For the Love of Tree Oils

For the Love of Tree Oils
There’s just something about the tree oils that just draws me to them.  Maybe it’s because I live in the bush (in Northern Ontario we call it “the bush”).  I’m surrounded by trees and lakes and rivers and rocks. I can drive to Lake Superior in about a half hour, to places where the Group of Seven painted.  It’s beautiful.

As I’m writing this, I’m diffusing Northern Lights White Spruce, the 10 Year Anniversary essential oil put  out by Young Living  this year to celebrate their 10 years in Canada.  It’s a  beautiful oil.  I’ve also been putting it on the bottoms of my feet all this week.  I usually choose an oil or two to put on everyday, and lately I’ve just been drawn to Northern Lights White Spruce.  

It’s like being out in the bush, walking along a trail, breathing in the clean, fresh air and never having left your living room!  If any of you have gone for a walk in the bush, you know the feeling.  Your heart rate slows down, you breathe easier, you smile more, and the stress and worry of everyday life just kind of melts away as you take in the sounds, smells, and beauty that surrounds you.

I love the tree oils for the way they transport me to that place.  As I put a couple of drops onto the palm of my hand, rub my hands together and just breathe, I can actually feel myself slowing down, relaxing, centring, coming back into balance, grounding me.

We are so lucky in Canada to still have pristine forests, and several of our tree oils come from one such place, Young Living’s Northern Lights Farm in Northern B.C.  In fact, Young Living was unable to produce the much loved blend, Valor for a number of years because they couldn’t source Black Spruce in a quality that met Young Living’s high standards.  It wasn’t until they discovered the area up in Northern B.C., and started distilling Northern Lights Black Spruce that Young Living was able to offer Valor to us again.  Northern Lights Black Spruce is another one of those essential oils that is great for grounding you.

Cedarwood is another one of my “go to” essential oils.  I like to rub a few drops onto the bottoms of my feet and on my shoulders before bed.  It has a really calming aroma.  In the diffuser, I often put a couple of drops of Cedarwood with a drop or two of Tangerine and Lavender.  It makes a nice bedtime diffuser blend, or just a “sitting around relaxing” blend. 

Cypress is another tree oil that I just love!  It smells fresh and herbaceous, also great for grounding, and it can also help relieve joint or muscle pain.  Just rub it on, either straight, or add a bit of carrier oil. 

Another wonderful tree oil is Idaho Blue Spruce.  It is an exclusive oil that is distilled at Young Living’s St. Maries farm, and it contains high percentages of alpha-pinene and limonene.  And it smells amazing!  If you need to relax, put a couple of drops of Idaho Blue Spruce in your diffuser and just let the aroma transport you to your happy place! 

So for anyone that can’t easily go for a walk in the bush, using your tree oils is the next best thing, and can help create that peaceful, calming feeling that you get by being out in nature. 
Diffuse them, put them onto the bottoms of your feet, or just drop a couple of drops into the palm of your hand, rub your hands together and breathe!  

Ahhhh, that’s better! 

Practicing Gratitude

Practicing Gratitude
Practicing Gratitude 

Sounds funny right?  I mean, how do you “practice gratitude”?  It’s not like a sport, or learning an instrument.  How can it be something you practice?

Well, actually, it is kind of like practicing something so you get really good at it, like playing piano, or sinking that free throw!  

It’s all about mindset.  Now, we all do feel gratitude for different things in our lives.  Whether it’s being grateful for a gift someone gave to you, or just being grateful for that peace and quiet at the end of the day.  But usually, we don’t really draw attention to or focus on the things we’re grateful for.  We do feel gratitude, but we don’t consciously acknowledge it in a deliberate way.

But, when something displeases us, what do we do?  How fast are we to vocalize our displeasure at something in our lives?  How much do we love to complain about something that didn’t go right, or made us angry or frustrated throughout our day? Complaining about things in our lives can become an unconscious pass time, and it can wear you down and impact the moods of everyone around you. 

