Shutran Oil Spotlight - June 2024

Shurtran Spotlight

Shutran is an empowering essential oil blend specially formulated for men to boost feelings of masculinity and confidence. And when men are feeling more masculine and confident…let's just say they become pretty irresistible! This is one oil you want to have in your daily routine.

Shutran at a Glance

Shutran's inspiring aroma appeals to both men and women, making it a wonderful choice for a cologne. BUT Shutran does not contain any synthetic ingredients like conventional colognes. Instead, it is formulated with pure, hormone-supporting essential oils.

Besides smelling wonderful, Shutran is a powerful emotional tool for releasing blocks and promoting feelings of balance. Because it contains Idaho Blue Spruce and other oils, it is well known for its ability to support healthy hormone levels, especially testosterone!

Key Constituents
*Constituents are naturally occurring compounds in plants (and therefore essential oils) that give them specific health-supporting properties

  • Alpha-pinene - a powerful antioxidant, some studies have shown alpha-pinene to support the body through inflammation and to help calm the mind
  • Limonene - known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-stress support, this is a powerful constituent with many health benefits
  • Camphene - some studies may show that this constituent supports cardiovascular health, may help reduce pain and inflammation, support the body's defenses to fungal infections
Shutran + Testosterone

Shutran was designed specifically for men as a way to naturally support healthy hormone levels. Because it contains Idaho Blue Spruce, Ylang Ylang, and Nothern Lights Black Spruce, it is an excellent oil for men to help balance and support testosterone levels.

Conifer oils are effective for reaching the pineal gland of the brain, especially Idaho Blue Spruce. This small but extremely important control switch plays a big role in hormone secretion, and regulation of mood, sleep patterns, and sexual development. Because of this and because of its unique constituent profile, Blue Spruce (and Black Spruce too!) is supportive of maintaining healthy testosterone, growth hormone and other hormone levels. This incredible oil doesn't simply ‘replace' testosterone like conventional options. It supports the body's own production of hormones which is a much better way to approach the need.

Key Ingredients

  • Idaho Blue Spruce - You say testosterone, we say Idaho Blue Spruce! This slightly sweet conifer oil is wonderful for providing the body with tools to create healthy testosterone levels.
  • Ylang Ylang - Ylang ylang is a wonderful oil for promoting connection and openness in relationships, making Shutran wonderful for promoting intimacy and also for making it smell divine.
  • Hinoki - Hinoki essential oil has been used historically for refreshing the soul and is used to create a calm ambiance that can help increase intuitive awareness – something essential for true connection and intimacy!
  • Davana - A lesser known, but truly wonderful oil, Davana has an exotic floral aroma that creates an environment of joy and romance.  It was traditionally used by Ayurvedic healers to balance the body and spirit. It also smells divine!
  • Northern Lights Black Spruce - Northern Lights Black Spruce has a grounding, earthy aroma that feels like walking through a beautiful, quiet forest. This oil enhances and uplifts the spirit and promotes feelings of completeness.
Daily Habits with Shutran

Apply to the wrists, neck, and chest as a daily cologne. Add a roller fitment to the top of the bottle for easy application!

Combine with epsom salts and add to warm bath water for a relaxing bath, or to ease muscles after exercise.

Add a few drops to a lightweight carrier oil, such as jojoba or grapeseed, to create a natural beard oil. To a 2 oz glass dropper bottle add:
  • 15 drops Shutran
  • 10 drops Bergamot
  • Optional: 10 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce
  • Fill with Jojoba or Grapeseed oil
    Apply to beard and skin and gently massage to keep the hair and skin happy and healthy. 
Make a customized cologne roller. To a 10 mL roller bottle add:
  • 25 drops Shutran
  • 10 drops Idaho Blue Spruce
  • 10 drops Bergamot
  • 3 drops Ylang Ylang
  • Fill with carrier of choice 
Make a DIY Massage Oil:
  • To a 2 oz pump bottle add:
  • 10 drops each Shutran, Idaho Blue Spruce, & Ylang ylang 
  • 5 drops each Orange & Sensation
  • Fill with jojoba oil
    Use as massage oil as desired! This is a great combination of oils for fostering emotional connection and intimacy with a spouse.
Make a DIY Pomade:
  • In a double boiler melt: 3 Tbsp shea butter (use refined for less scent) + 2 Tbsp beeswax pellets
  • In a separate bowl combine 2 Tbsp jojoba oil & 1 Tbsp cornstarch
  • Mix well then add in the melted shea butter/beeswax mixture and mix with a hand mixer.
  • Add 3-5  drops each Shutran, Idaho Blue Spruce, Rosemary, Cedarwood
    Mix well. Pomade will thicken as you mix. Transfer to a jar with an airtight lid.
    Store in a cool, dry place and use as desired.
Deeply inhale Shutran and diffuse while you journal, meditate, or visualize different outcomes to past traumatic or difficult experiences.

Apply to the inner thighs before or during intimacy.

Apply topically to desired area, to the bottoms of the feet, or use as needed to support a healthy endocrine system, especially to maintain balanced testosterone.

Apply between large and second toes which is a reflex point for releasing trauma stored in the body. Inhale the oil deeply when performing this exercise.

Want to try Shutran essential oil but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Safe Solutions for your Sex Life

Safe Solutions for your Sex Life

When it comes to physical intimacy, there are many things that can help or hinder us in the process. One simple way we can enhance our experience with products that don't harm our health is with Young Living massage oils. Find safe solutions for your sex life right here!

Safe Solutions for your Sex Life

Unfortunately both conventional and organic lubricants contain ingredients that can cause harm long after their use. These ingredients are toxic to vaginal tissue and disrupt the sensitive vagnial microbiome (balance of microorganisms that naturally inhabit the vagina).  Exposure to these ingredients can lead to discomfort, irritation, and increased risk of infection - even from short term exposure. Some lubricant ingredients also have the potential to cause chronic health issues including cancer and reproductive problems from repeated exposure.

Sensation Massage Oil

Sensation is formulated to create a beautiful smell that is profoundly romantic, refreshing, and arousing. It amplifies the excitement of experiencing new heights of self-expression and awareness. This blend is also nourishing and hydrating for the skin. The unique blend of essential oils can encourage and amplify an atmosphere of love, excitement, and affection.

  • Geranium essential oil is commonly used in perfumes for its uplifting aroma, and it can help balance hormones as well.
  • Jasmine essential oil helps you develop a broader perspective with its romantic floral aroma - a very feminine aroma that embraces and exults the sacred masculine - and has been revered for centuries as a symbol of love and purity, harmonizing opposites to promote wholeness.
  • Ylang Ylang essential oil has a calming aroma that sets the mood for romance and helps enhance emotional connection.
Relation Massage Oil

Relaxation massage oil can help restore a state of calm and invites tranquility to the mind, body, and spirit. The pure vegetable oils blended with essential oils are moisturizing and nourishing to help soothe all skin types. This calming massage oil combines some of our favorite essential oils from across the globe

  • Lavender helps promote feelings of calm and relaxation.
  • Ylang Ylang has a calming aroma that sets the mood for romance and helps enhance emotional connection.
  • Spearmint and Peppermint are energizing and uplifting to the body and mind.
  • Bergamot and Tangerine promote feelings of calm and connection to others.
Using Oils for Intimacy

  • Use your massage oil of choice in place of a personal lubricant for intimacy. There is always the option to further dilute the massage oil with V-6 carrier to test the area(s) or when making the switch.
  • Use Idaho Blue Spruce and Ylang ylang in the diffuser to set the mood for romance. 
  • Use Idaho Blue Spruce to support healthy testosterone levels. Many men choose to use it as a dietary supplement, and you can use it topically as a cologne as well.
  • Apply Goldenrod to the inner thighs for men or women.
  • Use PowerGize as a supplement to support healthy hormones and virility for men.
  • Use FemiGen or other hormone supporting supplements for women to keep hormones balanced.
I've put together a text-based master class with even more information to spice up your connection with your partner just for you. Simply text INTIMACY to (480) 401-1478 for the Sex and Intimacy Master Class.

Want to try (Sensation Massage OilRelaxation Massage OilV-6 Carrier OilIdaho Blue SpruceYlang ylangand Goldenrod), but don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Regenolone Supplement Spotlight - Nov 2023

Regenolone Moisturizing Cream Spotlight

Say hello to the best kept secret in glowing, healthy skin! Regenolone Moisturizing Cream is a moisture-rich cream that combines butters, plant extracts, minerals, vitamins, and a special blend of essential oils to balance female hormones and promote healthier, more youthful-looking skin.

Regenolone Moisturizing Cream at a Glance

  • Moisturizes dry skin for skin that feels soft, smooth, and comfortable
  • Absorbs quickly into skin without a greasy feel
  • Creates a cooling sensation on contact with Wintergreen and Peppermint premium essential oils to help comfort dry skin
  • Formulated with skin-supporting minerals and vitamins
  • Formulated without parabens, phthalates, petrochemicals, synthetic preservatives, synthetic fragrances, or synthetic dyes
Regenolone Moisturizing Cream combines plant extracts known for their nourishing properties with skin and hormone-loving essential oils to create a soothing, supporting cream you can use daily. Naturally derived ingredients, including wild yam and black and blue cohosh, along with a special blend of premium essential oils work together to invigorate the skin from the inside out!


The endocrine system is involved in every single body process and is essential to overall well being. Many common issues are linked to the endocrine system, which means support for this area is vital! Regenolone can be a wonderful tool for female hormone support because it contains both phytoestrogens and phyto-progesterone.
This moisturizing cream is great for more than just healthy skin! It is a wonderful option for female hormone support. Just take a peek at the ingredients below!

Key Ingredients

“Regenolone is a natural estrogen support cream with plant-based phytoestrogens that soothe the skin and can provide an alternative to conventional estrogen creams. It is chock full of incredible plant-based, hormone supporting ingredients:

  • Pregnenolone - shown to reduce corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) in experimental models (CRH is the first step in the production of the stress hormone cortisol); also a precursor hormone from which all other hormones are created and is important for the body's production of progesterone, which blocks cortisol receptors. 
  • Wolfberry seed oil, Shea butter, Aloe vera leaf - source of antioxidants; soothing and moisturizing to the skin; acts as a carrier for the herbs and essential oils in this formula
  • Calendula flower extract - a powerful source of antioxidants that soothes the skin, promotes healing and may help with menstrual pain
  • St. John's Wort - often used for improving low mood; may help improve symptoms of PMS and help with symptoms of menopause
  • Wintergreen essential oil - extremely high in methyl salicylate, an anti-inflammatory constituent that supports healthy blood pressure and blood vessels
  • Peppermint essential oil - contains constituents menthol and menthone which have anti-inflammatory properties and allow for improved absorption of other ingredients
  • Douglas Fir essential oil - contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties; aroma is soothing and grounding
  • Oregano essential oil - has powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial activity; boosts immunity, eases inflammation and promotes feelings of security
  • Vitamin E - a natural antioxidant that minimizes free radical damage within the body, promoting healthy cell function and overall health
  • Wild yam root extract - a natural source of plant-based progesterone that helps regulate blood sugar, raise HDL and lower LDL levels; supports estrogen and progesterone levels; has anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe muscle spasms
  • Retinyl palmitate (Vitamin A) - a powerful antioxidant that increases collagen production, treats mild acne and moisturizes the skin
  • Black & blue cohosh root extracts - a phytoestrogens that help counteract the effects of cortisol, stop stress responses, improve bone density, and promote healthy mood
How to Use

Apply a dime-sized amount directly onto skin as needed or desired.

Want to try Regenolone Moisturizing Creambut don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend

Prenolone Plus Supplement Spotlight - Nov 2023

Prenolone Supplement Spotlight

Hormones play a huge role in our overall health and well being, and Prenolone Plus is a wonderful addition for supporting female hormones! This body cream contains pregnenolone, DHEA, blue and black cohosh and essential oils that nourish the skin and also help maintain healthy hormone levels!

This body cream smells incredible and provides so many wonderful hormone supporting herbs such as St. John's Wort, Wild Yam extract (a key ingredient in Progessence Plus Serum), Ginkgo biloba leaf extract and green tea leaf extract. These herbs and essential oils work synergistically to promote a healthy balance of hormones while also nourishing the skin.

Prenolone Plus at a Glance

  • Specifically designed for women
  • Has a lovely, slightly floral scent that makes a wonderful personal fragrance
  • Moisture-rich cream nourishes and hydrates dry skin
  • Absorbs easily without a greasy feel
  • Made from plant-based, moisturizing ingredients and premium essential oils
Key Ingredients

  • DHEA - a precursor hormone for estradiol and testosterone; has been studied for its potential to increase bone density, decrease body fat, improve sexual function and correct hormonal imbalance.
  • Blue and Black Cohosh - supports the body through painful menstrual cycles and promotes healthy estrogen levels 
  • Pregnenolone - an endogenous precursor hormone that is required for the body to make progesterone, estrogen and testosterone.
  • Ylang ylang - helps balance hormones
  • Clary Sage - a natural phytoestrogen that supports hormone balance
  • Geranium, Bergamot, Fennel, Yarrow, Sage - support healthy hormone levels, calm and relax the mind, support healthy skin.
How to Use

Begin using 1 day after the menstrual cycle ends or as desired. Apply ¼ − ½ teaspoon 1−2 times daily for 21 consecutive days. Discontinue use for 7 days, then repeat. Massage cream thoroughly into soft-tissue areas of the body until absorbed (inner thigh, inside of the forearm). Individual needs may vary.

Want to try Prenolone Plusbut don't know where to start, click here to get started.

As Always, I'm here to support you.
Your Oily Girlfriend