How Essential Oils Can Ease Stress, Aid Transitions, & Soothe the Mind-Body

How Essential Oils Can Ease Stress, Aid Transitions, & Soothe the Mind-Body
Essential oils make a perfect companion to any mental and cognitive wellness protocol that aims to nourish the brain. They intercede at the level of the cause of the stress and overwhelm via influencing our thought processes, feelings, and interpretation of life circumstances. This means that essential oils can instantaneously shift how we feel and perceive events. I believe they are an overlooked holistic modality that can connect the mind-body and lead to true healing. 

In this article, I have gathered all my previous posts on essential oils pertinent to the fall transition and coping with uncertain times.

Nature’s Intelligence Makes Scents in the Fall: How Essential Oils Enhance Resiliency

Nature’s Intelligence Makes Scents in the Fall: How Essential Oils Enhance Resiliency
Along with the innate intelligence of nature to comfort us with its cascade of brilliant colors, it also conspires to enhance the well-being of its creatures through the aromatic influences of essential oils.

In this article, I’ll review four ways the aromas of autumn enhance our resiliency. I’ll also discuss some of my favorite fall essential oils and how they can be incorporated into any wellness regime.
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