Hello! How are you doing today? I have a question for you! Where is your center? I mean what keeps you aligned with where you are and where you need to go? This world is constantly changing, every minute, every second there is something happening. Good things and bad things…things we don’t want to even know about. But there is one thing that is unchanging! God! God has been in the same place since the beginning of time. God’s promise to all of His people is that he will never abandon us or leave us. When I’ve been in situations or in a turbulent season in my life it’s been because of a decision, the decision as to how I would handle that thing. If I decided on what I would do and did not consult God on leading me in the right direction and I just went off of my emotions or what felt right, it usually didn’t turn out in my favor. So, if you haven’t talked with God in a long time or you’ve never talked to God at all, I encourage you to give it a try. I mean really take a minute and reach out to him. Be honest about what is going on in your life….he knows all of your heartaches, pain, fears…but bring them to him anyway. As a kid, my mom introduced me to God & how he sent his son to pay for my sins. That was mind blowing to me…I was like why? But then I was like wow! Thanks! So thankful that we have a second chance…a second chance to live in pure joy in heaven when our time is over here on earth. How is all this possible & why would “I” have a second chance with all the bad decisions or things I have done in my life…I should not have that luxury of paradise. Through the years, I have learned and felt in my heart that all of this God stuff is true! When I have asked for help, He has been there…maybe not in the way that I wanted it, but in the way that I needed it. I survived some hard times, and if I would have not accepted the help or the opportunities that were put in my path, then I’m not sure how things would have turned out. All this to say is that I wanted to express to you and say all that God is to me in this short video and really it’s not enough time. Here’s a beautiful scripture I want to share with you, this is what Jesus said to his disciples prior to his crucifixion. The disciples were not understanding what was about to happen & were confused. Jesus wanted them to be at peace with the future. Here’s what He said to them & It’s also meant for us today! From John 16:33 ”I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” Isn’t that good news…He has overcome the world! We can rest that our eternal future is secure. I love that so much! Have the best day, friends!