Ok time for some real talk…I’ve lived with resentment for years, well let’s call it what it really is…unforgiveness! Yikes! There I said it! Well just writing this makes me a bit uncomfortable because I look at how much time I wasted being resentful/unforgiving. Holding on to those things that have hindered me from being more than I could be. Keeping me from the freedom to speak truth without feeling guilty for holding on to a lie that the enemy has me believing. People will hurt us in our life, people we love, friends that we thought we could trust and have betrayed us, you get the picture. Instead of always advising people that they need to “Let Go and Let God”, or “Forgive so that your Father in Heaven will forgive you”, we need to live that truth ourselves! Am I right? 2020 has been that year for me to work on letting go of things in my life, mind and heart that are keeping me from a real close and intimate relationship with God. I’m not arrived at being God’s best friend or anything but I’m a lot closer than I was before. Do you have someone that you can talk to? Go to a professional therapist if you have to but deal with this issue. It can harm you spiritually, physically and mentally! I’m feeling a release to open my mouth to the truth and loving people where they are. I have to think of the Christ like example that I am showing to my kids, grandkids and others that are looking at how I am living my life. Getting our life straight and in line with God’s plan for you is priority, then the rest will come. Life is way too short to play with unforgiveness, living with hate and not being able to love & trust freely. It’s a matter of life & death! What will you choose?
Ephesians 4:31-32
Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ God forgave you.”