Happy August!
August is a time of transition.
It starts with us enjoying the relaxing days of summer fun, then it shifts to stricter schedules as we begin back-to-school prep.
This month’s promos are focused on helping you and your little ones get ready for a successful start to the new academic year ahead.
The oil blends are kid-safe and kid-friendly, so no dilution is usually required!
These oils are also versatile. They can also help adults improve their focus, emotional balance, resiliency, and allow for more rejuvenating and restful sleep. In fact, I use both daily…
An Overview of August’s 2024’s Gifts with Purchase:
Plus, all August long, loyalty orders save 15 percent on supplements to nurture your child’s gut-brain axis for more mind power!
Specifically, this 15% off offer applies to:
- Life 9®, YL’s probiotic with 17 billion live cultures from nine beneficial bacteria strains. It can support healthy immune function, maintain optimal metabolism, and promote normal intestinal function. *
- KidScents® MightyPro™ , YL’s kid’s probiotic and prebiotic. It is a great-tasting blend of prebiotics and probiotics featuring over 8 billion active, live cultures specially formulated to support gastrointestinal, digestive, and immune health in children. *
As if that’s not enough, many new convention products are now available on loyalty orders!
Below is more information on the promotional gifts and oily education from my own research and YL's product overviews on their website. If you like these excerpts, you’ve gotten just a sniff of what is available in my membership database! More information about this is here.
If you’re new, you can find out more about Gifts with Purchase at the end of the newsletter.
Have a beautiful month of nurturing yourself and your little ones for more mind-body wholeness.
Many blessings,
Dr. Sarah
More Information on August 2024’s Gifts with Purchase
1. SleepyIzeTM Essential Oil Blend
Getting back into the groove of a schedule after the summer can be difficult.
This exclusive and carefully formulated blend of Lavender, Geranium, Roman Chamomile, Bergamot and other premium essential oils in SleepyIzeTM helps set the scene for a calm nighttime routine.
These oils are some of my favorite mind-body enhancers and soothing the nerves. I diffuse it myself on nights where it is tougher to "turn-off" from the day.
Application Tips:
- Apply before bedtime or naptime as part of a daily routine.
- Apply to desired area to promote feelings of relaxation and tranquility.
Note: Dilution is not required, except for the most sensitive skin. (Formulated with kids’ safety in mind!)
2. KidPowerTM Essential Oil Blend
KidPowerTM is the kids’ version of Valor blend, one of my favorite grounding oil blends. I've actually been swapping the two and suggesting it for my adult clients as well!
Valor is one of my go-to blends for promoting more courage during trying days. It contains the comforting aromas of fir and camphor essential oils. These scents help to alleviate the “out of body” feeling resulting from a whirling, swirling brain. Added to this blend is the ancient spiritual oil of frankincense. This essential oil eases the mind and provides overall physiological support. Finally, this mixture is enhanced with rose geranium oil for optimizing emotional and hormonal well-being.
KidPowerTM adds some additional oils. These include orange citrus oil and vanilla to provide additional wellness support, calmness, comforting, mood enhancement, and focus.
Application Tips:
- Apply KidPowerTM before big events or experiences to support feelings of positivity and confidence.
- Diffuse or apply it in the mornings to uplift and enhance courage.
- My favorite way to use this blend is applying it over my wrists and perfume points and inhaling.
Note: Dilution is not required, except for the most sensitive skin. (Formulated with kids’ safety in mind!)
3. Feather The Owl™ Diffuser
Feather The Owl™ Diffuser is a Young Living-exclusive children's humidifier, aroma diffuser, night-light, and white-noise machine—owl in one!
Custom designed with children in mind, this Young Living-exclusive ultrasonic diffuser is convenient, easy to use, and features an array of diffusion, light, and sound combinations.
Now, you can set the stage for play or winding down—all with the convenience of touch-sensitive controls. (Running time is estimated to be between 5-10 hours.)
Suggested Uses
- Diffuse 8−20 drops of Young Living’s KidScents® essential oil blends such as SleepyIze™, SniffleEase™, or GeneYus™.
- Use your choice of Feather’s white-noise options to drown out the outside noises that keep your little one from sleeping soundly through the night.
- Select the lullaby white-noise option to create the perfect storytime ambiance.
- Select any light option to fit your child’s mood or favorite color.
So, there you have it!
Perhaps you'll try one of these oils products in your next order or maybe you'll get them for free after you purchase other items this month. :)
If you want to join my team, are new, or have an account already, click here to order.
Get more details on qualifying here.
For Those Who Are New:
What are Gifts with Purchase?
Every month, Young Living (YL) offers its members the opportunity to earn free products with qualifying orders. They also offer bonus essential oils and products for those who purchase oils monthly through their Subscription program.
A Few Things to Remember…
(1) If you are not a YL member, you can still learn about the essential oils and products discussed.
(2) Some of the information linked to studies on essential oils are from scientific journals and are not necessarily specific to a particular company or manufacturer.
(3) If you aren't using YL, please be very diligent about obtaining other high quality essential oils!
More Essential Oils Education
- Catch fresh episodes of the Essential Oils Revolution podcast every Tuesday! Subscribe and check out this #1 aromatherapy podcast, with over 5M downloads and counting here. (Note: Reruns are playing for the summer, selected by the Producer.)
- In my community membership, you get a full essential oils course, resources, access to my essential oils database, and more. Get more information here.
- Want to receive my free Back-to-School Guide and Resources for Supporting Kids Mental Health?
- During the month of August 2024, contact me on my contact page or reply to one of my emails with “Kids Oils and Mental Health Resource.” You can even add a “please” if you’d like. 😉
* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and the products are not meant to treat any condition.
**See more announcements and promos for the month at the YL Website and in your virtual office here.
Note: The information linking studies on the essential oils are from scientific journals and are not necessarily specific to a particular company or manufacturer. Please read the full disclaimer on the full posts linked.
This material is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prescribe for any illness. You should check with your doctor regarding implementing any new strategies into your wellness regime. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. (Affiliation link.)