When I was invited to a mentoring morning with my friends who were creating a business, I didn't know much! I had been using Young Living oils and products for a few months and loved the quality and benefits I was discovering for our health. It wasn't until I was putting together my taxes that I realized that the business was really categorized as Marketing. I hadn't heard of the MLM model, I just knew I loved helping people discover the difference that some new habits could bring to shift wellness for our homes!
The more I have learned about the model we use, the more I appreciate the opportunity YL provides for everyday customers to build a business in ways that serve our friends and family using our unique personality, gifts and capacity at different seasons. Rather than paying a big advertiser, they offer a referral bonus or commission that only works if people love their products! I can trust YL to keep creating beautiful quality natural products that respect our bodies and environment while I focus on listening to the needs of my friends and connecting them to things that have been helpful for me and my community. As my friend's find natural wellness options they are excited about, we have a large community full of resources for them to patch into. And the opportunity to share is open for them, too! There is always room at this table for more! Young Living's mission is that every home experience the beauty and power of essential oils and gain confidence in using them to care for our family and friends.
I have found my niche through educating, listening to the health puzzles my friends express and helping them connect the pieces to find a path forward to support their bodies to do what they were designed to do well - heal. My question is always - what gets in the way of your body's healing? What stress loads are you wearing physically, emotionally, spiritually? How can we create a routine to take a healthy step... and then another to consistently shift the trajectory of our wellness? The answers aren't always related to essential oils. What we eat, how we move, how we process emotions, whether we respect our limits or listen to healthy boundaries, whether we cultivate good relationships - there are so many pieces to our complex wellness puzzles. Our Western medical system is focused on compartmentalizing and dividing us into pieces - and they are good at what they do - but I feel like we need help to put it all together to discover root causes. When our family and friends have resolved root issues - often so many symptoms disappear.
I decided to update my website to serve my community more effectively!
It has lots of options for education and ways to connect personally if you'd like to brainstorm where you are at and where you'd like to be. Take a browse if you like and know that I welcome your feedback as I learn and grow!
It has lots of options for education and ways to connect personally if you'd like to brainstorm where you are at and where you'd like to be. Take a browse if you like and know that I welcome your feedback as I learn and grow!
Find my website at https://getoiling.com/PeggyWright
What ways has your story led you to some surprising ways to care for others?
“If you have to do it, decide to do it!”
I heard this quote from a speaker over 20 years ago. It stuck because it was the attitude adjustment I needed!
I had an overactive 'should' streak in me that led me to burn out. So I made my life quiet for a few years and practiced saying 'no' to people and commitments.
But as my health improved, I had to find rhythms of responsibility that allowed me to become a trustworthy friend, parent, homeowner and partner again.
There are a lot of things in everyday that aren't glamorous or fun - doing dishes, cleaning bathrooms, flossing teeth, making grocery lists, chopping veggies, doing the 4th dog walk of the day or going one last time to meet a need when you're already tired.
But I have found it true that if I make the shift in my head to want to care for that need or see that sink sparkle or find the surface of my desk again - it can be incredibly satisfying! It was a small mental shift I have used repeatedly through the years that takes me from resentment to singing through the task - which made all the difference to my sense of joy and satisfaction.
I also like to savor the moments after the task is done and reward myself with a pleasure like a snuggle, a good book, an episode from Netflix, time at the piano or a warm tea! The photo below was a family holiday!
What mental shifts help make your tasks lighter?
This was what my heart spoke in the quiet this morning.
It has become important to me not to silence my inner world by letting the noise of demands crowd it out.
What is your inner voice speaking today?
What is your inner voice speaking today?
Some days I wake and feel muddled - especially since I started working alone at home. I have a million ideas and projects I want to do, but I need my routines to kick in and get me started in the right direction!
Jotting a few focus points in my planner the day before helps my mind to land when I finish my self care rhythms and I'm ready to get things done!
Jotting a few focus points in my planner the day before helps my mind to land when I finish my self care rhythms and I'm ready to get things done!
Essential oils have become my brain's partners - calming, releasing emotions, and helping my brain have more clarity and focus!
Want to have a day that is filed with momentum and fewer distractions? This roller recipe is perfect for quieting insecurity, and allowing me some calm focus time! I roll it behind my ears or on my wrists and breathe it in to help me get started in the right frame of mind and "win the day!"
I'd love to hear what helps you focus and get productive!
When I look back on my early parenting years, I am so thankful for the unscheduled unhurried days! I loved having time to snuggle up with a book and read aloud to my boys or watch how they gravitated to sports and board games with their Dad while I read by myself!
I wanted to share this awesome perspective from my friend, Courtney Critz who is a top leader in my Young Living team but keeps such a great perspective on life, parenting and what matters!
"In case no one’s told you lately, you are no more worthy because your house is clean, or your kids are behaving, or your meals are home cooked, or your spaces are decorated, or you’re ready for the most epic holidays, or you all read together for an hour today. You are no less worthy if nothing happened except everyone ate something, and had some conversations, and stayed in one piece.
It’s also okay to want all of those goal things. You desire them because they are sweet, good things, and it’s OKAY to really want them and to find the space and the energy to create as many beautiful moments as you can, to be active and productive for and with your people. As long as the activities and the goals don’t become more important than the people we’re doing them for. That imbalance comes when the decorating is to prove we have value. Or the cooking is how we show we’re important. Or the cleaning is how we measure up to our impossible standard. Or the business is how we show women are valuable."
Know that whether this is an errand day, a baking day, or a rest day - you are seen and known and loved by the One who made your value a done deal.
I'm going to go do nothing with my guys for awhile!
Happy Saturday!
Throwback picture of Andrew hanging out with his Dad doing nothing in particular!
I wanted to share this awesome perspective from my friend, Courtney Critz who is a top leader in my Young Living team but keeps such a great perspective on life, parenting and what matters!
"In case no one’s told you lately, you are no more worthy because your house is clean, or your kids are behaving, or your meals are home cooked, or your spaces are decorated, or you’re ready for the most epic holidays, or you all read together for an hour today. You are no less worthy if nothing happened except everyone ate something, and had some conversations, and stayed in one piece.
It’s also okay to want all of those goal things. You desire them because they are sweet, good things, and it’s OKAY to really want them and to find the space and the energy to create as many beautiful moments as you can, to be active and productive for and with your people. As long as the activities and the goals don’t become more important than the people we’re doing them for. That imbalance comes when the decorating is to prove we have value. Or the cooking is how we show we’re important. Or the cleaning is how we measure up to our impossible standard. Or the business is how we show women are valuable."
Know that whether this is an errand day, a baking day, or a rest day - you are seen and known and loved by the One who made your value a done deal.
I'm going to go do nothing with my guys for awhile!
Happy Saturday!
Throwback picture of Andrew hanging out with his Dad doing nothing in particular!