Ok I'd like to talk about changing negative thoughts to positive ones. It's easier said than done to change negative thoughts to positive ones. Believe, me I know…this morning I already had to deal with an issue and just worked through it and turned it around! It's a skill that you have to teach your self and be consistent in. Taking a disappointing event or situation and turning it around to a positive one is tough. When you are dealing with this thing that is making you feel horrible or let down, getting in the right mindset can be extremely difficult. The first step is acknowledging the negative thought or feeling. Once you've done that, you can start to look for the silver lining. This can be anything from finding something humorous in the situation to thinking about what you could learn from it. After you've identified the positive aspects, it's important to hold on to those thoughts. This might mean repeating them to yourself or writing them down where you can see them often. Whatever method works best for you, the important thing is to be consistent with it. Over time, with practice, it will become easier and more natural for you to change negative thoughts into positive ones.
Let me give you an example...the other day a certain someone (which will remain nameless) was upset because several things came crashing down on them all at one time. This person decided that they would complain to me and bring up the past and blame me for some of those things. Normally I would try to explain why I felt they were wrong and that it was their fault and we'd go round and round. But since I have been working on having a more positive mindset I approached it in a much different way. I was calm and stated that they were welcomed to go back to the past, but I was not going there with them. The past was the past and needed to stay there. I said that I was not going to talk about it anymore. I mentioned that I loved them and was sorry they were having such a bad day. Surprisingly things got better from then on. I had to tell myself that they were going through a hard time & had nothing to do with me personally.
Honestly, I've done a lot of work to rid myself of resentment and anger. It’s been something that I've held on for way to long and I guard my emotions so that they don't creep in ever again.
If you can relate to any of this...think about how you will handle a tough situation that you know will inevitably be brought up again. The old me handling it by arguing about it would only bring me down. I realized that I needed to change the negative thoughts in my head to positive ones in order to feel better. This didn't happen overnight, it took months of being consistent with thinking positively about the situation before I started to see and feel a difference. Now, every time I think about a stressful situation, I quickly deal with the feeling, but I don't dwell on it like I used to. I don't allow myself to get sucked into negative thinking because I know it'll only make me feel bad. Instead, I focus on thinking positive thoughts and this has helped me immensely. If you're in a similar situation, know that it's possible to change your thoughts from negative to positive and it'll make all the difference in how you feel. Being intentional with positive thinking regarding how you respond in stressful situations is honestly the best and better way.
So remember these 3 steps:
1.Acknowledge negative thoughts, bring them out into the open
2.Identify positive aspects & how you can turn them around
3.Be Consistent
These are key points to remember and always looking for the good. I hope this blessed you today & I will see you back here tomorrow! Have a great day! Bye!