Can you imagine what would happen if we put as much effort into vocalizing our gratitude as we do into complaining about things?  How would that change our overall mood?  How would that contribute to your overall happiness?

Well, that’s what I wanted to find out.  So I started “practicing gratitude” about 3 years ago, coincidentally, right after my Dad passed away.  I started incorporating it into my daily morning routine.  I’d wake up, make my coffee, start my diffuser, do my stretching, and then sit and write down 10 things that I was grateful for.  

They didn’t have to be earth shattering things, just simple things that I was grateful for, like having a warm house, and food in the fridge, and coffee, and my essential oils. Stuff like that.

I would just start with the phrase, “I am grateful for”, and fill in the rest.  I’d write down ten things, and that would be that.  Simple.  We can all find ten things to be grateful for, right?  

And do you know what I was really doing with this practice?  I was re-wiring my brain.  I was creating neuro pathways within my brain, helping me to be more grateful for all of the amazing blessings I have in my life.  And it helped me to start off my day in a more positive way.  

I also end my day in prayer and thank God for all of the blessings I have in my life, and I’ve been doing that for as long as I can remember.  But you can do whatever is meaningful to you and whatever makes sense to you and your life and in your faith. 

I remember a keynote speaker at a conference I once went to, talk about finding the diamonds in your life.  It was the same concept.  He told us that every night before he went to bed, he would write down three things that he was grateful for from that day, the “diamonds”.  And it would end his day in gratitude before he went to sleep. 

It really is a “practice”, acknowledging the things we are grateful for in our lives, and it may feel a bit weird and awkward for you when you first start doing it, but keep at it, and it just gets easier.  Try diffusing your favourite essential oil while you are doing it, or just rub some Joy essential oil over your heart and breathe it in.  Then just start writing.  Don’t overthink it.  We do have so much to be grateful for after all!

Changing Season, New Beginnings

Changing Season, New Beginnings
On Labour Day weekend, the weather was so hot here, that we actually went swimming in Lake Superior!  Almost unheard of around here!  It was pretty awesome!

Of course, a few days later, the temperature plummeted and we are officially into sweater weather.  Honestly, I don’t mind.  I love the fall.  It’s probably my favourite season - cooler temperatures, no bugs, and the colours are absolutely beautiful.  

I’m lucky enough to live in Northern Ontario, on their Northeastern shores of Lake Superior along Hwy 17, so for anyone who’s ever driven that highway, you know how incredibly beautiful it is.  And in the fall, with all the leaves changing, it is just breathtaking!  

Walking at this time of year is just amazing, and hiking into some of the great trails in Lake Superior Provincial Park is probably one of my favourite things to do. 

For me, fall is sort of like the start of a new year, a new beginning.  I think it’s like that for many people.  It’s the start of a new school year, and the beginning of a new year for sports teams, and piano lessons, and lots of other extracurricular programs. There’s so much going on and it’s exciting. 

But it can also be a bit overwhelming!  I feel for those parents who just know that fall brings the beginning of routines, making school lunches, and the constant driving of kids around to all their activities.  As much as they may be happy to have the kids back in school, it can also bring its own kind of stress.

Little ones feel stress too, so whatever way we can help them to make the transition easier is a good thing.  Making sure they get to bed early and get a good night’s sleep is the first step, so try diffusing some KidScents DreamEase before bedtime to create a relaxing atmosphere in the bedroom and help make bedtime easier.

Kids might feel nervous about starting a new school year, with a new teacher, meeting new kids in their class.  So to help them feel calmer and more confident about the situation, try rubbing a little drop of KidScents KidPower onto the bottoms of their feet before school, or put some into a roller bottle so your child can put it on themselves whenever they need a little boost of courage. 

Teaching kids early how to support themselves by using their essential oils will help them throughout their lives as they navigate all of life’s challenges and changes. 

Parents can model these simple self-care tips themselves!  Taking good care of yourselves by using your essential oils will show your kids that Moms and Dads feel overwhelmed sometimes too, but they can use these natural tools in their toolkit to help them feel better. 

