Love thyself
When I think of loving and taking care of myself, I also think how I also self sabotage my success also. Why does this happen? I think when things are going so well and we are feeling blessed that self doubt trickles in! Feeling like we don’t deserve the good that is happening. Thoughts of not measuring up and not being that person that you think you should be. Those thoughts are so disruptive and destructive. When self doubt comes to your mind speak life and positive good things about who you are! You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14 “Fearfully” here means when God made you, He made you full of respect, reverence, honor and awe. “Wonderfully” means unique and set apart. Don’t let anyone take this truth from you. Turn those negative thoughts around by replacing them with positive thoughts.
Ask for help when you need it.
Accept praise and complements.
When people hurt you or are not nice, stand straight up and keep going.
Know when to say no and be ok with it. You can wear yourself thin when you are doing all things for all people.
You need to express your needs to those around you. If you need rest then speak that. If you need time alone speak that too!
Stop procrastinating on your goals, start making that change for yourself and your family. This brings your purpose back to the forefront.
AND… last but not least stop trying to be perfect. You have so much to offer. You need to share your skills, tools, ideas and anything that you are passionate about to help others to reach their potential. Beating yourself up for not being that perfect person is wasting time. Be the best “you” that you can be, all the rest will fall into place!
Be blessed!