All Things Diffusing - June 2024

All Things Diffusing

Our diffusers are running 24/7 in our homes, supporting our immune systems, respiratory systems, emotions, cleansing the air and making things smell happy and inviting all at the same time. This is hands down one of the easiest health habits you can start! And we have you covered right here with everything you need to know.

Diffusing at a Glance

  • Makes your space smell amazing
  • An easy habit for anyone to start at any time
  • A great alternative to scented candles and wall plugs (which are full of toxins!)
  • Benefits many needs - mood, respiration, focus, immunity, cleansing, sleep and more
  • Supports overall health and a low-tox lifestyle
There are three major ways to use essential oils - topically (on the skin), ingesting, and aromatically (diffusing, inhaling from the bottle). We often choose the method of diffusing (or inhaling) over topical or ingesting because it is extremely effective for:
  • Emotions
  • Mental Support
  • Respiratory Support
  • Rest & Relaxation
Cliff notes version: Breathing our oils has the potential to make us happier, healthier, and more focused! 

What & How of Diffusing

All you need to start diffusing essential oils is a diffuser, a little bit of water, and some Young Living essential oils!

Each diffuser will have a fill line on the inside, so just add water to the fill line, add your oils of choice, replace the lid and turn on the diffuser. Instant transformation! You can place a diffuser virtually anywhere - your home, office, even your car! 

  • Feeling a little stressed with early morning traffic? Try Peppermint + Stress Away in an USB diffuser that sits right in your vehicle cup holder.
  • Need some help calming your thoughts at bedtime? Lavender, Cedarwood & Vetiver are your friends. (Put your diffuser right by your bed!).
  • Feeling a little stuffy? Diffuse Raven, Lemon and Frankincense (get extra oomph for diffusing while you shower - oils + steam!).
  • Want a festive atmosphere without the toxins in wall plugs and candles? Fire up that diffuser with a seasonal scent! Cinnamon bark, Clove and Orange are great in the fall/winter, and we love Lavender, Lemon and Lime in the spring/summer!
Quick tip! If you don't have a diffuser or have access to a wall plug/USB outlet, grab a tissue, a wooden clothes pin, or some cotton balls and drop a few drops of oil onto them. Place them in an air vent or under a seat in a vehicle or anywhere you can to create a passive diffuser! 

Benefits of Aromatherapy

The practice of aromatherapy has been around for centuries and has become an incredibly popular area of study in the last decade. There are countless studies on PubMed about the ways that essential oils can positively impact health areas such as immunity, mood and emotions, sleep, racing thoughts, focus and much more.

Does this sound too good to be true? Are you wondering how breathing in some Lavender can change your mood??

Aromatherapy (breathing in essential oils) sends messages to our brain through our cranial nerves. The olfactory (sense of smell!) cranial nerve ends in the brain right next to the organs of the limbic system - the system that controls mood, emotions and memory. So inhaling oils triggers this area, helping us to rest, reset, and recharge. And diffusing is a great way to get the benefit of these oils for more than one individual! You can play with combinations to find the ones you love and that are the most beneficial to you!

Diffusing FAQs

How long can I diffuse at a time?

We have diffusers going in our home pretty much 24/7! In large, open areas we don't keep track of how long we diffuse. At bedtime we use the intermittent setting on our diffusers and let them run all night long! And if we are diffusing in a room where doors are closed (ie kids bedrooms), we simply add less oils and use the intermittent setting. Don't overthink it!

How many drops do I use?

That will depend on your diffuser! Larger ones that cover more area will require more drops. Here are a few of our favorite diffusers available from Young Living:

Do I need to clean my diffuser?

  • We do recommend cleaning your diffuser for best results! For the Aria, YL recommends you wipe down after every use with a clean, dry cloth and, as needed, wash the glass bowl either by hand or in the dishwasher. For other diffusers, YL recommends: 
  • Clean the ultrasonic plate and lid after each use.
  • If essential oil begins to build up on the ultrasonic plate, gently wipe it off using a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol.
  • If essential oil begins to build up on the lid, gently wipe it off using mild soap and water only.
Diffuser Settings

Did you know you can turn the lights on and off and change the colors on the diffusers? Or that the kids' diffusers can also double as a sound machine? Depending on the diffuser simply press the button on the left to cycle through the light options.

