Hello, welcome to my site!
My name is Rose Blankenship & I'm a work from home mom and my goal is to serve others to help balance the body, emotions and spiritual health.
In my Essential Purpose Wellness Studio I have a several services focused on holistic health & wellness.
I'm a Certified Raindrop Technique Specialist. If you want to experience the Raindrop Technique to rejuvenate, realign and reboot your body, I'm taking appointments now. Contact me to set your time up
I'm also a Certified CARE Instructor & I currently teach others how to do Raindrop & Vitaflex techniques. Want to know more? Click this link to get all the details on
I also teach classes on the uses of Essential oils & their benefits. If you are interested in more education you can click this link to my Rising Diamond Oilers Community group & check it out!
I believe you have several areas in your life that need to be cared for on a daily basis...they are your spiritual health, your emotional health, your physical health and your relationships. I for one can admit I need some work in all these areas. I've gone through some hard stuff and life changes that I didn't expect to go through. I'm sure that you have had your share of hills and valleys as well or maybe you are still going through some things. That's why I've created a safe place to share some things to empower you to be the best YOU possible. We'll talk about all those areas of life that are important for you to move forward, reach your goals & feel empowered. I've got some things that worked for me through some of the roughest times in my life, but also some other things that you may find helpful & useful for your family!
Join my 5 day challenge - The Powerful YOU challenge: How to uplift yourself and start living your best life
Together we can do better to be better!