Today is a new day! It’s another chance for a redo! Maybe you didn’t accomplish something yesterday that you needed to do or you put that something off to do for another day! Well today is the day! Start with a grateful heart first of all that you were given another day! I am constantly amazed that I have a full day to make an impact, a difference in my life or in someone else’s life. The way I see it life is way too short & I’m sure you agree. I see that in all the phases in my life…getting married at 18 and having kids and then they grew up and they had kids of their own. It all goes by so fast. I see so much of God’s work in my life, even during those times I rebelled and thought I didn’t need him. I was good on my own…doing my own thing, relying on nobody but myself. Well at least I thought I was good all by myself. That is what I thought at the time. Little did I know God was with me every step of the way. Now full circle as I’m spending time with my grandkids I see how God is pursuing them as he did me. It’s a beautiful picture and wonderful to experience. I can see how we hold back from getting close to God, because of our worldly wants. The world tells us that we want to look a certain way, dress a certain way, that we are not going to be accepted if we don’t have certain things in our lives. The expensive cars, houses, things! But you know while I believe and know God wants us to live in abundance, having material worldly things is not what is going to satisfy us in the long run. I believe that we all have that certain some thing inside of us that is always searching for that thing that will complete us! As a believer in Jesus Christ, I have found through trials and tribulations that Jesus is the only thing that will ever satisfy wholly & completely. Can I get an AMEN?
When I do look back on my life and those times I took a chance on making decisions that didn’t line up with God I am like “wow”, things should have ended up worse than they did. I’m still here…I’m still standing! In fact through those times that God did allow me to go through, I’ve come out stronger, more determined to live the best life that He has for me. He’s turned it around for me! I don’t want to rely on myself because I already know how that turns out. Do I still struggle with making good decisions, sure. These days, it’s really decisions on how to handle situations with people. Especially those people that have hurt me in the past or have hurt my family. Walls go up and the momma bear wants to protect. It’s really a struggle to love as God loves. But I’m a work in progress…still under construction. I know God sees me and knows me. He knows all of us.
So today is a new day, my friend…what are you going to do with it? Are you going to waste it on those things that don’t have a lasting impact, or will you step out of yourself and ask God what His will is for you today? I know you will find the answer if you just ask! Until next time, have the best day & be blessed!