As I was thinking this morning and it was quiet, I took advantage of that time to ask God...what is it that I need to do today? How can I impact the world today? What is it that I need to share today with you all? And what can I do that will be pleasing and acceptable to you God first, but to others as well. I asked myself "where is my heart", like am I angry, annoyed or is there hatred in my heart for anyone? Is there disappointment or resentment with a family member or friend? Am I constantly focusing on people in my inner circle that won't change or behave the way I want them to? Am I not forgiving myself for stuff that I did or didn’t do? If you are going through or dealing with any of this…the first step is to STOP, put a brake on that thinking! I say all this to myself first and then to you because I know we all do this...so let's take a good look at ourselves and our feelings, emotions, responses and all that goes on in our heads and our hearts. Some days for me there is a lot to deal with. I so want to do the right thing always & I want to live out my God given purpose...I don't want to be judgmental, that's God's ultimate job. I don't want to resent anyone, but when you're treated unfairly and unjustly it's normal to be untrusting of those people. I get it, believe me I do! In this life there will be trials and tribulations as we all know...you may have gone through something recently or in the past or maybe something is coming....it's inevitable. But the words to myself and to those that want to hear me is to "take it to God"...he is the ultimate relationship healer, the ultimate judge, the ultimate healer of our hearts. And I will testify to that all day!
I want you to know that I am praying for each and everyone of you today. To find your purpose in your life, and to not let what others think of you or say or do hinder you from what God has for your future. There is so much good that you have to offer. We can program our lives to think positively or we can program it to be in an endless cycle of negativity. We have that choice...it's up to us as to what we will choose. So can we agree that letting go and letting God is a hard thing to do, but so much better than what we are holding on to? It can be a heavy weight.
Here is a scripture that says exactly how I feel from Romans 7:19....I don't do the good I want to do; instead, I do the evil that I do not want to do. Gosh, so true...I am always wanting intentionally to make the right decision on how to handle certain situations but my emotions get the best of me and I sometimes fail. But you know, it's ok...we can learn, grow and do better always. It's when we stay in that state of handling things with anger, resentment, judgement or how we've always handled them in OUR own way is that it's not good for ourselves or anyone.
I'm not sure why I'm talking about all of this today, but maybe it was for me to verbalize or maybe it's for one of you. Either way, I'm here for you. Until next time have a blessed day! Take care now!