Hi everyone! I'm going to start out by confessing that I'm an over-thinker!" If there was a degree to be had, I would have a Master's degree! I'm a master over-thinker! I will even overthink for my family and friends! You're welcome! Just ask my best friend who gets all the crazy what ifs that I throw at her!
Makes me laugh at myself at times because the things I stress and over think about usually don't even come to pass or end up not being as big as I thought it would be. I'm really working on this part of me. Here's what I do...when a certain situation comes up that I feel will probably not go well, or end up in an argument or confrontation I try to do all I can to control the issue. I've always been a person that wants to keep the peace to not have negative vibes in my space...but guess what? Not gonna happen, life isn't always going to be peaceful. Sometimes things have to be said so that people can know your heart and mind as to what you feel about certain things! Some of you have that part mastered...me on the other hand, I'm still a work in progress! Life is a challenge for sure and we can learn from those challenges. I am grateful for the journey of learning how to control my thoughts and what it means to let go and literally let God! For us control freaks...we have our work cut out for us. But I'm letting go little by little. Our part is to communicate, love, listen and be compassionate with others, show grace and not be envious of what others have. Because we don't know what others are dealing with or what they "really" have. When I look at all of this...What's crazy is that I'm trying to control a situation when in fact my overthinking is what is out of control. I'm the one out of control! So I've got to stop myself and pray! Asking God to do what only He can do for us, which is fighting for us...he will fix the situation the way it needs fixing. "The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still" It's right there in Exodus 14:14. God's word teaches me so much allll the time!
I do however embrace the fact that I do over think for those things that matter and will continue to work on those things of which I have no control over. So my friends, together we can overthink of how we can impact the world to make it a better place rather than stressing ourselves out or those around us! We can so do this with God's help for sure! Be blessed and have the best day!