Daily Prebiotic Fiber Supplement Spotlight - July 2023

Daily Prebiotic Fiber
Supplement Spotlight

Health starts in the gut, so we want to do everything we can to have a happy, healthy belly! And having a healthy gut isn't something just for those with gut disorders. It is for us all. Taking daily steps to build, support, detoxify and balance gut bacteria and intestinal lining is crucial, and one of our favorite, simple ways to do this is with Daily Prebiotic Fiber! Daily Prebiotic Fiber is a daily prebiotic and fiber drink that is both delicious and easy on the stomach.

Daily Prebiotic Fiber at a Glance

Daily Prebiotic Fiber supports gut health, aids in the body's natural detoxification process, and helps maintain a healthy gut microbiome - all things that are crucial to overall health! This gentle daily formula contains 6 grams of plant-based prebiotics, 5 grams of soluble fiber, and a belly-supporting blend of essential oils - Fennel, Anise, Tarragon, Ginger, Lemongrass, and Rosemary.

Why We Love Daily Prebiotic Fiber
  • Contains 6 grams of plant-based prebiotics and 5 grams of soluble fiber
  • Aids in the body's natural detoxification process
  • Helps maintain a healthy gut microbiome
  • Easy on the stomach and well tolerated by those with digestion sensitivity
  • Promotes healthy postbiotics in the gut
  • Contains D. Gary Young's original essential oil blend of Fennel, Anise, Tarragon, Ginger, Lemongrass, and Rosemary essential oils
  • Helps you feel full longer
  • Supports cardiovascular health and immune system
Gut Health & Overall Health

Did you know that over 75% of your immune system is in your gut? Sounds so wild, but it is true. This is yet another reason why a healthy, happy belly is of utmost importance!

If you're thinking that you don't feel bad, don't have dietary sensitivities and feel like your gut is just fine, you could still be experiencing symptoms of gut inflammation and imbalance (dysbiosis). Lots of things in our daily life can result in tiny holes in the gut lining, creating a ‘leaky gut.' This is a huge topic of medical study and one for another day, but leaky gut can cause a whole host of symptoms. Some less straightforward symptoms include migraines, brain fog, joint pain, eczema, acne and emotional instability. 

If this is you (and honestly even if it's not!) I challenge you to spend a minimum of 30 days eating low-inflammatory foods, moving your body, taking Life 9 and Daily Prebiotic Fiber and seeing how these things change! Bonus points for adding in 2-4 ounces of NingXia Red each day. 

Daily Prebiotic Fiber contains powerful ingredients like agave inulin, guar gum, and prickly pear cactus extract that work synergistically  (1+1=3) with Fennel, Anise, Tarragon, Ginger, Lemongrass, and Rosemary essential oils to dexotify the gut and promote a healthy environment for bacterial balance. Pairing Daily Prebiotic Fiber with Life 9 is ideal. Daily Prebiotic Fiber creates a clean, happy home for the diverse bacteria of the Life 9 probiotic! 

Plus, the  ingredients in Daily Prebiotic Fiber provide 6 grams of plant-based prebiotics and 5 grams of soluble fiber. Prebiotics and fiber are crucial for overall gut health and digestive mobility - ease of things moving through which is definitely what we want! As well as overall cardiovascular and immune system health.  

Overall, Daily Prebiotic Fiber is an ideal way to maintain a healthy gut microbiome, aid in the body's natural detoxification process, promote healthy postbiotics in the gut, and even help you feel full longer. If that's not a win, I don't know what is! 

Daily Habits for Gut Health
  • Avoid inflammatory foods
  • Eat whole, nutrient dense foods
  • Move your body gently first thing in the morning (yoga, sun salutations, stretching)
  • Avoid commercial seed oils (canola oil, sunflower seed oil, etc.)
  • Take a high quality probiotic like Life 9
  • Eat prebiotic foods like garlic, onions, and NingXia wolfberries 
  • Take Daily Prebiotic Fiber
Gut Health & Emotions

It may seem strange to link gut health with emotions, but there is a big reason why the two things are connected.

We've all heard about serotonin, especially since it is one of our ‘happy' hormones along with dopamine. Serotonin is the control switch for the body and brain's neurotransmitters. It helps us regulate our emotions from excited and energetic to calm and focused, so when levels are too low, problems can certainly arise.

Serotonin is produced in the brain (this is what we hear about a lot with mental health needs), but a large amount is also produced in the digestive system. So much so that our gut is called the ‘second brain.' In fact, almost 90% of the serotonin in our bodies is produced by the peripheral nervous system in the gut. WOW. 

So many things impact the gut's ability to produce and maintain adequate levels of serotonin. A few of these include food sensitivities and allergies, acute and chronic stress, gut flora imbalances, yeast overgrowth, acute and chronic illness, conventional medication and antibiotic use. Some of these things are within our  control to change and others we have to simply support and rebuild the gut after experiencing. Acute needs are definitely going to require work, but the real ticket to health is in daily actions! 

Often when we crave foods high in sugar or white flour, we are innately trying to regulate low serotonin levels. These foods may give us a quick pick me up, but they also lead to a crash shortly after. BUT. There are many ways we can support the gut (second brain remember!) daily to maintain adequate serotonin (among other important things). Adding Daily Prebiotic Fiber to your daily wellness routine is a great way to support your gut on a daily basis! 

To Use Daily Prebiotic Fiber
  • Mix 1 scoop in 8 ounces of water or juice once daily.
  • Take in the morning 30 minutes before meals on an empty stomach.
  • Enjoy with water, NingXia Red, or juice

Want to try Daily Prebiotic Fiber but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Green Omega-3 Supplement Spotlight - July 2023

Green Omega-3
Supplement Spotlight

Say hello to this vegan omega-3 supplement that serves up essential fatty acids from algal oil (algae!) instead of fish oil to support your heart, brain, eyes, and immune system. A plant-based source of omega-3 has so many benefits over traditional fish-based sources – less impact on the marine ecosystem, reduced potential for marine contaminants, and a product without a fishy smell or aftertaste. All the good stuff, none of the bad!

Green Omega-3 at a Glance
  • Supports heart and circulatory health
  • Supports normal, healthy brain function and mood
  • Excellent source of necessary fatty acids
  • Great for getting and keeping a healthy immune response and antioxidant levels
  • Promotes healthy eye, skin, bone and joint health
  • Supports metabolic health and a healthy inflammatory response
  • Sustainable vegetarian and vegan-friendly formula
Compared to other vegan omega-3 supplements, Green Omega 3 softgels contain one of the highest amounts of DHA and EPA. Each serving packs 330 mg of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and 160 mg of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) from a pure plant source - marine algae. This incredible formula also contains flaxseed oil, which is naturally rich in ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), and Clove essential for its antioxidant properties. Together, these plant- based ingredients give you all the benefits of fish oil supplements without the fishy aftertaste!

The Importance of Omega-3s

The health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids have been well-studied and established, and almost all physicians will recommend an omega-3 supplement! Omega-3s are synonymous with heart health, have a reputation for being anti-inflammatory, and help the body reduce blood clots. DHA and EPA also help reduce triglyceride levels – a specific type of cholesterol that can turn into blood clots.

The brain and eyes are also highly enriched with omega-3 fatty acids, making DHA and EPA critical for healthy cognitive function and eyesight. In fact, a natural treatment for macular degeneration is an omega-3 fatty acid capsule that contains EPA and DHA because it helps relieve intraocular pressure.

The brain is made mostly of fat, and it functions especially well with high levels of EPA and DHA. These omega-3s the brain's communication processes and reduce inflammation, which can help slow aging. This means you have more mental clarity, a better memory, easier decision making, and a better mood when you have enough omegas!

Omegas also help to reduce inflammation – a main culprit for many of the most common ailments we face. Preliminary studies suggest that omega-3s may even help improve symptoms of osteoarthritis and joint pain!

Omega 3s and Pregnancy

But omega-3s aren't just for those who want healthy hearts! Omega-3 requirements increase during pregnancy in order to aid brain growth, especially as it accelerates during the second half of pregnancy and continues through birth.

And these omegas aren't just for the growing babe. Moms need them too, especially during postpartum healing. Did you know that omegas can help with our moods? Getting enough good fatty acids like EPA and DHA go a long way when it comes to recovery – physical, mental and emotion!

Green Omega 3 Key Ingredients

  • Algal oil - a plant-based source of DHA and EPA, derived from algae; DHA accounts for 97% of the omega-3 fats in the human brain, making it critical for cognitive function and heart, brain and eye health.
  • Flaxseed oil - rich in omega-3 fatty acids in the form of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a well-researched fatty acid that promotes heart health and helps decrease the incidence of cardiovascular disease; contains 50- 60% ALA, making it even more anti-inflammatory than fish oil
  • Clove essential oil - an antioxidant powerhouse that supports the body from the inside out; has the highest ORAC value (antioxidant value) of all know foods and plants to help reduce inflammation, support organ health, promote longevity, and maintain overall wellness.
Full Ingredient List

Algal (Schizochytrium sp.) oil, Tapioca starch, Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum) oil, Glycerin, Water, Clove† (Syzygium aromaticum) flower bud essential oil, Vitamin E (as d-alpha-tocopherol)

Why a Plant-Based Formula

Algae are easy to grow, requiring only sunlight, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and phosphorus, making algae farming one of the few operations with a neutral carbon footprint. And they are a wonderful source of the EPA and DHA that make fish oil so healthy for our bodies!

As the world's population grows and puts pressure on wild fisheries, alternative plant-based sources of omega-3s, like algal oil, are becoming increasingly popular. Algal oil provides a sustainable way to supplement your nutritional needs and positively impacts the planet.

How to Use Green Omega-3
Adults 18 years and older: Take 2 softgels daily.

Want to try Green Omega-3 but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Make a Shift - Essential Solutions Kit

Make a Shift
Essential Solutions Kit

If you're looking for an easy way to make the switch to greener solutions for your home and health, then look no further! Make a shift with the Essential Solutions Kit! This curated collection includes some of the most popular products for replacing harsh chemicals, freshening your home, or enhancing your daily wellness routines.

The Make a Shift Essential Solutions Kit comes with everything you need to take the next step in your everyday wellness journey!

Thieves essential oil blend, 5 mL
  • This powerful blend of immune boosting oils works with the body's natural defense systems, making it one we reach for every day. 
  • Dilute Thieves 1:4 (1 part Thieves, 4 part carrier oil) and apply to the spine, over the lymph nodes, and/or to the bottoms of the feet.
  • Add Thieves to your cleaning DIYs. (There's a reason Young Living has an entire line of household products infused with this blend!)
  • Add a drop to honey, then pour warm water over for a Thieves Tea (you can also add your favorite herbal tea) OR add a drop or two to coffee grounds before brewing, or mix into your favorite latte recipe.
  • Diffuse! Studies have shown that the Thieves blend can blast 96% of airborne germs. Pair with Peppermint for a pick-me-up or with Lavender for a bedtime blend that supports the immune system. 
Purification essential oil blend, 5 mL
  • Purification is our favorite way to keep our homes smelling fresh and clean - even if they aren't! It has a crisp, fresh aroma, and unlike many harsh chemical-based sprays it truly eliminates odors and doesn't simply mask them. It's a bright, cleansing blend of Citronella, Lavandin, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Myrtle, and Tea Tree that we use in so many different ways!
  • Add Purification to wool dryer balls to give your laundry a bright-smelling boost.
  • Drop Purification directly into areas that need some freshening - rain boots, forgotten laundry, diaper pails, etc.
  • Use Purification to support healthy airways! Simply mix a few drops with coconut oil and rub onto the chest, neck and back. (This blend is full of wonderful purifying oils for the immune & respiratory systems!)
  • Apply Purification topically to calm everyday skin irritations or use to spot-treat blemishes.
Lavender essential oil, 5 mL
  • Considered the panacea of aromatherapy, Lavender essential oil has endless uses – it is truly our Swiss Army Knife! In addition to its tranquil aroma, Lavender provides many skin care benefits, from beauty routines to first aid needs! It is also one we reach for to calm our systems when the air quality lowers.
  • Apply Lavender topically following sun exposure or add it to your facial essence, serum, or moisturizer.
  • Add 4 drops of Lavender and 1 cup of Epsom salt to a bath to create a relaxing environment.
  • Use it as a spot treatment for minor bumps and blemishes.
  • Unwind in the evening with a calming Lavender-infused neck or back massage.
  • Use Lavender to help cleanse and soothe minor skin irritations. Pair with Frankincense and coconut oil. 
Peppermint essential oil, 5 mL
  • Peppermint essential oil has a fresh, minty aroma that is invigorating whenever you need a pick me up! This crisp oil can be diffused to create a focused environment for work or study, or it can be applied topically to soothe & cool muscles following activity. 
  • Diffuse Peppermint while working or during homework time to create a focused environment.
  • Sprinkle a few drops in your shower for an awakening shower steam in the morning.
  • Apply it to your neck and shoulders or to tired muscles following physical activity for a cooling sensation.
Deep Relief Roll-On, 10 mL
  • Deep Relief Roll-On is one of Young Living's most popular blends and will be your new tension-melting best friend! This pre-diluted blend combines Peppermint, Wintergreen, Copaiba, Clove, and Fir essential oils (plus more!) provide icy cool relief wherever you need it! Ditch the store-bought creams and grab your Deep Relief Roll-on!
  • Apply onto the temples, back of neck, and shoulders and gently massage to relieve stress and tension.
  • Apply generously to any sore or tense muscles or onto legs and feet after standing or walking all day. 
Stress Away Roll-On, 10 mL
  • We call this beachy blend a “vacation in a bottle.” Stress Away is your stress buster! It smells lovely with hints of vanilla and makes a great addition to DIY body butter, bath salts and more. 
  • Apply to the neck, chest and shoulders and feel the tension melt away. Apply liberally and frequently
  • Use on the chest and feet before bedtime – alone or with Lavender – to promote relaxation.
  • Use as a daily perfume or personal fragrance!
Fresh Start Diffuser (exclusive to this kit!)
  • This beautiful diffuser is streamlined and elegant and will be the perfect companion to any space! Diffusing is a wonderful health habit! Not only does it make your entire space feel like a spa, you get all the benefits of inhaling the pure essential oils you are diffusing – immune support, respiratory soothing, calming and relaxing, focus and attention – win win! 
Product insert with simple tips for using every drop of these incredible oils

Make a Shift Essential Solutions Kit

Here are some of our favorite recipes, DIYs, and ways to use the oils in this kit! These oils were hand selected because they are some of the most versatile.

Make a Glow Up Skin Serum to use before bed:
  • 20 drops Lavender
  • Fill with carrier of choice (jojoba oil, argan oil)
  • Optional: 15 drops Frankincense for oil-prone skin
  • Other great add-ins: Manuka, Blue Tansy, Myrrh
Make a T-Zone Roller to use on oily areas or as a spot-treatment for blemishes:
  • 20 drops Purification
  • Jojoba oil
Make a Daily Wellness Roller (10mL) to use morning and evening, then use more frequently when needs arise: 
  • 30 drops each Thieves,
  • 10 drops each Lavender, Peppermint
  • V-6 Vegetable oil carrier
  • Other great add-ins: Geranium, Pine, Frankincense
Try this Tension Melter Roller for tense heads, shoulders, necks or other muscles. (This one feels soooo good on the temples and forehead when you're carrying stress or tension!)
  • 25 drops each Lavender,
  • 20 drops Peppermint
  • Optional: 10 drops Deep  Relief (pop the roller out and use a dropper to get the essential oil out!)
  • V-6 Vegetable oil carrier
Make Ultimate Relaxation Bath Salts:
  • 1 cup Epsom salt
  • ½ cup Himalayan salt
  • 10 drops Lavender
  • Optional: 8 drops Stress Away (pop the roller out and use a dropper to get the essential oil out!)
Make a DIY Carpet & Rug Freshener to freshen up your space whenever you vacuum.
  • To an airtight glass jar add:
  • 1 cup Baking Soda
  • ½ cup Fine Sea Salt
  • 20 drops Purification
  • 20 drops Lavender
  • Mix well. When ready to use, sprinkle over carpets and let sit for 10 minutes before vacuuming.
Make a Linen & Upholstery Spray to use when you change the sheets or anytime a surface needs a little freshening:
  • 8 oz glass spray bottle   
  • 20 drops each Peppermint, Lavender, Purification
  • Filtered water
  • Shake to mix and spray on linens, upholstery, mattresses, anything really!
Make a DIY Laundry Scent Booster to make your laundry smell divine with zero harsh chemicals:
  • To a large glass jar with a lid add:
  • 1 cup Epsom Salt
  • ½ cup Fine Sea Salt
  • ½ cup Baking Soda
  • 30 drops Purification (or a mix of desired oils)
  • To use, add 2-3 Tbsp directly to the laundry.
  • Lemon Cookies - 6 drops each Lemon, Peppermint
  • Be Well - 5 drops Thieves, 4 drops Lavender, 3 doors Purification
  • Spring Breeze - 5 drops Thieves, 3 drops each Lavender, Peppermint
  • Fresh Linens - 6 drops Lavender, 4 drops Purification
Want to grab your Essential Solutions Kit but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Make a Shift - Daily Wellness Kit

Make a Shift
Daily Wellness Kit

If daily wellness is your thing, this is for you! This collection has everything you need for 30 days of nutrient-dense, health goodness! It is a starter pack of the fan-favorite, super nutritious NingXia Red (daily wellness!) and NingXia Nitro (kick the brain fog) wolfberry drinks, as well some of the most popular Vitality oils (dietary oils) so you can give your everyday wellness a jumpstart!

NingXia Red, 30 ct sachets

NingXia Red is your daily wellness drink! This antioxidant powerhouse delivers nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to your system so you can have healthy energy levels, support heart, eye, brain, and nervous system health, keep soft, glowing skin, and much more! NingXia Red is a wolfberry puree that is infused with Yuzu, Tangerine, Lemon and Orange essential oils. It is rich in ellagic acid, polyphenols, flavonoids, vitamins, and minerals.

In addition, it has 18 amino acids, 21 trace minerals, beta-carotene, and vitamins B1, B2, B6, and E. It is an excellent whole-food source of nutrients that gives energy and strength to the body without harmful stimulates. It also has an amazing low glycemic index of 11 that does not spike blood sugar levels, making it a great choice for daily health!

Drink one packet daily, on its own or mixed with NingXia Nitro and/or Orange Vitality and/or Lime Vitality.

NingXia Nitro, 14 ct

Say goodbye to brain fog with NingXia Nitro! NingXia Nitro is a delicious, energizing wolfberry drink infused with essential oils, botanical extracts, D-ribose, Korean ginseng, and green tea extract to support alertness and cognitive and physical fitness. This is one supplement we always keep on hand! 

NingXia Nitro is a delicious antioxidant shot that helps increase cognitive alertness, enhances mental fitness, and supports overall athletic and mental performance. When you need a pick-me-up, turn to NingXia Nitro! This slightly sweet supplement shot increases your overall energy reserves, sharpens your mind, and helps you become more focused!

  • Consume directly from the tube or mix with 1-2 oz. of NingXia Red or 4 oz. of water (sparkling or mineral). Best served chilled. Enjoy anytime you need a pick-me-up!
  • Try this Midday Mix Up:
    • 1 packet Ningxia Red
    • 1 tube NingXia Nitro
    • Coconut water
    • Mineral water
    • 1 drop Lime Vitality Essential Oil
Orange Vitality

Cold-pressed from the rinds of oranges grown in Costa Rica, Orange essential oil has a sweet, authentic aroma reminiscent of a freshly peeled orange. Versatile and zesty, this oil is a wonderful way to brighten savory dishes and add a refreshing contrast to desserts. Orange Vitality oil also blends beautifully with other fruity flavors, making it a tasty addition to smoothies, juices, and NingXia Red! Orange is high in the compound limonene, so it provides digestive and immune system support to the body -- all while tasting great!

