Y’all don’t answer that call! I agree with this post, the past has nothing new to say. If you have been battling with a past hurt or a bad decision you’ve made it’s time to start fighting back. I have lived many years with resentment, anger, disappointment for what others did to me and that did no good for me. Honestly, years that I can’t get back. I’m so glad that God finally got in my head to tell me that I’m worth more than gold to him and nothing that has happened to me or decisions I have made define me…NOTHING! So friend, I’m here to testify that living on this side of freedom from resentment, anger and disappointment is so worth it. Surrender it all to Him, he’ll heal your heart and mind. Once you do that don’t pick up that phone! It’s not a call you want to answer. Instead give it to God and he’ll deal with it…I guarantee it. But we have to do our part and let Him do His part. I don’t know who needed this today, but take it and run with it!