Most diffusers also have 1 or 2 intermittent modes, which can be changed by pressing the button on the right to cycle through the options! This is one of our favorite ways to have oils diffusing while we sleep.

Check out the manual that comes with your diffuser or the product links above for specific info on each one!

Want to get started diffusing in your home, office, and car, but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Gift with Purchase! - June 2024

June's gifts with Purchase

FREE VALOR anyone?!! This month is off to an amazing start (ValorBlack Spruce, and Super B – oh my!), and we are here for it. Let's simplify this summer and be fully present to enjoy all this season holds, shall we?! The monthly Gift with Purchase is getting a simplifying face lift, and it has never been easier to earn incredible freebies that everyone needs, loves and uses every single day!

Simpler order tiers – Now the tier thresholds for free items are simpler. 100, 200, and 300PV orders each earn free gifts! More value – This month the 100PV gift is worth over $40! Previously this tier received free gifts around the $12 mark.

How Does it Work?

Here's how it works. You order the products you use all the time - household cleaning products, shampoo and bath gel, toothpaste and mouthwash, and all your favorite oils. Each time you hit a specific tier, a free gift is added to your order!! Win win!

Plus get 15% off two of our favorite products – SleepEssence and CBD Muscle Rub! Simply add the SleepEssence supplement and the 10-pack of CBD Muscle Rub Tins to your Loyalty Order and the discount will be added. This offer is exclusive to June loyalty orders!

Every month this generous company loads us up with free items simply for being loyal customers. We purchase items we'd be buying anyway - toothpaste, lotion, shampoo, supplements and cleaning supplies, etc - from Young Living, and we not only get amazing, high quality products that are safe for our families, we get free products, delivery to our doorstep and product credits galore! I am ALL about boxes of safe, effective and healthy products showing up in my mailbox with fun freebies inside. Just make sure to order a minimum of 50 PV to get your Loyalty Rewards!

For some of our favorite ways to use these oils and products, check out the June's 'How to Use' blog post. Then welcome in the sun this month with June's Gifts with Purchase. Then get diffusing these Picnic and Poolside Diffuser Recipes in June.

Exclusive 15% Off Summer Favorites!

Grab these two items on Loyalty Rewards for an exclusive discount.

SleepEssence Supplement
SleepEssence is a wonderful supplement for helping the body relax into its natural, restful sleep rhythm. It contains many sleep-supporting essential oils as well as melatonin to help you fall asleep and sleep well!

This is a crowd favorite for sure! From the mamas chasing kids all day to the dedicated athlete to those wanting relief from arthritis or muscle pain, so many individuals are loving the CBD muscle rub. And these small tins make it SO easy to pack it along with you wherever you go!

During the month of June

With a Loyalty Rewards order of 100 PV or more, you will a free 5 mL Valor!!! Such an incredible gift this month.

VALOR essential oil blend, 5 mL

Valor is a HUGE fan favorite – stress, sleep, balance, soothing emotions – and it smells amazing. Valor blends Frankincense, Black Spruce, Blue Tansy, Camphor Wood, and Geranium and was formulated based on writings about Roman soldiers who applied plant extracts to instill feelings of courage and confidence before going into battle. It is an incredible blend and one of Young Living's most popular oils!!

The Valor Spotlight covers so much more about this amazing must-have blend.

NOTE: for Loyalty orders only.

If you're asking what should I order?! We have you covered!

Create a Loyalty Rewards order with some of these ideas below and get Valor, Black Spruce, and Super B tablets FOR FREE. PLUS at least 30 points (up to 75!) to use as product credits!

  • SleepEssence (15% off! on Loyalty Orders) – Oh the life changing magic of sleep! When sleep feels elusive or you need some help getting those deep Zzzs, this supplement will be your best friend! (Spotlight)
  • CBD Muscle Rub Tins (15% off! on Loyalty Orders) – Take the cool, sweet relief of our beloved CBD Muscle Rub with you wherever you go this summer! These tins are small and so easy to tote around – or to share! (Spotlight)
  • Mineral Suncreen – Stock your summer bag now because this incredible sunscreen is a must. It is all natural, safe for all skin types, reef-safe and environmentally friendly, and it WORKS. (Sunscreen Spotlight)
  • Premium Starter Bundle – the OG for a reason, this kit has everything you need to join us in the Stress Solution challenge this month. It's all our  favorites in one place! (Spotlight)
  • Simplified Summer Collection – Our current favorite blends for all things summery! Use these oils in your diffuser, for seasonal DIYs, and even for perfumes! (Spotlight #1, Spotlight #2)
  • NingXia Red Packets – This daily red drink is a must have in our homes all year round, but it makes a FUN summer staple! Freeze the packets and take them to your pool, beach, or park day. Add NingXia to a sparkling water for an afternoon mocktail. Or create your own summer punch with NingXia at the center! (Spotlight #1, Spotlight #2)

200 PV Orders

With an order of 200 PV or more, you will receive a free 5 mL Northern Lights Black Spruce essential oil. If your order is a Loyalty Order, you'll receive a free 5 mL Valor essential oil blend and all of the above.

Northern Lights Black Spruce (NLBS) is a deep, woodsy oil that is exclusive to the Young Living family and has some wonderful properties! This oil is calming and grounding, brings soothing relief to sore and tense areas, and smells so incredible. This oil is a great one to grab after a workout, during acute immune system needs, or anytime your body is feeling the effects of inflammation of any kind! It is a household staple for sure!

For so much more about this powerhouse essential oil, check out the Rosemary Spotlight blog post.

300 PV Orders

With an order of 300 PV or more, you'll receive a free bottle of Super B Tablets and all of the above!

Super B is one of our daily must-haves! This B complex supplement is great for maintaining healthy energy levels, supporting mood, and maintaining cardiovascular and cognitive function. Our current lifestyles often leave our adrenal system (our fight or flight response) on overdrive, and B vitamins are a great way to give them some love on a daily basis.

Check out this blog post on how and why to use Super B everyday!

Wonder how to use your Gifts with Purchase? Check out this blog post to see all the ways!

What is Gift with Purchase?
Basically, the best way to order! You purchase products and YL sends you free ones. Each month you'll have new picks for every tier.

Whats a tier?
Basically, the more PV (product volume) you order, the more free products you receive. Order at least 100 PV to qualify for free gifts. Order at least 50 PV to qualify for Loyalty Reward Points. Every time you increase your order volume (up to 300 PV) and qualify for a new tier, you receive free products.

Earn points on products
Not only do you receive free goodies, but if you place a 50 PV+ order each month with Loyalty Rewards program, you'll also earn loyalty points on each purchase, which you can redeem for future products.

Earn exclusive gifts
If all those perks weren't enough, subscribers receive a free loyalty gift as a thank you each time you reach a benchmark anniversary of 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months of sequential ordering on the Loyalty Rewards program.

Not sure what to do to get these freebies? Click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Gift with Purchase! - Dec 2023

December's gifts with Purchase

‘Tis the season for all things cozy, and this month's free gifts will help you keep your wellness game strong as the snow settles and you snuggle by the fireplace! Use your Thieves essential oil blend over your lymph nodes and on the bottoms of your feet for immune health. Give your skin and hair some winter TLC with Cedarwood (and use it for a long winter's nap!). Add Longevity Vitality to a mug of tea,  and use Copaiba in your wellness roller for an incredible health boost. And lastly, use your FREE FRANKINCENSE (!!!) for glowing skin, immune support, happy lungs and sweet sweet sleep. This month is full of incredible health goodies!

Here's how it works. You order the products you use all the time - household cleaning products, shampoo and bath gel, toothpaste and mouthwash, and all your favorite oils. Each time you hit a specific tier, a free gift is added to your order!! Win win! 

How Does it Work?

Every month this generous company loads us up with free items simply for being loyal customers. We purchase items we'd be buying anyway - toothpaste, lotion, shampoo, makeup, supplements and cleaning supplies, etc - from Young Living, and we not only get amazing, high quality products that are safe for our families, we get free products, delivery to our doorstep and product credits galore! I am ALL about boxes of safe, effective and healthy products showing up in my mailbox with fun freebies inside. Just make sure to order a minimum of 50 PV to get your Loyalty Rewards!

For some of our favorite ways to use these oils and products, check out the December's 'How to Use' blog post. Check out the goodies from December's Gift with Purchase in this season of all things cozy.

For more details and ways to use these amazing products, check out this YouTube video from YL Corporate. Then get diffusing these Winter Wonderland Diffuser Recipes in December.

During the month of December

With a Loyalty Order order of 100 PV or more, you will a free 15 mL Cedarwood essential oil.

Cedarwood essential oil, 15 mL

To escape the cold, apply Cedarwood essential oil to your skin to soothe and moisturize. This oil is also wonderful for helping overtired brains and bodies relax into a night of sweet sleep!

Check out this spotlight blog post for more details about Cedarwood essential oil.

NOTE: for Loyalty orders only.

If you're asking what should I order?! We have you covered!

Create a Loyalty Rewards order with these favorite holiday and wellness products and get ALL of these for FREE: Cedarwood, Thieves, Longevity Vitality, Copaiba, and Frankincense. PLUS you'll get at least 30 points (up to 75!!) to use as product credits!

190 PV Orders

With an order of 190 PV or more, you will receive a free 5 mL Longevity Vitality essential oil blend. If your order is a Loyalty Order, you'll receive a free 15 mL Thieves essential oil blend and all of the above.

Warm up any tea this winter with a few drops of Longevity Vitality essential oil blend. Use this combination of Thyme, Orange, Clove, and Frankincense to help support normal immune function – it is a health powerhouse!

Check out this spotlight blog post for more details about Longevity essential oil.

Apply and diffuse Thieves all season long! This blend is our go-to for all things immune so get it on and around you as much as possible. Added bonus? It smells like the holiday season!

Check out all of these amazing ways to use Thieves on this blog post.

Note: Loyalty Orders only

250 PV Orders

With a 250 PV order or more, you will receive 15 mL Copaiba essential oil and all of the above.

Get set to shine with Copaiba essential oil. Apply it topically to promote the appearance of a youthful, radiant glow, and use it to calm any skin that needs calming. Copaiba is also wonderful to add to other blends to enhance their effects!

300 PV Orders

With an order of 300 PV or more, you'll receive a free 15 mL Frankincense essential oil and all of the above!

With its grounding and calming aroma, this precious oil was historically used to increase spiritual awareness and beautify skin. Apply it as part of your beauty routine or to any skin that needs some TLC. Diffuse alone or with Lavender to promote a calm environment. Also, add this oil to your wellness rollers and respiratory blends!

As one of my favorite blends to support my mental health, this blog posts tells you all about this supporting essential oil.

Wonder how to use your Gifts with Purchase? Check out this blog post to see all the ways!

What is Gift with Purchase?
Basically, the best way to order! You purchase products and YL sends you free ones. Each month you'll have new picks for every tier.

Whats a tier?
Basically, the more PV (product volume) you order, the more free products you receive. Order at least 100 PV to qualify for free gifts. Order at least 50 PV to qualify for Loyalty Reward Points. Every time you increase your order volume (up to 300 PV) and qualify for a new tier, you receive free products.

Earn points on products
Not only do you receive free goodies, but if you place a 50 PV+ order each month with Loyalty Rewards program, you'll also earn loyalty points on each purchase, which you can redeem for future products.

Earn exclusive gifts
If all those perks weren't enough, subscribers receive a free loyalty gift as a thank you each time you reach a benchmark anniversary of 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months of sequential ordering on the Loyalty Rewards program.

Not sure what to do to get these freebies? Click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

ImmuPro Spotlight - August 2023

ImmuPro Spotlight

ImmuPro is one of our favorite ways to support the immune system! These chewable tablets contain Ningxia wolfberry (a potent antioxidant), zinc, and selenium along with melatonin for restorative rest when you aren't at your best. Grab these tablets when you feel your defenses going down - or anytime you want a little boost!

MegaCal at a Glance
  • Provides immune system support through a mixture of Ningxia wolfberry polysaccharides and a mushroom powder blend
  • Contains Orange essential oil, which is high in limonene
  • Contains chelated minerals, including zinc and selenium, which emerging science suggests are more easily absorbed by the body for proper immune function
  • Delivers melatonin, which encourages restful sleep by promoting the body's natural sleep rhythm
  • A convenient way to support the immune system and healthy sleep

ImmuPro tablets are jam packed with some of the most powerful plant-powered immune stimulants around – the wolfberry, organic reishi, maitake, and agaricus blazei mushroom powders, zinc, and selenium. These ingredients deliver powerful antioxidant support to help reduce the damaging effects of oxidative stress from free radicals. Trace minerals like zinc, copper and selenium are essential for proper immune function. Plus, ImmuPro tablets include melatonin, a naturally occurring hormone that our bodies already produce that is great for immune support and sleep. Melatonin levels steadily decrease with age and in times of stress and is important as it encourages restful sleep by promoting the body's natural sleep rhythm.

Like all of Young Living's supplements, ImmuPro is enhanced with essential oils to help the body to assimilate and absorb the nutrients in the supplements, which is so amazing! ImmuPro contains Orange essential oil, which is rich in limonene. Limonene has been extensively studied for all of its health benefits from immune support to relaxation.

Key Ingredients
  • NingXia Wolfberry - packed with antioxidants and micronutrients; helps repair and prevent oxidative damage from free radicals
  • Reishi, Maitke, Mycelia mushroom powders - provide immune system support, help with memory, focus, brain health & also supports gut health (a key component of a healthy immune system!)
  • Melatonin - a naturally occurring hormone that the body makes to promote restful sleep, which is essential for immune function - especially in the presence of immune invaders
  • Orange essential oil - high in antioxidants and limonene, which support the immune system, bolster the natural immune response, and repair and prevent free radical damage

How to Use ImmuPro
  • Take 1 chewable tablet once daily at bedtime.
  • Use when you feel that telltale twinge in the back of your throat or any time you start to feel your defenses needing reinforcements.
  • Use before and during travel to support the immune system (airplanes, international travel, etc.)
Want to try ImmuProbut don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

CBD Calm Roll-On Spotlight - August 2023

CBD Calm Roll-On Spotlight

Topical use of CBD is another great option! There are so many studies on how much our skin absorbs, and there are even drug delivery mechanisms designed to exploit this.

Some studies state that 60% of what you put on your skin is absorbed into your bloodstream within 26 seconds. We want to be aware of the things that are bad for our health, but we can also utilize this for things we WANT to absorb -- like CBD and essential oils!

The Calm CBD blend is infused with essential oils like lavender, frankincense, ylang ylang and vetiver that help create a peaceful environment, relax and quiet your mind, and wind down before bed.

Eucalyptus (Globulus) Essential Oil: 
  • Contains a high percentage of eucalyptol
  • Helps create a sense of refreshment and renewal
  • Promotes health, well-being and healing
Frankincense Essential Oil: 
  • Promotes meditation and relaxation
  • Known for its anointing and healing powers
  • Mentioned in one of the oldest known medical records
Lavender Essential Oil: 
  • Calming + relaxing to the body, mind and emotions
  • Reduces mental stress and promotes relaxation
  • One of the few essential oils listed in the British Pharmacopoeia 
Orange Essential Oil: 
  • Creates a sense of peace and harmony
  • Uplifting and relaxing
  • High in limonene 
Vetiver Essential Oil: 
  • Used since ancient times for its anti-inflammatory properties
  • Grounding and calming with a woodsy aroma
  • Helps with stress and emotional trauma
  • May be helpful in attention disorders
Ylang Ylang Essential Oil: 
  • Uplifting and calming to the mind and body, especially the heart
  • Helps focus the thoughts and filter negativity
  • Can help enhance inner peace and combat anger

To use
Roll generously onto the neck, chest and wrists as desired.

Want to try CBD Calm Roll-onbut don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend