Vanilla Essential Oil

Oil Spotlight for December

Vanilla essential oil is such a warm, inviting and happy oil. It has a luxuriously rich, slightly sweet scent that enhances the experience of virtually every other essential oil, both when used topically or aromatically.

Each month we focus on using an oil everyday to help us in accomplishing our goals. Join us in choosing a method of application and simply getting this oil on and around you every day in December.

Vanilla at a Glance

  • Has a warm, rich, slightly sweet aroma
  • Can be diffused or applied topically to create a warm and tranquil environment
  • Can be applied directly to the skin or added to your favorite hair and body care products
  • Blends beautifully with essential oils and carrier oils for diffusion and topical application 
Vanilla extract is widely used in baking, perfume manufacturing and even aromatherapy, but many people don't realize the array of health benefits that come from using vanilla oil, even though it is not technically an essential oil. Young Living's Vanilla oleoresin is unique. It has an incredible scent and some wonderful health benefits.

  • Contains antioxidant properties
  • Supports healthy hormone levels
  • Supports mood and lifts the spirit
  • May help support healthy blood pressure levels
  • Support the immune system
  • Assists with stress relief and calming the mind
Vanilla is produced from Vanilla planifolia, an orchid that grows long bean pods. The process of obtaining Vanilla is extensive, as it can take up to four years for the vine to mature. The vine produces orchid blossoms that bloom for only 24 hours and must be pollinated by hand within 8-12 hours for the bean pod to grow. The entire process - growing, pollinating, drying, curing, and preparing for export - takes about one year. Who know?

Young Living's Vanilla is not strictly an extract or an absolute, both of which contain mostly alcohol and do not blend well with essential oils. Noticing these flaws in mainstream vanilla extracts and absolutes, the D. Gary Young Research Institute worked to find a vanilla product that would meet the 
Seed to Seal quality commitment and blend well with our essential oils. The result is a first-of-its-kind extraction method that yields a Vanilla oleoresin in fractioned coconut oil that diffuse and blends beautifully with essential oils. Such a HUGE win for us!

Key Constituents

Constituents are naturally occurring compounds in plants (and therefore essential oils) that give them specific health-supporting properties.

  • Vanillin - Studies have shown vanillin to have powerful antioxidant properties, to support the body's response to inflammation and posibly help fight infection.

Daily Habits with Vanilla:

Add Vanilla to your perfume rollers as a low note to add warmth:

  • Geranium, Neroli, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Vanilla, Orange
  • Vanilla, Lavender, Frankincense
  • Northern Lights Black Spruce, Vanilla, Tangerine, Bergamot, Geranium
  • Valor, Vanilla, Frankincense, Tangerine
  • Neroli, Jasmine, Vanilla
Diffuse Vanilla for a warm, welcoming aroma. Pair with citrus, spice oils, tree oils, or virtually anything.

Add a few drops of Vanilla to yarn-wrapped pine cones for a scented fire starter. Details on this cute and easy DIY here.

Drop Vanilla onto porous festive passive decor!

Apply it to your neck or wrists to create a soft, sweet personal fragrance

Use this Candy Cane Lip Scrub daily for a little self love.
  • 5 drops Peppermint
  • 5 drops Vanilla
  • 1/4 cup white sugar
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
    Whip coconut oil 
    with a mixer, then add in sugar and essential oils and mix again. Store in a glass jar.
    Apply nightly to lips in a circular motion. Wipe off with a dry towel.
Take a relaxing bath. Add 10 drops each Vanilla + Lavender to 1 cup Epsom salt and place under running water.

Add it to your bath and body products for a sweet, comforting aromatic experience.

Create a simple room spray. To a 2 oz glass spray bottle, add:
  • 20 dops Vanilla
  • 10 drops Peppermint or Cinnamon Bark
  • 15 drops Lavender (optional)
  • Splash of witch hazel
  • Fill the rest with water
Make a Creamsicle Body Polish for yourself and as a gift.
  • 1 cup brown sugar
    1 cup cold pressed coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp Vitamin E oil
  • 3 drops each Vanilla, Tangerine, Grapefruit, Lemon
    Combine all ingredients in a metal or glass container, use in the shower to exfoliate & moisturaize
Make (and gift) this Whipped Chocolate Body Butter
  • 1.4 cup virgin coconut oil
  • 1/8 cup organic shea butter
  • 1/8 cup raw cocoa butter
  • 1 tbsp Vitamin E oil
  • 10 drops Vanilla oil per jar
  • 5 drops Peppermint per jar (optional) for a Mint Mocha flavor
  • small glass jars
    Melt together coconut oil, shea butter and cocoa butter, then add in Vitamin E oil and wisk.
    Refrigerate until almost half solidified, then use a mixer to whip for 1 to 2 minutes until a fluffy consistency is achieved.
    Add in essential oils, then place in glass jars.


Diffusing is a wonderful health habit! We have our diffuser going almost 24/7 and love to choose blends that are supportive of individual needs or systems. Try some of these great combinations and enjoy the warm, welcoming scent of Vanilla.

  • Vanilla Spice: 4 drops Vanilla + 2 drops Cinnamon Bark + 2 drops Clove + 2 drops Tangerine
  • Creamsicle: 4 drops Vanilla + 3 drops Tangerine, 3 drops Lavender
  • Cozy Kitchen: 6 drops Lemon + 3 drops Vanilla + 2 drops Rosemary
  • Carrot Cake: 2 drops each Vanilla, Clove, Lemon, Carrot Seed
  • Seaside Breeze: 3 drops Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood + 3 drops Vanilla + 2 drops Lavender + 1 drop Frankincense

Join us in using Vanilla oil daily this season to create great daily habits that supports our overall health - physical, mental, and emotional. And learn more about Vanilla here.

Want to try Vanilla essential oil essential oilbut don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend


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