Enjoy the rest of your summer and when you place your next oils order get prepared for Back-to-School!
In a few weeks there will be freshly sharpened pencils, shiny new shoes, and the slightest hint of fall in the air—all signs the kids will be packing their backpacks and heading to their classrooms!
Inspire a new semester filled with positivity, courage, and routine with essential oil products your children can keep with them in every class.
Check out the goodies from July’s gift with purchase below to see what your littles need to start the school year smooth.
Note: The oils this month are specifically formulated and pre-diluted for smaller humans!

I just posted two fresh podcasts about one of my all-time favorite healing modalities, essential oils!
Due to their amazing properties, essential oils are the perfect tool for supporting the mind and body. They can be used synergistically with most integrative and conventional treatments.
Click below to get your essential oils' geek-on and learn more about these amazing health tools.
Spring is a time to reconnect to the planet, to shake off the buildup of winter, and get a fresh start.
Essential oils and Young Living's naturally derived products capture the scents and spirit of the season.
The following oils, included in April's gifts with purchase, can help you renew your senses and move into the springtime with more joy:
- Citrus Oils
- Purification Blend
- Peppermint
- Luscious Lemon
- Pine

Essential oils are my favorite tool to use with my naturopathic and functional medicine clients for supporting the connection between the mind and body. They are in alignment with naturopathic medicine philosophies and partner well for integrative medicine support.
Recently, my article in Natural Path discussed four of my favorite essential oils for mind-body-heart health.
To me, health is a resource that allows one to live a happier, more vibrant life with loved ones.
In this post, I complete our wellness series with more information on the vital role of the mind, emotions, and spirituality for mind-body balance.
Topics include:
- Mindset as medicine
- Spirituality in healthcare
- The benefits of laughter on health
- Essential oils for mental health and addiction
- The healing power of love