not want to do. Gosh, so true...I am always wanting intentionally to make the right decision on how to handle certain situations but my emotions get the best of me and I sometimes fail. But you know, it's ok...we can learn, grow and do better always. It's when we stay in that state of handling things with anger, resentment, judgement or how we've always handled them in OUR own way is that it's not good for ourselves or anyone.
I'm not sure why I'm talking about all of this today, but maybe it was for me to verbalize or maybe it's for one of you. Either way, I'm here for you. Until next time have a blessed day! Take care now!

Today is a new day! It’s another chance for a redo! Maybe you didn’t accomplish something yesterday that you needed to do or you put that something off to do for another day! Well today is the day! Start with a grateful heart first of all that you were given another day! I am constantly amazed that I have a full day to make an impact, a difference in my life or in someone else’s life. The way I see it life is way too short & I’m sure you agree. I see that in all the phases in my life…getting married at 18 and having kids and then they grew up and they had kids of their own. It all goes by so fast. I see so much of God’s work in my life, even during those times I rebelled and thought I didn’t need him. I was good on my own…doing my own thing, relying on nobody but myself. Well at least I thought I was good all by myself. That is what I thought at the time. Little did I know God was with me every step of the way. Now full circle as I’m spending time with my grandkids I see how God is pursuing them as he did me. It’s a beautiful picture and wonderful to experience. I can see how we hold back from getting close to God, because of our worldly wants. The world tells us that we want to look a certain way, dress a certain way, that we are not going to be accepted if we don’t have certain things in our lives. The expensive cars, houses, things! But you know while I believe and know God wants us to live in abundance, having material worldly things is not what is going to satisfy us in the long run. I believe that we all have that certain some thing inside of us that is always searching for that thing that will complete us! As a believer in Jesus Christ, I have found through trials and tribulations that Jesus is the only thing that will ever satisfy wholly & completely. Can I get an AMEN?
When I do look back on my life and those times I took a chance on making decisions that didn’t line up with God I am like “wow”, things should have ended up worse than they did. I’m still here…I’m still standing! In fact through those times that God did allow me to go through, I’ve come out stronger, more determined to live the best life that He has for me. He’s turned it around for me! I don’t want to rely on myself because I already know how that turns out. Do I still struggle with making good decisions, sure. These days, it’s really decisions on how to handle situations with people. Especially those people that have hurt me in the past or have hurt my family. Walls go up and the momma bear wants to protect. It’s really a struggle to love as God loves. But I’m a work in progress…still under construction. I know God sees me and knows me. He knows all of us.
So today is a new day, my friend…what are you going to do with it? Are you going to waste it on those things that don’t have a lasting impact, or will you step out of yourself and ask God what His will is for you today? I know you will find the answer if you just ask! Until next time, have the best day & be blessed!

How many times do you laugh in a day? Once, twice or maybe no times at all? Honestly, I find myself taking life too seriously sometimes, and I don’t laugh at all during the day. I mean I try to smile a lot at people that I pass by as I’m at the store or wherever I go, which is a good practice to have, but to belly laugh I don’t do much of that. I’m a problem solver and I have to really think and plan a strategy for my family, my friends and anyone that wants my help & I don’t have time for silliness or to let my guard down! What?!! For me to hear myself say that sounds so ridiculous. I’ve always known that laughter is the best medicine. But it’s something I don’t think of very often…do you?
So the other day, my grandsons were watching this show and I won’t go into much detail about it, but these guys in the show were doing some funny, silly things. I found myself laughing out loud. It stuck out to me that I needed to do more laughing out loud & that I had to write about it here in this blog! Because it felt so great to release some good out of my body. Laughter is a great therapy & a great way to release some stress. How many of you have stress in your life? Anyone? Another way that I sometimes find myself laughing hard is when I talk with my friends, especially my best friend ~ Angie! We’ve been friends since middle school and we’ve. got. some. stories! And I won’t go there today, maybe another time! Or maybe not! Anyway! Most times when we talk its all serious, gotta figure out people & life struggles…but then there’s times we have to stop and laugh at the reasons why we have some of the issues we have or just make light of them. Laughing at ourselves can be good sometimes to help us not get so bogged down with the problems, which can lead to anxiety or depression. That’s what we don’t want! So if you can find that outlet to release and just belly laugh, then do it! I’m not saying laugh at everything, but take time to take a break from trying to always figure things out and be intentional about finding ways to laugh. There are movies, comedians or go online and search for dad jokes or watch replays of America’s funniest videos…there ways to make you laugh out there, just make sure you are getting some laughter in your life! Here is a scripture reading that I love!
She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. Proverbs 31:25.

Ok time for some real talk…I’ve lived with resentment for years, well let’s call it what it really is…unforgiveness! Yikes! There I said it! Well just writing this makes me a bit uncomfortable because I look at how much time I wasted being resentful/unforgiving. Holding on to those things that have hindered me from being more than I could be. Keeping me from the freedom to speak truth without feeling guilty for holding on to a lie that the enemy has me believing. People will hurt us in our life, people we love, friends that we thought we could trust and have betrayed us, you get the picture. Instead of always advising people that they need to “Let Go and Let God”, or “Forgive so that your Father in Heaven will forgive you”, we need to live that truth ourselves! Am I right? 2020 has been that year for me to work on letting go of things in my life, mind and heart that are keeping me from a real close and intimate relationship with God. I’m not arrived at being God’s best friend or anything but I’m a lot closer than I was before. Do you have someone that you can talk to? Go to a professional therapist if you have to but deal with this issue. It can harm you spiritually, physically and mentally! I’m feeling a release to open my mouth to the truth and loving people where they are. I have to think of the Christ like example that I am showing to my kids, grandkids and others that are looking at how I am living my life. Getting our life straight and in line with God’s plan for you is priority, then the rest will come. Life is way too short to play with unforgiveness, living with hate and not being able to love & trust freely. It’s a matter of life & death! What will you choose?
Ephesians 4:31-32
Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ God forgave you.”