I hope you all have a wonderful fall season, enjoy all the beauty that this changing season brings and don’t forget to take good care of yourselves by using your oils! 

Funny thing about time is.....

Funny thing about time is.....
Maybe you’re old enough to remember when, at the end of 1999, we all thought we might all be in big trouble!  Maybe the computers that support every part of our daily living, from our heating and electrical systems, to our phones, computers, banking systems might not work once the clock hit midnight on New Year’s Eve!  

We all prepared, and hunkered down for the end of time.  And then the clock hit midnight, and then a minute after midnight, and nothing happened.  Computers’ clocks casually clicked over to 2000 and all was well. Hahaha!  Whew! That was a close one! 

I had been writing 19 something on my cheques all my life! (Yes, we had cheques back then lol) And now we were going to have to get used to writing 2000!  It seemed like science fiction at the time.  But now we’re in 2023 already!  

In 2000, I had a 13 year old, and 11 year old and a 3 year old.  I was working full time at the women’s shelter, and doing all the things you do as a busy Mom.  Now my kids are 36, 33 (almost 34) and 26!  And I have a 2 1/2 year old Granddaughter and a wonderful Son-in-law!

I mean, where the heck did the time go? 

I remember hearing a story about a woman who got her College Diploma in her 80’s.  People thought she was crazy when she started back to school at her age, but celebrated her when she finished.  

Her attitude was; time is going to pass anyway, so you might as well do something productive with it, and work towards your goals. If she didn’t go back to school, she would still be a woman in her 80’s, but now she’s a woman in her 80’s with a College Diploma!

That’s how time just keeps on ticking away.  If you sit still and do nothing, in 5 years, you’ll be 5 years older.  But if you decide today that in 5 years, you really want to be doing (fill in the blank), and you make a plan, and start taking steps to get there, and don’t give up, then 5 years from now, you’ll either have achieved that goal, or you will have made progress towards it.  You will have learned valuable lessons that help you in your life.  And maybe you will come to the decision that you don’t want that goal anymore, but something else.  And that’s okay.

But time is going to pass anyway, so you might as well be moving yourself closer to what you want in life.  You might as well be dreaming, and taking steps towards achieving that dream. 

Don’t let fear of failure keep you immobilized!  Failure is inevitable, but you learn from those failures.  They are valuable lessons.  If you never fail, then you never learn and progress. 

At this point you’re probably wondering why I’m going on about time, and working towards your goals and how essential oils are connected to all of this.  Well, I’m getting to that, in a round about way.  I know, I know, tick tock! Hahaha!

But seriously, there are so many essential oils and essential oils blends that can support you as you work towards your goals.  I’ll mention just a few of them.  

First, Valor.  The first essential oil blend I fell in love with, and my “go-to” whenever I have to do something hard or scary.  It’s a blend of Black Spruce, Camphor, Blue Tansy, Frankincense and Geranium.  I put a couple of drops onto the palm of my hand, rub my hands together and breathe!  Sometimes I rub it into the bottoms of my feet and onto my shoulders. 

Abundance - Do your dreams include bringing more abundance into your life?  Then this beautiful blend is perfect for you!  It’s a blend of Orange, Patchouli, Clove, Ginger, Myrrh, Cinnamon and Spruce.  

Here’s what it says on the Young Living website:  “Abundance was created to enhance the frequency of harmonic magnetic energy field that surrounds us.  This manifesting and powerful blend creates what is called the “law of attraction”, which refers to the positive (or negative) energy we attract to ourselves when we focus on it.  Abundance therefore opens us to a wealth of possibilities.” Doesn’t that sound amazing?

I use this one the same way I use Valor, except when breathing it in, I focus on my goals and dreams and imagine myself as having already achieved them! 

Believe - This is a great essential oil blend, especially whenever you are doubting yourself and your abilities to achieve your goals.  This blend is formulated with grounding essential oils like Frankincense and Idaho Black Spruce.  

From the website: “This invigorating combination has an uplifting scent and encourages feelings of strength, faith and hope when used aromatically.  Move past emotional barriers with its motivating aroma and experience spiritual grounding, a sense of peace and awareness, relaxation and renewed confidence.”

Sounds great, right?  And it really is!  I love this blend and use it whenever I need to refocus and get back on track to work towards my goals. 

Those are just a few of the many, many amazing essential oils Young Living has to support your  goal crushing journey!  You really have to try them and experience them yourself to see what I’m talking about. I can only tell you that they have been supporting me for years!  

I started using Young Living essential oils in 2012, knowing virtually nothing about essential oils.  Eleven years later, I am still using them every day.  I can’t even tell you all of the ways they have supported my health & wellness!  And I’m so happy that I made a choice to start taking my health seriously all those years ago. 

So what do you think?  Will you make a conscious choice to make a positive change in your life today?  After all, time is going to pass anyway, whether you do or not. 

When You Realize You Gotta Make a Change

When You Realize You Gotta Make a Change
I’m not sure if I’ve told you this already, but I have been working as a women’s advocate in the anti-violence against women sector for 38 years now.  I’m the Executive Director of a shelter for women and their children.  

As you can imagine, this work has been, at times, heartbreaking, frustrating, and emotionally draining.  There have been times when I have wanted to quit.  There have been times (many times) when I have cried, out of feelings of helplessness and frustration at a system that often fails women and their children.

There have also been some happy times, fun times, and times of celebration, and I have clung to those for dear life! 

So why am I telling you this?  Well, there came a time during my career as a women’s advocate, when I realized that I am not invincible, not even close.  I was exhausted, worn, and my usual way of coping with stress (wine anyone?) was not even a little bit helpful. 

I have been fortunate to have been able to attend different conferences and workshops focused on Vicarious Trauma, and Compassion Fatigue over the years, and have come to realize the importance of Self-Care and understand that it is absolutely not selfish to take care of yourself. It’s necessary!

You can’t do a very good job of supporting and empowering others if you are struggling to hold it together yourself! If you’re going to be in this fight, you need to stay healthy and strong.  You need to bring yourself back into balance when the hateful realities around you threaten to throw you down and keep you there.

For me, essential oils have been an amazing tool that I have used to bring myself back into balance.  Putting on Valor (a beautiful blend of Black Spruce, Blue Tansy, and Frankincense) helps me feel calmer, stronger and less anxious.  Whenever I have to do something I’m a little scared or worried about, I reach for that bottle, put a couple of drops onto the bottoms of my feet, on my shoulders and then just breathe it in. 

Peace & Calming essential oil blend is one of my favourites for relaxing and bringing myself back into a state of calm after a particularly stressful time.  It’s a wonderful blend of Ylang Ylang, Orange, Tangerine, Patchouli, and Blue Tansy.  It’s a great blend to use just before bedtime to help you wind down after a long day.

Stress Away is another blend that I’ve been really happy I have in my essential oils collection!  It’s a great combination of Lime, Lavender, Cedarwood, Copaiba, Vanilla and Ocotea and as the name suggests, it can be a great support to help you de-stress.  

Can I be real here for just a second? Honestly, if I had to go searching around for products that could help me stay healthy and balanced, I think I may have just given up.  Before I started using Young Living products, I had tried different things, taken different supplements (well, I bought them anyway....) but I never really made any significant changes to my lifestyle.  

I honestly believe that using these essential oils everyday helped create a pathway for me to start taking my health seriously, to start caring enough about my own wellness to start making time and space for self-care.  

And being able to just login to my account, order what I need, and have it be delivered to my home has made it so convenient and easy for me to keep up with my wellness goals!  

I am incredibly thankful for that, because I know myself, and if it was too complicated or hard, I know I wouldn’t do it.  I would have just gone back to my old bad habits.  Can anybody else relate?

I think most people are like me.  If it’s too hard, or time consuming, they are not going to follow through, so why not de-complicate your life?  Go get yourself a Young Living account and start taking care of yourself.  You’ll be so happy you did!  And I’ll be right there cheering you on along the way! 

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