“If you have to do it, decide to do it!”

I heard this quote from a speaker over 20 years ago. It stuck because it was the attitude adjustment I needed! 
I had an overactive 'should' streak in me that led me to burn out. So I made my life quiet for a few years and practiced saying 'no' to people and commitments. 

But as my health improved, I had to find rhythms of responsibility that allowed me to become a trustworthy friend, parent, homeowner and partner again. 

There are a lot of things in everyday that aren't glamorous or fun - doing dishes, cleaning bathrooms, flossing teeth, making grocery lists, chopping veggies, doing the 4th dog walk of the day or going one last time to meet a need when you're already tired. 

But I have found it true that if I make the shift in my head to want to care for that need or see that sink sparkle or find the surface of my desk again - it can be incredibly satisfying! It was a small mental shift I have used repeatedly through the years that takes me from resentment to singing through the task - which made all the difference to my sense of joy and satisfaction. 

I also like to savor the moments after the task is done and reward myself with a pleasure like a snuggle, a good book, an episode from Netflix, time at the piano or a warm tea! The photo below was a family holiday! 

What mental shifts help make your tasks lighter?


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