  • Add Orange Vitality oil to your daily NingXia Red, a glass of water, or a smoothie to give it a burst of flavor
  • Add 1–2 drops of Orange Vitality oil to a vegetarian gel capsule and take daily for general wellness support.
  • Use it in sweet or savory dishes for added flavor and zest. 
  • Substitute 1 - 3 drops of Orange Vitality oil for 1 teaspoon of orange zest.  
  • Substitute 1 drop of Orange Vitality oil for 1 teaspoon of orange juice
Lime Vitality

Whether you're stirring it into drinks for a bright burst of flavor or giving your food a little extra citrus zip, Lime Vitality is a welcome kick of summer that you can enjoy year-round. This citrus oil is bright and happy and adds a little bit of zest to all your favorite foods and drinks! But Lime is more than just a fun time!

Lime essential oil is unique in that it is 100% bioflavonoid. Not only are bioflavonoids impressive in and of themselves, but they also help maximize the benefits of vitamin C by inhibiting its breakdown in the body. This means that Lime Essential Oil not only supports the immune system, it also stimulates the detox pathways, helping to clear the body of toxins and unwanted waste. Lime is a wellness powerhouse!

  • Enjoy staying hydrated and add variety by infusing your water with a drop or two of Lime Vitality.
  • Add 1 - 2 drops to your sparkling water or NingXia Red for a crisp and refreshing beverage.
  • Add a few drops to your favorite sauces, dips (guacamole anyone??), or marinades to add a burst of fresh lime flavor.
  • Add 1 drop of Lime Vitality to a vegetarian gel capsule and take daily for its immune and antioxidant benefits.

Here are some of our favorite recipes and ways to use the products in this kit! Try these products for 30 days, and you will see why we love them so much!

Infuse your water with 2 - 3 drops of Orange Vitality, Lime Vitality or a mix of the two. Refresh throughout the day as needed! Option to muddle some fruit in the water as well for extra flavor.

Add a drop of Orange or Lime Vitality to your favorite herbal tea for a wellness boost.

Make an Orange or Lime tea by adding a few drops of your chosen Vitality oil to a dollop of honey in a mug, then cover with warm water to infuse.

Add Lime or Orange to your daily NingXia Red! Empty the packet into a cup, then mix in the essential oils. 1-2 drops is usually enough!

Try this Everyday Wellness Tonic:
  • 1 packet NingXia Red
  • 1 tube NingXia Nitro
  • 2 drops Orange Vitality
  • 1 drops Lime Vitality
  • Mineral water
Make your own mocktail! Mix NingXia Red, Vitality oils and any of the following: coconut water, sparkling water, kombucha, mineral water, prebiotic drinks.

Want to grab your Daily Wellness Kit but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Make a Shift - Happy, Healthy Home Kit

Make a Shift
Happy, Healthy Home Kit

Cultivate a happy, healthy home with this curated kit of green home favorites! These products are some of our most used and are such a huge jump start on a low-tox home. This is your easy button when it comes to all natural, plant-based cleaning.

This collection features some of our most loved and most used Thieves products! It includes:

Thieves essential oil blend, 15 mL

This powerful blend of immune boosting oils works with the body's natural defense systems, making it one we reach for every day. 
  • Dilute Thieves 1:4 (1 part Thieves, 4 part carrier oil) and apply to the spine, over the lymph nodes, and/or to the bottoms of the feet.
  • Add Thieves to your cleaning DIYs. (There's a reason Young Living has an entire line of household products infused with this blend!)
  • Add a drop to honey, then pour warm water over for a Thieves Tea (you can also add your favorite herbal tea),  add a drop or two to coffee grounds before brewing, or mix into your favorite latte recipe. 
  • Diffuse! Studies have shown that the Thieves blend can blast 96% of airborne germs. Pair with Peppermint for a pick-me-up or with Lavender for a bedtime blend that supports the immune system. 
Lemon essential oil , 15 mL

Lemon is a bright, sunny and versatile oil that can be used for a variety of things, including a balanced health and wellness regimen. Lemon is very cleansing, so we can use it for our homes or for our bodies. Lemon oil is a wonderful way to support the liver!! And the oil is made from the rind of the fruit, making it alkaline instead of acidic so we get tons of great immune and wellness benefits!
  • A drop or two of Lemon can help you get sticky, hard to remove items or residue off of windows and other surfaces with ease. 
  • Use Lemon for cleaning! Talk about the entire house smelling wonderful. Add to Thieves Household Cleaner, cleaning DIYs, wool dryer balls, your laundry soap, your mop bucket, anything! 
  • Add Lemon to your Thieves roller for an everyday wellness blend. Other great additions: Frankincense, Oregano, Pine.
  • Lemon helps support oily skin or blemishes. Use on the t-zone with Lavender & Frankincense or use on a q-tip to spot treat blemishes. 
Thieves Household Cleaner 14.4 oz.

ONE cleaner for your entire home – truly! This bottle of concentrate marks about 20 bottles of all-purpose cleaner and can be used in so many different ways that you can clean your entire space with it. It's economical, safe for pets and kids, has no harsh chemicals, and smells amazing.
  • Mix up 1 capful with water in a spray bottle for general cleaning. Option to add a few drops of Lemon or Thieves oil for more scent!
  • Use 2 capfuls in hot water to clean floors.
  • Dilute in a spray bottle and spray onto ped beds.
  • Mix with water and vinegar and use in a steam mop, spray mop, or other floor cleaner.
Amber Glass Spray Bottle

The perfect companion to Thieves Household Cleaner! Use this spray bottle to mix up your all-purpose daily cleaner. The stylish bottle means you can leave it on the counter without sacrificing your aesthetic!
Thieves Laundry Soap

Thieves Laundry Soap is one of our laundry room must haves. Safe, effective, eco-friendly and economical cleaning with the power of plants? Sign us up! This plant-powered laundry soap is tough enough for dirt stains, but gentle enough for newborn clothing. Fabrics come out of the washer clean and with a pleasant citrus aroma, thanks to a 100% pure blend of Thieves, Jade Lemon, and Bergamot essential oils!
  • Standard load: ½ cap for conventional washers, ¼ cap for HE washers.
  • For extra oomph, you can add a few drops of Lemon or Thieves essential oil to the soap in the washing dispenser!
Thieves Kitchen & Bath Scrub

Thieves Kitchen and Bath Scrub is the perfect naturally derived cleaner: tough on messes and safe for your family! The scrubbing power comes from nepheline syenite, a naturally occurring mineral from Canada; baking soda that gently absorbs odors; sodium percarbonate that provides a powerful boost of oxygen-based cleaning power; and Young Living's signature Thieves blend. 
  • Use to clean kitchens, sinks, bathtubs, showers, commodes, etc.
  • Use it to naturally tackle soap scum, built-up grease and grime, and hard-water stains in the kitchen and bathroom.
  • Keep it on hand for cleaning ovens, grills and barbecues as well and dutch ovens or pans with baked-on grease. Add a few drops of Lemon for the most pesky food residues!
Thieves Dish Soap, 12 oz

If you want a dish soap that cuts the grease, doesn't leave your dishes with a scented residue, and is gentle on your hands, then Thieves Dish Soap is perfect for you! This cleaning powerhouse is free of the typical sulfates, dyes, and synthetics found in many dish soaps, and the plant-based formula leaves no harsh chemical residues - on your dishes or on your skin. Plus, a little goes a long way, and this bottle can up your cleaning game in the rest of the house too! 
  • Use to clean your dishes. Fill a sink with hot water, Thieves Dish Soap and a couple drops of Lemon for sparkling, clean dishes.
  • Use to pre-treat laundry stains! Simply wet the stain, rub Thieves Dish Soap onto it, scrub with a laundry brush, and wash.
  • Add to a shower brush for easy shower cleaning! Fill your brush with half cleaner and half soap. Use to scrub your shower every time you get in! 

Here are some of our favorite recipes, DIYs, and ways to use the products in this kit! This is truly all you need to clean your entire home.

Whip up a Thieves Household Cleaner for general cleaning - counters, bathrooms, everywhere!

To the 16 oz glass spray bottle add 1-2 capfuls of Thieves Household Cleaner. Option to add 10-15 drops each Lemon and Thieves essential oils. Fill with filtered water.

Pretreat stains with Thieves Dish Soap! Simply drop onto stains, use a wooden laundry brush to rub in, then wash in Thieves Laundry Soap. Make a stain stick!
  • 30mL roller bottle
  • Fill halfway with Thieves Household Cleaner
  • Add 1 Tbsp hydrogen peroxide and 10 drops Lemon essential oil
  • Fill the remainder with Thieves Dish Soap
  • Shake well and roll onto stains, then brush with a wooden laundry brush
Make a DIY Carpet & Rug Freshenerto freshen up your space whenever you vacuum.
  • To an airtight glass jar add:
  • 1 cup Baking Soda
  • ½ cup Fine Sea Salt
  • 15 drops Thieves
  • 20 drops Lemon
  • Mix well. When ready to use, sprinkle over carpets and let sit for 10 minutes before vacuuming.
Make a Linen & Upholstery Sprayto use when you change the sheets or anytime a surface needs a little freshening:
  • 16 oz glass spray bottle
  • 1-2 capfuls Thieves Household Cleaner
  • 15-20 drops each Thieves, Lemon
  • Filtered water
  • Shake to mix and spray on linens, upholstery, mattresses, anything really!
Make a DIY Laundry Scent Booster to make your laundry smell divine with zero harsh chemicals:
  • To a large glass jar with a lid add:
  • 1 cup Epsom Salt
  • ½ cup Fine Sea Salt
  • ½ cup Baking Soda
  • 30 drops Lemon (or a mix of desired oils)
  • To use, add 2-3 Tbsp directly to the laundry.
Make a DIY Wood Polish
  • 1 cup olive oil
  • 5 drops Thieves
  • 5 drops Lemon essential oil

Diffuse Thieves and Lemon together anytime you need a little freshening!

Want to grab your Happy, Healthy Home Kit but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

New Products Released at Convention 2023

2023 Convention Product Launch

Summer just got even more exciting because there are some amazing new products around – delicious immune gummies, Tropical Tango hand lotion, plant-based omegas AND MORE! Check out the new fun products that are perfect for all your summer wellness and back to school prep!

imageGreen Omega-3 Softgels (US Only)

Say hello to this vegan omega-3 supplement that serves up essential fatty acids from algal oil (algae!) instead of fish oil to support your heart, brain, eyes, and immune system. A plant-based source of omega-3 has so many benefits over traditional fish-based sources – less impact on the marine ecosystem, reduced potential for marine contaminants, and a product without a fishy smell or aftertaste. All the good stuff, none of the bad! This amazing supplement is described on this blog post.

imageImmugummies supplement (US Only)

Your new fall and winter (and honestly year round!) best friend! Packed with power and flavor, these elderflower-flavored gummies naturally support your immune system by helping to maintain key immune cells. This delicious new supplement combines 1,3 beta- glucans and the berries and flowers of the elder tree to provide delicious support for your immune health and upper respiratory tract. Plus, they're vegan friendly and have no added sugar, making them a guilt-free treat for the whole family. Read all about these gummies on this blog post.

imageDaily Prebiotic Fiber supplement (US Only)

Good fibes only. Sip your way to gut health with Daily Prebiotic Fiber powder! This plant-based formula supports a healthy gut microbiome, digestive system, and immune system. And this easy to use supplement is light years better than traditional OTC options! Just one scoop of our Daily Prebiotic Fiber supplement serves up 6 grams of plant-based prebiotic fiber from natural sources – agave, partially hydrolyzed guar gum, and prickly pear cactus extract. Ditch the artificially flavored fiber powders for this incredible supplement! Check out this blog post for more information.

Simplified by Jacob + Kait Tropical Tango Lip Balm

Our favorite lip balm + our favorite summer scent! It's no secret we love the Simplified essential oil blends, and Tropical Tango is a summer must have. So move over Bath & Body Works because this new scent is all we need! This balm leaves lips silky smooth and oh-so-soft.

imageSimplified by Jacob + Kait Tropical Tango Hand Cream

Meet our new summer staple! This limited-time product is enhanced with the delicious scent of Tropical Tango essential oil blend from the Simplified by Jacob + Kait Summer Collection. Give your hands a taste of the tropics with the aroma of fresh-picked florals, juicy oranges, and ripe coconuts.Massage into your hands to keep them moisturized and protected, then cup them around your nose to feel transported to an island paradise.

Ignite Your Journey Essential Oil Blend

Peppermint, Frankincense, and Cinnamon - oh my! This incredible blend will fuel your inner fire for sure. Created by D. Gary Young in 1992, this blend contains eight essential oils chosen for their invigorating aromas. There's no telling what you'll achieve when you set your mind to it with Ignite Your Journey blend as your sidekick!

imageValor (Original Blend!!)

Experience our original Valor essential oil blend with Frankincense, Black Spruce, Blue Tansy, and sustainably sourced Rosewood essential oil. Originally formulated by Young Living Founder D. Gary Young, Valor blend is a long-standing member favorite. Its one-of-a- kind formula was inspired by historical writings about Roman soldiers who were said to apply plant extracts and botanicals to inspire courage and confidence before going into battle.


Amazing new & patented developments in the essential oil world. Not available post-convention.

As the industry leader in essential oils and essential oil science, it's no surprise that Young Living has done it again! Meet Deep Spectra Technology – a cutting edge technology that uses distinct characteristics of essential oils to attract additional compounds from the plant. The final product contains an enriched array of organic plant compounds that give us even more incredible benefits from these oils!
Orange Cacao DeepSpectra essential oil extract (US Only)

  • A  unique fusion of Young Living Orange essential oil and unprocessed cacao beans grown on the Finca Botanica Farm in Ecuador.
  • With the patents-pending DeepSpectra technology, Orange essential oil was used to attract heavier plant compounds out of cacao. This essential oil extract has an amazing aroma and flavor, contains antioxidant properties, and helps support overall wellness.
imageCoriander Sandalwood DeepSpectra essential oil extract (US Only)

  • A unique fusion of Coriander essential oil and sandalwood plant material to create an entirely new essential oil extract.
  • In this extract, Coriander essential oil was used to extract compounds from sandalwood trees. As a result, this extract contains additional compounds that aren't found in essential oils extracted solely through steam or hydro distillation. Discover the possibilities of this brilliant essential oil extract in your skin care routine.
imageFrankincense2 DeepSpectra essential oil extract (US Only)

  • Wellness revolutionized. A unique fusion of Frankincense essential oil and frankincense resin compounds to create a brand-new essential oil extract.
  • Frankincense essential oil was used to extract boswellic acids and other compounds for more benefits than the essential oil alone.As a result, this extract is a heavier oil with a more luxurious feel. Explore a new spectrum of possibilities for your general wellness and immune health.

Say hello to the easy button for making a shift to green solutions for your home and health – the Make a Shift Kits! These easy-to-use kits come packed with a unique selection of the most popular products for replacing harsh chemicals, freshening your home, or supporting daily wellness routines.
Choose from one of the three kit options (spoiler alert: you cannot go wrong!).

imageMake A Shift: Essential Solutions Kit

This curated collection includes some of the most popular and most versatile essential oils around! You can use these oils for cleaning, skincare and self-care, creating a natural wellness cabinet, and much more, as described on this blog post.
  • Thieves essential oil blend, 5 ml
  • Purification essential oil blend, 5 ml
  • Lavender essential oil, 5 ml
  • Peppermint essential oil, 5 ml
  • Deep Relief Roll-On, 10 ml
  • Stress Away Roll-On, 10 ml
  • FreshStart Diffuser (exclusive to this kit!) 
  • Product insert with simple tips for using everything in the kit
imageMake a Shift: Happy, Healthy Home Kit

Green cleaning just got even easier. This curated collection features some of our most loved and most used Thieves products! Plus two purifying essential oils and a glass spray bottle – everything you need to keep your home fresh and clean without harsh chemicals. All the details are here on this blog post.
  • Thieves essential oil blend, 15 mL
  • Lemon essential oil , 15 mL
  • Thieves Household Cleaner 14.4 oz.
  • Amber Glass Spray Bottle
  • Thieves Laundry Soap
  • Thieves Kitchen & Bath Scrub
  • Thieves Dish Soap, 12 oz.
imageMake a Shift: Daily Wellness

This kit offers a starter pack of the fan-favorite, super nutritious NingXia Red (daily wellness!) and NingXia Nitro (kick the brain fog) wolfberry drinks, as well some of the most popular Vitality oils (dietary oils) so you can give your everyday wellness a jumpstart! Find all about this kit on this blog post.
  • NingXia Red, 30 ct sachets
  • NingXia Nitro, 14 ct
  • Orange Vitality
  • Lime Vitality
Want to try these new Make a Shift kits, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

ImmuGummies Supplement Spotlight - July 2023

ImmuGummies Spotlight

Respiratory and immune health has never been easier – or tastier! Packed with power and flavor, these elderflower-flavored gummies naturally support your immune system by helping to maintain key immune cells. The unique formula packs a punch for supporting immune, respiratory and gut health for the whole family!

ImmuGummies at a Glance
  • A unique fusion of elderberry and elder leaf with lime essential oil
  • Supports immune health and encourages optimal immune function
  • Supports upper respiratory tract health
  • Great source of antioxidants
  • Contains beta-glucans, a compound that helps protect against oxidative stress
  • Supports gut barrier integrity and function, a key component of both digestive and immune health 
  • Has a great taste and zero added sugar 
  • Vegetarian and vegan-friendly formula is great for ages 4 and up
Support your family's wellness with our the Immugummies daily supplement! These delicious elderflower- and lime-flavored gummies are more than just a sweet treat. They naturally support optimal immune function, immune health, and upper respiratory tract health.

Packed with power, flavor, and pure algal beta-glucans, these gummies are a daily must-have for a healthy immune system.

Elderberry & Elderflower

Elderberry and elderflower are two different parts of the same medicinal shrub, and both can be used for their health benefits! While similar, they each have distinct properties that can be used for immune and respiratory health.

Elderberries have been utilized in traditional folk medicine for thousands of years. In European folklore, elderberry consumption was associated with increased longevity and vigor! They are a great source of antioxidants, dietary fiber and vitamins, and are a wonderful way to provide immune support for the body.

Elderflowers are the flowers of the same plant that bloom before the berries form. They have a slight sweet, floral taste, making them a popular choice for teas and cordials. Elderflowers have been shown to have up to two times higher antioxidant activity than the berries due to a higher phenolic content, and they are great for supporting the respiratory system.

Key Ingredients

  • 1,3 beta-glucans (from Euglena gracilis algae) - Beta- glucans support immune health, immune function, and upper respiratory tract health. They're sourced through a sustainable indoor fermentation process to reduce waste and prevent harm to marine ecosystems.
  • Elderberry fruit juice concentrate - This ingredient contains antioxidants that combat free radicals and support the immune system.
  • Elderflower natural flavor - Flowers from the elder tree have been used for centuries to support a healthy respiratory system.
  • Lime essential oil - This zesty oil is a good source of d-limonene, a terpene that has antioxidant properties
Full Ingredient List

Tapioca fiber, Allulose, Sorbitol, Water, Pectin, Beta glucans (from Euglena gracilis extract), Elderflower natural flavor, Citric acid, Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) fruit concentrate, Medium chain triglycerides, Carnauba wax, Tapioca starch, Reb M, Purple carrot extract, Blueberry extract, Sodium citrate, Lime (Citrus latifolia) peel essential oil

How to Use ImmuGummies

  • Adults and children ages 4 and up, take 2 gummies daily. 
  • Enjoy anytime, with or without food.

Want to try Immugummies but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend