Happy June!
June brings in bright sun, hotter days, and the relaxing summer nights.
It can also mean more hectic schedules with schedules!
Thankfully, Young Living is helping us to remain cool and maintain our calm and balance with this month’s promos!
June’s focus is on simplifying, grounding, and enhancing health.
Here’s a Summary June 2024’s Gifts with Purchase:
- Loyalty order: Valor Oil Blend 5ml- Diffuse this inspiring and grounding scent while you work to align your mind, body, and spirit during hectic summer moments. (100 PV tier, Retail value: $58.55)
- Black Spruce Oil 5ml- Enhance your overall wellness and relieve stress as you inhale this grounding oil. (200 PV tier, Retail value: $94.73, includes 100 PV tier)
- Super B Supplement - Jump-start busy summer days with this super blend of all eight B vitamins and bioavailable minerals. (300 PV tier, Retail value 124.66, includes 200 PV tier)
Bonuses for Loyalty Customers:
- Anyone ordering $100+ PV gets a free Valor Oil Blend.
June Loyalty Order Discount:
- Enjoy 15 % off of SleepEssence™ supplement and 10-pack of Muscle Rub Sample Tins.
Below is more information on the promotional gifts and oily education from my own research and YL's product overviews on their website. If you like these excerpts, you’ve gotten just a sniff of what is available in my membership database! More information about this is here.
If you’re new, you can find out more about Gifts with Purchase at the end of the newsletter.
Have a beautiful month of nurturing yourself for more mind-body wholeness.
Many blessings,
Dr. Sarah
More Information on June 2024’s Gifts with Purchase
1. Valor Oil Blend, 5ml is one of my favorite oils combination to provide a more grounded state of being and to enhance courage. It is perfect for moving forward into new situations to ease trepidation and feelings of uncertainty. It contains fir oils and/or camphor essential oils. These stability-enhancing scents can bring you back into your body when you feel “out of it” due to a swirling brain. The ancient spiritual oils, frankincense and cedarwood, support neurological function, brain health, and overall body wellness. Finally, a floral scent that is uplifting, rose geranium oil, can be used to round out this blend.
Application Tips: Diffuse this grounding blend when you are feeling “out of sorts” and fearful. I also like to apply a few drops with a carrier oil to my wrists, rub them together, and inhale. Ahhh…
2. Northern Lights Black Spruce essential oil, 5ml is steam distilled from the needles of the tree at the Young Living Northern Lights Farm and Distillery in Fort Nelson, British Columbia. Its woodsy aroma offers a grounding aromatic experience and supports the appearance of skin and hair, making it a great addition to your lotion or facial moisturizer. This oil also contains phytoncides which are attributed to the benefits received from the act of “forest bathing,” a traditional Japanese practice of immersing oneself in nature. These wellness enhancing and stress-relieving compounds also benefits the body’s defense and repair system.
Application Tip: Dilute and massage this oil onto tired muscles after a long day of yardwork, hiking, or biking.
3. Super B supplement is a super blend of essential B vitamins to help fuel your inner powerhouse. Super B tablets feature a natural folate source derived from lemon peels and methylcobalamin, a source of B12 that's easy for your body to absorb. Combined with Nutmeg essential oil and bioavailable chelated minerals such as magnesium, manganese, selenium, and zinc, these trusty little tablets give you the boost you need to keep being extraordinary. Learn more here
So, there you have it!
Perhaps you'll try one of these oils products in your next order today or maybe you'll get them for free after you purchase other items. :)
If you want to join my team, are new, or have an account already, click here to order.
Get more details on qualifying here.
For Those Who Are New:
What are Gifts with Purchase?
Every month, Young Living (YL) offers its members the opportunity to earn free products with qualifying orders. They also offer bonus essential oils and products for those who purchase oils monthly through their Subscription program.
A Few Things to Remember…
(1) If you are not a YL member, you can still learn about the essential oils and products discussed.
(2) Some of the information linked to studies on essential oils are from scientific journals and are not necessarily specific to a particular company or manufacturer.
(3) If you aren't using YL, please be very diligent about obtaining other high quality essential oils!
More Essential Oils Education
- Catch new episodes of the Essential Oils Revolution podcast every Tuesday! Subscribe and check out this #1 aromatherapy podcast, with over 5M downloads and counting, here.
- In my community membership, you get a full essential oils course, resources, access to my essential oils database, and more. Get more information here.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and the products are not meant to treat any condition.
**See more announcements and promos for the month at the YL Website and in your virtual office here.
Note: The information linking studies on the essential oils are from scientific journals and are not necessarily specific to a particular company or manufacturer. Please read the full disclaimer on the full posts linked.
This material is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prescribe for any illness. You should check with your doctor regarding implementing any new strategies into your wellness regime. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. (Affiliation link.)